Meeting Black and Smile

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It hadn't been an eventful day, until the man from yesterday arrived. She was talking with Doll until she heard commotion. She climbed up onto the crates nearby to see who it was. "Doll! It's the bloke who got bit by Betty!" She jumped down and grabbed Doll's hand, running towards the scene. She let go when she saw Joker and went to him grabbing his hand to inform him of her being there. "Mornin' Noire!" He seemed cheery today. "Mornin' Joker!" She chirped right back. She looked to the kid and to the board. "You're mean Joker, that kid won't be able to hit it" Dagger had a point there. She shrugged and let go of his hand. Joker picked her up so she could see over everyone. He threw the knife and it started loosing height and speed until it shot back up. Everyone was shocked, it kept happening with each knife.

"Knives don't do that.." she muttered. Maybe it's a trick he learned? She was just as confused as the others but shrugged it off, she was too tired to care, she had woken up earlier than normal and couldn't fall back asleep. She was drifting off until the cheers and chorus of the crowd startled her awake. Joker seemed to notice that and chuckled "Why don't Ye go take a nap?" She shook her head. "No, I gotta see what happens! It's like starting a book and then going into the sequel thinking I know enough and then ending up confused because Ye didn't bother to read the story!" Joker sighed. "After this your taking a nap." She crossed her arms and huffed. "Fine. Put me down before I end up falling asleep again. You're warm." She walked over to the boy and patted his back, scaring him, "Nice skills." He looked down at her, probably not expecting someone so young. "Shouldn't you be napping or something?" Her face grew red, they weren't alone so she couldn't punch him. She growled and huffed looking away until an idea hit her. "Joker! We can't just test 'im on knives! We gotta see what else he's good at!" He gasped in realization. "That's right Histoire!" It was the boy's turn to be angry and she giggled running over to Joker. "What's his name?" "His name is Finnian." She hummed in thought. Finnian.. Hm? Revenge is sweet.

Never had she thought about what it would be like having another kid around, no less one she could prank. She watched as he grumbled his way across the tightrope. "C'mon now! I can do better than that!" Wanting to outshine her he started trying to walk faster. "Idiot.." The butler was snickering, she started snickering too finding it amusing how he tried to outshine a born street rat in balancing. He finally reached the end. It was the butlers turn, and might I tell you he was definitely a Jack Of All Trades. He was about to swallow a sword until he felt a tug at his pant leg, Noire was staring up at him with worried eyes. "We don't need you dyin' on us now do we?" She let go and walked back over to Joker. He noticed those two seemed incredibly close, and something was off about that girl. They walked outside. Noire snickered at the younger one's name. "C'mon Smile! Smile~!" She was grinning like Cheshire Cat waiting for Alice to notice it. He finally smiled and it was sparkling. She stared at him and quickly walked away looking behind her to make sure no one noticed she was slipping out. Black was watching her, she signaled for silence and waited. "I believe Histoire is sneaking out, Joker." She looked at him with a look of betrayal and ran out. He turned around and walked after her, unless she hid somewhere she wouldn't get far with him on her tail. She was panicking, She moved one of the crates and hid behind it. Joker walked by and notice one of the crates was out of place, he moved it to find Noire struggling to stay awake. He chuckled and picked her up. "Come now, let's get Ye to the tent." She nodded and fell asleep in Joker's arms, not noticing the stares of Black and Smile.

They noted that the tent they went into was Joker's, they only saw 4 tents so they were wondering where her tent was. When he exited the tent Black went over to see what was inside. It appeared that they shared a tent, it was understandable seeing how young she was. Her side was a bit neater than Joker's. Her things were organized. There was an image of her and the other first tiers. It was something that only he would notice but her eyes seem to have a hint of actual color in the photograph. There was another of her and a maid. She was wearing a scarf that said "Forever Noire" and had Noire on her back. They seemed to be having fun. She stirred as he put the painting back. He stood there, wondering what would happen. She opened her eyes half way and rolled over brushing her hair with her fingers. Black had to admit she was what humans would call adorable. She paused for a moment.. It seemed realization was sinking in. She turned over and looked at where Black was. She shrugged it off and sat up, stretching. "The bloke.. So odd I'm seeing things now." She got up, she knew it was around lunch time.

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