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They were finally in London. All these years and they had made it. Noire was 5 now, and had a lot of adventures for a child her age. She hadn't grown an inch from being 3'8". Peter and Wendy hadn't grown either. Beast and Doll had grown up. Joker had grown into a fine man and so had Dagger. Jumbo was a giant compared to her still. It may seem surprising that Joker was 25 but she was so little, it happens when you're 20 years apart.

"Joker?!" She poked her head into their tent hoping to find him. They shared a tent because she would get scared at night and climb into bed with Joker. Her tent was made into a storage tent. She went to find someone who might know where Joker was. "Beast, do you know where Joker is? The latest shipment of make-up arrived and the man wouldn't give it to me and said 'ee would only give it to whoever was in charge." Beast sighed. Of course, there was a new delivery man. "I'll come up front with you, maybe he'll give it to is then." They walked up to the front together and saw that he was about to take off. "Wait! Mista!" He stopped and saw she had someone else. "Is this the ring leader?" The way he asked it irked both girls. "No, but I'll take it to him. Would that be alright?" Histoire looked up to her, sharing a glance that registered as she was annoyed too. He looked at her questioningly. "Mista? She knows the ring leader very well." He looked to the girl and back to the taller one. "As what? His mistress?!" Beast growled. "Excuse me Mista?! Beast here is far more decent than that! She's an animal tamer you bloke, the best there is!" Joker seemed to notice the commotion up front and walked over. Both Beast and Histoire were fuming. "Excuse me? Might Ye be delivering the make-up we asked for?" The delivery man nodded. "Are you the ring leader?" He nodded and got handed the receipt, the crates of makeup were unloaded and he left. Beast seemed to have calmed down but Histoire was still pretty mad. "What happened?" Beast went off to go feed Betty to avoid him asking her. "That cursed bloke said Beast was yer mistress!" Joker put his hand on her shoulder and knelt down so he could look at her properly. "It's not his fault for not knowing she was a circus member." She signed. "That isn't the problem. The problem is that 'ee called her something so indecent." Joker shook his head and chuckled. "You shouldn't even know what a mistress is."


It was time for the show. She would go out and greet the audience with Joker and then help with props, then go help Doc in his tent. She was trying her hardest to remain calm, it was hard since this was their first show in London. She ran to Joker when she heard her name. "Ye needed me?" He nodded. "Shows about to start." She gasped and went to go get her cape and her favorite head piece, running back quickly to find Joker about to walk in. He noticed her and motioned for her to get up on his shoulders. She did so and he walked out onto the stage. "Ladies and Gents, Boys and Girls! Welcome! To Noah's Ark Circus! My name is Joker and-oops!" She caught one of the balls before it could fall onto the ground, and looked to Joker. "Can I throw it to the audience?" She asked him whispering so only he could here. "Sure, why not?" She had noticed a particular pair staring at her, analyzing her. She bounced it in her hand a few times before throwing it directly for the butler clad in black's face, hoping for it to leave a nasty bruise on his cheek. Letting them know she had noticed their gazes may have not been the best choice, but she wanted it to stop, it was making her nerves on end. He caught it. "Awh, he caught it.." She accidentally muttered out loud. Joker started laughing, some of the audience did too. "Histoire you shouldn't aim things directly for the audience." She put back on her innocent facade. "I'm sorry Joker, but he just seemed interesting, so I wanted to see if he could catch the ball. I didn't mean to aim it at his face." She was lucky the lights were hiding her Cheshire grin, because Joker would have been pissed. He patted her head and put her down. "Go help Anyone who needs it." She saluted him nodding her head sharply "Hai!" She ran off, allowing the show to continue running away from the main tent trying to contain her laughter. She sat down in front of the medical tent, amusement radiating off of her in waves. Doc came outside and noticed her amused face. "What did you do?" She broke out laughing. "This bloke and his butler were starin' at me kinda funny so I decided to throw a ball at the butlers face to let 'em know I noticed. It's a shame he caught it but it was still funny." Doc started chuckling. "Why don't you put your energy to work and help me organize a few things." She nodded and went to the back of the tent to organize the prosthetics for the others. She knew they were made out of bones, she just thought they were made out of animal bones.

She heard someone yell about some poor bloke who got but by Betty. She instantly stopped organizing and poked her head out of the tent noticing Joker and someone else. She couldn't see their face until they were closer. She gasped as her eyes widened, a blush making it's way across her cheeks in embarrassment that he had come back here and he was the one bitten by Betty. "Poor Bloke.." She muttered quickly ducking her head back in when he looked her way. "Doc! The bloke's butler is back here!" She whisper yelled. He chuckled. "Just go back to organizing the prosthetics please." She sighed and did as she was asked. She heard him and Joker conversing until she heard her name being called. "Oh great.." She muttered, mustering up every ounce of courage she had. She walked out of the tent and ran to Joker. "Ye called for me?" She was trying her damned hardest not to look at the butler and start laughing, she bit her lip as a grin threatened to make it's away across her face. "Yes, would ye take him to Doc?" She dead panned. This just got complicated, she sighed in annoyance. "Fine, do.. Whatever you do after the show." He thanked her and walked off. "So.. I heard Ye got bit by Betty." She was biting her lip again trying not to snicker. He seemed to notice her amusement. "May I ask what's so amusing?" She shook her head "I never thought that the one bloke who finally caught I ball I threw at them would allow Betty to bite 'im in the head." He chuckled. "Ye know, for a butler Ye sure do talk kinda fancy. It could just be me though, never met a butler before.. Oh look we're here."

She did her best to open the flap so he could enter first, it's not exactly easy when the man is over 2 feet taller. The thing was heavy too, so the best she managed was up to his neck. He just stood there. "Ye either go in now or the thing hits you later." She heard Dagger say. He walked in as she let go, sliding in before it could fully close and hit her. "Doc? The poor bloke here got bit by Betty!" Doc came over and examined his head, finding nothing. "No bite marks at all." She climbed up onto the bed and checked herself. "None at all.. Ye get bit by Betty and ye come out unscathed. The only other one to do that is me." She shivered at the memory of having to make the tiger open it's mouth to let her out. "It was a mere play bite." She dead panned. "Betty doesn't 'play bite' if she did I wouldn't have ended up inside of her mouth." He looked at her like she was crazy. Dagger and Doc shivered. "The thing scared me half to death."

She jumped off the bed as Beast came in, landing with an ungraceful thud as her feet slipped out from under her after landing. "Ow.. Watchya need Beast?" Beast tapped on her leg. "Can you look at my leg Doc?" Dagger suddenly started freaking out. "Oh! Big sis! Same reason why I'm here." Noire had forgotten that Dagger had an obsession with Beast. "You!" She started glaring daggers and the man. "Come now Beast let's look at that leg." She got up on the table and let Noire examine her leg. The man came over and examined it with her. "This is a prosthetic?" Noire had stopped and was glaring at him along with Dagger. He kept touching it until Beast finally snapped. "Pervert!" Trying to kick him in the head. He moved away quickly. Noire grabbed her knife out of its place on her arm and threw it at him. It was a special design throwing knife, it could be used as a dagger but thrown like a throwing knife, the inscription "Forever Noire" on the cherry wood handle, the blade was stained black. He caught it and threw it back, she managed to catch it and put it back in it's place.

Beast kept trying to whip him and Dagger nail him with one if his daggers until they all heard the sound of a whip hitting something, a cry of pain, and a thud. Noire had gotten hit with the whip and was on the ground whimpering trying to stop the bleeding in her arm with her hand. Beast and Dagger went over to her along with Doc. "I'm so sorry Noire!" She shook her head, eyes still closed tight. "You didn't mean to, it's my fault for trying to walk through the middle of it." She hissed in pain as the air touched the wound when Doc removed her hand. "It'll leave a scar unfortunately, but it will heal without any kind of stitches." He got the alcohol and a cloth. "This is going to hurt." She hissed loudly as he cleaned it out. She finally opened her eyes and blinked them to refocus. "Ye have skill." Everyone heard Joker say as he walked in. They then discussed that he should join and him bringing someone else. She just hoped that it wasn't the boy.

It was night so she decided to go back to her tent and change into her night wear. She came out of her tent and went to Snake's to say goodnight to him and all of his snakes.

Her hair was down and to her waist, flowing behind her as she ran, she saw the man from earlier waking towards Snake's tent. "Hey! Mista!" That caught his attention but he didn't see anyone. She blinked a few times annoying that she was so short and he was a tree. "Down here.." she muttered. He finally noticed her and gave a questioning glance. "Yer not supposed to be back here, the exit's that way." He nodded as a thanks and walked away. "Have a good night!" She called back before running back to her and Joker's tent, she crawled into bed and under the covers. Joker walked in and noticed her. "Goodnight Noire" "Good night Big Brother." At that she fell asleep.

Forever NoireOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz