New Home.

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When they had gotten to the townhouse Noire was still out cold. He left her book with her and went to wash the dress that was inside of her bag. The one thing no one noticed until now was that the stains weren't red, or even brown. They were dark, a purple color. Her front was covered in blood seeing as she was coughing so much and her shirt was loose. He would have to take care of it later, he could just ask Agni to, but he imagined she wouldn't like the idea of some strange foreign man bathing her. If she can master her chants she might be a good asset to have as a pawn. He heard a heart beat quicken and the agitation rolling off of Noire was obvious as soon as you approached. She was trying to sit up, but could only barley manage to lift herself onto her elbows. "You shouldn't be trying to get up and move around yet, you need rest." He would've said she's still weak, but he had a feeling that wouldn't turn out very good for him. "You can barley manage to pull yourself onto your elbows and you want to wander around." He pushed her down and she just stared up at the ceiling. Clearly annoyed that she could barley move. Distaste shown in her eyes, probably from the feeling of blood on her chest. She was clearly deep in though as her eyes were focused and unwavering. She couldn't do anything and she didn't have to so anything, she could just daydream. He saw that tiny little glint of something, that she thought she had outsmarted him. Clearly she wasn't going to sleep by herself anytime soon. He placed his hand on her forehead and watched as she struggled to keep her eyes focused and open. Her eyes finally closed with a defeated sigh from her. He hadn't done much, she might not fall asleep anytime soon but she would be too exhausted to move if she tried. Sebastian didn't like the thought of her being awake, allowing her to just sit there, probably daydreaming, for a bit he thought she had fallen asleep, but her heartbeat quickened. He sighed and placed his hand on forehead again to force her into sleep. He watched her relax and he chuckled. She suddenly woke up, she wasn't actually awake though, more like half-asleep.

She back fell asleep quickly and he cupped her cheek. It seemed like it was instinctive, but she grabbed his hand and held it, he could tell just that had made her arm tired so she didn't move it anymore. He didn't know why but he held hers right back. She seemed so innocent yet knew so much. He felt the need to protect and couldn't figure out why. Her book seemed to know that he was confused and it opened on its own, to the very last page. In it was written in cursive: Owner: Noire Marie Addicott, Protector of Book/Owner: Sebastian Michaelis. That explained why he was so protective of her. He looked at her hair and noticed it was starting to turn into a red color like Joker's. It had crept up a good two inches up her hair. Her hair wasn't as tamed as it was perceived to be either. It was quite curly. He liked it either way.


She was always an odd child. Always managed to learn things faster than normal, had a knack for history too. Always wanted to be playing with the pretty flowers she found. Her hair was always bouncy and curly, simply adorable. She and Doll were always adorable. Doll would become self conscious, but was always assured by Noire she was super pretty. They loved each other's hair. The fiery red against the brown, two different shades of blue staring each other down until they couldn't take it anymore and fell to the ground laughing. When Noire saw her hurt eye she thought it was cool, even though she said it wasn't the nicest thing around, it's what made her, her. Noire had a scar from her time at the cult that she never let a soul see. Instead of branding her they cut it into her back, but it wasn't the same symbol, it was a pentagram. Now it's just a pale scar but it still hurt when they did it, that was the day her book came to her, and made them leave her alone.

Back To Reality~!

Noire woke up from her favorite dream, even though it was a bit sad now it was still her favorite. It was of her and Doll as children playing in the streets of London. She was in a good mood. She stayed in bed figuring she should probably rest some more. She couldn't move yet but she was fine just laying here.. She looked at her slowly curling hair and smiled. It was finally wearing off. She had felt Sebastian's hand on her cheek. It just made her feel so safe, like the weight of the world was just suddenly being shared by the both of them and nothing could touch her. Of course she knew that wasn't true. Who wouldn't want to never let the feeling of peace go? She was quite content now, even though she did miss her brother a bit, there was always time to start something fresh. Sebastian walked in with her breakfast and left it on her bedside table, probably thinking she was still asleep. She would love to sleep all day in the comfortable bed, but that wouldn't be happening. Her book snapped itself shut startling both her and Sebastian. They both looked to the book, it seemed to want attention. Noire rolled her eyes, silently telling it she couldn't move. Her book was like someone to talk to, it was essentially a soul inside a book, so it would try and converse with her through it's writing. It was one of a kind. "Scaring me half to death like that.." She muttered as it started writing something that only she would understand, it was her own little language she had made up so prying eyes couldn't see. To Sebastian she was reading a bunch of gibberish, but she seemed to understand. It seemed like it was something nice because her eyes lit up. It managed to moved to one of her hands and snapped shut. Noire just sighed. She paused noticing her hair red and curled. She gasped and brought her hair into her vision. Sebastian seemed to notice it too and was confused why she was so excited. The book wrote in English that he couldn't understand why she was so excited. She blew a strand away from her face. "This is my natural hair color. It turned blonde when I joined the circus." He looked her and finally noticed how much brighter her hair and eyes were compared to her brother. "Can you sit up on your own yet?" She shook her head and was clearly annoyed. He helped her sit up and placed the tray of food in front of her. He sat there tracing circles on her back as she she ate. He hadn't had the chance to bathe her last night so he would send her back to sleep and do so. He was still tracing her back as she finished. He took the tray and move it away. He pushed her back down, seeing the amount of effort it took to simply lift her arm was a bit worrying, but she would be out of commission for a day or two more before she could even possibly think of moving off the bed. He started tracing patterns on her arm and she looked to him confused to what he was doing. He just smiled and moved on to trace patterns on her stomach, relaxing her so he could put her back into the dark abyss of sleep. She closed her eyes, suddenly feeling tired once more. He smiled at the oblivion of what he was doing. He moved to her forehead, her eyes opened and she shot him a glare that told him she knew what he was about to do. It wasn't much of a glare seeing how obviously tired her eyes were. He closed her eyes and made sure that she would be out for a few hours, waking up only to eat. She instantly relaxed as he stroked her hair and fell asleep quickly.

He picked her up took off her clothes to bathe her. He picked her up and placed her into the warm bath, making sure to be careful not to hurt her in any way. She smiled in her sleep when he cupped her face. He grabbed a towel and dried her off, dressing her and brushing her hair. He smiled, she looked so peaceful. Him brushing her hair was slowly sending away any alertness she might have and lulled her deep into sleep. He moved her head onto her pillow and watched her shift onto her side and curl up into a ball with her hands under her pillow. She was just like a kitten. He stroked her hair before getting up to go tend to other things. Agni was walking by and noticed Noire. He knew to keep his voice down. "Who's that?" He looked to Sebastian to see her looking at her with warm eyes. "Her name is Noire." Agni smiled, he cared for her. He wouldn't push anything, he knew better.. now about Soma. He came barreling up the stairs towards Ciel's room. "Ciel!" Agni stopped him and put a finger to his lips, gesturing to Noire. She was awake, but would probably fall back asleep quickly. He gasped. "She'll make a perfect wife!" Noire smirked, she clearly heard that. "In your dreams, buddy." It came out as more of a sleepy mumble than a statement, but it was obvious she meant it. She turned over and fell back asleep. Soma was shocked, she didn't even bother to open her eyes and he got rejected. He noticed Agni and Sebastian had left and went into her room. He gently shook her awake and she was clearly un-amused to be woken. "What?" He was staring into her eyes lost until he brought himself back. "You will not be my wife?" She sighed. "Im only five, I can't be your wife. I also have no desire to get married until I find someone I would be willing to spend the rest of my life with." She was smiling. "As much as I actually appreciate that you think I would be a good wife I'm not interested." Soma smiled, she was an honest girl. He could appreciate that even if she wouldn't be his wife. "Ciel's in his study." She chuckled as he ran out. Closing her eyes hoping to get more sleep.

She felt restless all of a sudden, the peacefulness from sleep gone. She grunted and flipped herself over once again hoping to at least relax. It wasn't long before she gave up to stare at the ceiling. Sebastian walked in to see her staring at the ceiling clearly annoyed. "You're awake." She sighed. "Whoever said I'd be their wife came in and woke me up, asking me why I wouldn't be his wife. It actually put me in good mood until I couldn't fall back asleep." He chuckled and came over to her to brush her hair away from her face. He paused to feel her forehead. "You're burning up." She was clearly annoyed. "First I can't move and now I get the pleasure of having a fever." Sarcasm was dripping from her voice. He sighed and went to go get a cold cloth. She was asleep when he came back but it was restless. Asleep but not getting any rest or energy from it. He put the cloth on her head after forcing her mind back into a deep sleep. Her cheeks were red from the fever and were warm. He wasn't happy about this. Clearly her sudden restlessness earlier had spiked it. He would probably have to keep her asleep, awake only to eat and bathe.

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