On The Boat

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(Chapter Edit! More like rewrite but oh well!)

Noire hadn't woken up when the lifeboat she was on docked, and when she finally did Snake and the Midfords were relieved until she tried to speak, only getting a fit of coughs. The doctors had noticed her coughing fit and insisted she be taken to one of the rooms, which they gladly obliged to. They had wanted to see if Noire could at least walk but her attempts at even moving her arm had shown then the she was too weak to do anything other than rest. The doctors had found it best to only serve her soup with how irritated her throat appeared to be, and with Noire being too weak to barley move her arm they had to feed her themselves. It was obvious she wasn't pleased with that, but she understood there wasn't any point trying to do it herself with her condition. She had fallen asleep just seconds after eating, which amused the doctor that had been assigned to the girl greatly. She had been simply taking the tray away and cleaning her glasses off for a few seconds and turn around to find Noire fast asleep before she could be moved back onto her pillow.

When Noire woke up again the only thing she could make out was that someone was next to her, she didn't recognise the person, but from what she could see was that they looked similar to Sebastian. "Sebastian?" It was a weakly said, but the person seemed to recognise the name. "Awh, how sweet. I'm Beth, Sebastian's sister." Noire nodded and pushed herself onto her elbows so she could sit up, only to be pushed back down by Beth. "Sorry sweet cheeks, you're not going anywhere. You missy need to rest, in a state like this you could end up fainting from just standing up." She reluctantly obliged and stayed down. "What's the last thing you remember before waking up here?" At the moment Noire was struggling to even just think properly. Her head was spinning and her stomach was in knots. Beth waited as she thought, observing how dazed her eyes looked. "How about we try again later?" Noire nodded and closed her eyes, wanting the spinning in her head to go away. "How are you feeling, then? I doubt that you can't remember anything." Noire opened her eyes to stare at Beth for a moment before answering. "My head is spinning and my stomach is in knots." Beth frowned and felt her forehead, frown deepening as she took her hand away to grab the thermometer. When she read the temperature her frowning face had turned to worry. Noire was suddenly sent into another coughing fit, making Beth grab the bottle she had brought in for when she stopped. She quickly poured the contents into a glass and brought it to Noire's lips, forcing her to drink the remedy that had been made before she fell asleep. The last thing Noire saw before falling asleep was the worried face of Beth stroking her hair.

Beth smiled when Noire fell asleep, remembering that she had a bucket of water and a cloth for her. She placed the cold cloth on her head, she hadn't bothered to wring it out, figuring that water running down her face would help keep her cool. She heard a knock at the door and saw the Midford's enter, all looking worried, along with Snake. Lizzy was about to go off about how worried she was when Beth put a finger to her lips and nodded to the sleeping Noire. All of them looked worried, but stayed silent. "As worried as you are I believe it would be best if visitors were limited to her guardian, which if I may ask where they are?" Lizzy looked down at her shoes. "We don't know, Sebastian and Ciel haven't made it back yet." Beth's eyes softened at her sadness. "His name wouldn't happen to be Sebastian Michaelis would it?" Francis' eyebrow rose at the question, but nodded. "Well then you have nothing to worry about, my brother and his master will be back, I just know it. Twin intuition." She raised her hand and bowed to the family, smiling slightly. With her reassurance that Noire would be fine and her brother would be coming back they left her room. Beth sighed in relief and slid down the wall, exasperated. She was ready to just sit there forever until she heard Sebastian's voice. She sprang up and ran out, following the sounds she was hearing. They were in the room at the end of the hall and she poked her head in. "Hello, Sebastian." Ciel had fallen asleep already so it was just the two of them. His eyes brightened slightly at the sound of her voice, smiling and turning around. "Beth." Beth gave him a gentle hug and noticed the gash through his stomach, frowning. "Take your shirt off, I want to inspect that wound of yours." He raised an eyebrow but didn't question, wincing slightly as the fabric ran over the wound. Beth scrunched her nose up in distaste of the wound. "I'll get the stitches." He was about to protest when a clean shirt was thrown at his face. "No buts, ands, or ifs about it. It reeks of death scythe, it'll heal faster if I stitch it, human method it may be but its still effective. I had to stitch my arm back together after I got it stuck under one of the bricks of Lucifer's castle. I punched the wall and one of the bricks fell on my arm. I could've just let it grow back but I learned with stitching it'll just reattach itself and burn the stitches." Sebastian nodded, interested, he hadn't noticed she had started stitching until she pulled it a bit to roughly, gaining a hiss. "Sorry, it didn't want to budge." She quickly finished and patted his back. "Within a few hours it'll heal and be like nothing happened, dearie." His sister suddenly groaned in frustration, suddenly irritated. "What is it?" She grabbed his hand and started pulling him to the end of the hall. "She's trying to get up again." He had no idea who this she was until he saw Beth quickly walking over to a coughing Noire. "I told you less than ten minutes ago you shouldn't be getting up, earlier you were to weak to even move. Now you've gotten yourself another coughing fit, that medicine should have kept you asleep." Sebastian chuckled and walked over to the medicine cabinet, rummaging to find more than just the one bottle of sleeping medicine. "What's so funny, you nutter?" Beth looked to Noire was was trying to contain silent laughter at Sebastian's annoyed expression. "She's not human Beth. She's Lucifer's daughter and a Raiding Tomb." She sighed and held Noire like she was a giant stuffed animal, still sitting in the floor. "Okay, so what are you doing?" He sighed and went back to his rummaging after his distraction. "Unless you were to pour the entire bottle of that thing for her to drink a child's sleeping medicine isn't going to do anything for very long. Usually I end up mixing two or three kinds for her." Beth chuckled and kissed Noire, who was staring at Sebastian with mild interest. "Noire, open your mouth for me?" Noire really just wanted to get up and explore to take her mind off of feeling horrible, but did as Beth asked. "Horribly irritated, it would be best if you didn't speak until it heals." Noire nodded and took to messing with the necklace hanging around Beth's neck, she wanted to see what the object on it was. Beth smiled at her niece's sudden curiosity and allowed the charm on her necklace to be revealed. It was a simple circle, but it had Sebastian's contract mark on it. Sebastian had only found another child's bottle of sleeping medicine. Noire was about to see what Sebastian was doing, Beth clearly realised this and brought the child's attention back to her. "Pretty necklace, huh?" Noire nodded and placed the charm in her hand, quickly retracting it when the symbol started to change.

(The new symbol is the chapter picture)

Beth didn't recognise the symbol and was confused until she realised Noire had touched it. "Sebastian~! The lovely lady here has a nice contract symbol, right?" Sebastian looked over and was confused until he saw the charm on his sister's neck and her smiling face. He smiled as well and went back to searching. Noire picked it up and eyed it suspiciously, not seeing anything. Beth started giggling and patted the confused girl's head. "You don't get to see it until it appears on your hand." Sebastian had only found a few child's medicines, but they would have to do. Beth covered Noire's ears and looked to Sebastian. "Would you mind getting the glass of milk on the tray I left for her? You can mix it all into there. I imagine she'll resist if you just give it to her, seeing as she's just sitting here." She uncovered Noire's ear and picked her up, smiling slightly as she wrapped her arms around her neck. The ship suddenly lurched foreword, causing Noire to tighten her grip and force down the soup that threatened to come up. Beth looked to the slightly pale girl with sympathy. "Not good with a rough boat ride?" Noire shook her head an kept her eyes closed, still gripping tightly onto Beth. She absolutely hated boats that didn't ride smoothly. Sebastian chuckled at the poor girls sudden sea sickness, he handed the mixed glass of milk to Beth and took Noire from her. He sat down on the bed and laid her in his lap, holding her head up as Beth made her drink the spiked milk. She hadn't seen him yet so her confusion as to who was holding was understandable. When she finished Sebastian sat her up to face him before she fell asleep, smiling when her arms found their away around his torso. When a hand ruffled her hair they all looked up confused as to who it was. Sebastian and Beth were shocked to see their brother there, Lucifer himself with his hand on Noire's head. Noire didn't recognize who it was until she realized how much she looked like him. She suddenly felt wide awake now that he was here, but before she could even say anything the world started slowly turning black, their voices seemingly made distant by the dark. The last thing she could notice was someone stroking her hair, effectively lulling her to sleep.

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