Going home.

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They had visited the workhouse and it had been long abandon, she was a bit sad that the others wouldn't be able to play with her anymore but it didn't really matter. They never would've been able to actually play. She could always find something to do. Ciel and gone a bit bonkers, resulting in Noire hiding behind Sebastian and asking if he had lost it. Resulting in a lengthy back and forth of differing opinions on that topic. They both had fallen asleep in the carriage on the way to the manor. ,Noire was curled into a ball next to Sebastian who had moved her against him so she wouldn't get cold. Of course he had to move her back when they arrived though. That had woken her up, and she pointed out the obvious state to the manor. She got out of the carriage after waking Ciel up and nearly tripping over nothing. She looked around, there wasn't any obvious signs of the troop other than the destruction. She was jolted out of her thoughts when she sensed a very unwelcoming aura radiating off of Sebastian. "How many times do I have to tell you quietly?" She involuntarily shivered. "Sheesh. Don't get him mad." She muttered to herself. It was dead silent after that until they all noticed her looking around. "Who's she?" They all looked to her curiously. She instantly stopped and froze. She would've rather gone unnoticed by the staff until she could get her bearings, but she might as well introduce herself so she doesn't tick off Sebastian. She shivered at the thought and turned around and held her hand out with a small smile on her face, they seemed nice enough. "I'm Noire." The maid shook it. "I'm Mey-Rin!" The chef stepped up next "I'm Baldroy. Call me Bard." It was the gardeners turn. "I'm Finnian, Call me Finny." She unconsciously started messing with the end of her scarf suddenly nervous. "Hi.." She muttered quietly looking away. She was never fond of meeting new people. She was usually introduced to them by Joker, or someone else. Mey-Rin suddenly squealed and picked her up squishing her and spinning around. "Oh she's so cute, yes she is!" A blush made it's way across Noire's face and she was looking for that aura that made her feel safe from Sebastian, it was no where in sight. "Can't Breath!" She heard a chuckle, it wasn't Sebastian's but it still made her feel a bit better. "Put her down before you suffocate the poor girl, Mey-Rin" She was suddenly dropped and she took in a big breath of air. Freedom! She thought happily. She just stood there waiting for someone to say something, she resumed messing with her scarf. They seemed nice, but she still was nervous. "Not good with knew people, eh?" She shook her head. "I usually just stick with the people I knew, if not I was usually introduced and I didn't have to say a word. I guess I kinda became shy when all I had to do was stand next to Joker and look cute instead of socializing." They all seemed confused. "I sort of was in a circus for most of my life. About 2 years, Most of them didn't have names, just stage names. Joker was my older brother. The others were like family too though." It seemed her smile could light up a whole room. "So uh, what happened to them?" She looked up, she wasn't sad, it was a knowing look. She wasn't upset at all, maybe with Joker but that's it. She gestured to their surroundings and smiled. They were confused, they killed her family and she didn't seem to be affected by it. Either she was truly oblivious or she knew something. "It's not surprising they ended up dead. It sounds horrible that I'm not affected that much by it, but they should've known what they were dealing with." She shrugged nonchalantly, "The Queens Watchdog wouldn't be dumb enough not to have some form of protection, they should've known." They were all stunned. This little girl was incredibly wise, and she knew and didn't try to stop them? "What? When you're born on the streets you need to be a quick thinker and know what you're dealing with." She could talk like one, she looked like one, but she didn't quite sound like one. "You don't talk like one..?" Finny seemed to be catching on. "I do, I just haven't let Ye hear it. Sebastian told me that if I'm to be seen in public I'd have to talk like one of 'em" Now they could tell she wasn't of nobility. She heard someone else's breathing enter the room, it was too long of breaths to be a child's, yet too light to be human. She turned around to face Sebastian. "I see you've gotten to meet the staff." The others all jumped and were surprised the girl didn't seem afraid at all. "Yes, they seem nice." He looked at her in surprise that she didn't jump about 10 feet in the air. "What?" She pointed to her ears, letting him know she had heard him. "Ah, well let's get you to your room, I'm sure you're tired." She nodded and walked beside him as they left for her room. They were walking up the stairs at a subdued pace until he heard a squeak from the girl behind him and the squeaking of the railing from hands being dragged down. She stood up straight. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Just tripped is all." They continued to her room. She was practically running to keep up with his long strides. They arrived and walked in, she was in awe at how big the room was. Her bag wasn't in there and she was confused because she knew Sebastian had taken it. "This is where you'll be staying when we have guests to avoid suspicion." She looked at him confused. Then where am I staying? She questioned herself. He lead her back downstairs and to the servants quarters, he opened the door and her bag was on her bed. "This is where you'll be staying most of the time, we don't have guests often." She nodded and suddenly realized the room smelled a bit like Sebastian. She smirked, of course he let her stay in his room. He knew that his presence calmed her down so why not just give her his room? She went straight to her bag and took out her book and put it on top of the dresser. She turned around to say thank you be he wasn't "Thanks.." She sighed and turned back to her bag "You're welcome." She shrieked and dropped the thing turning around about to grab her dagger until she reminded herself it was just Sebastian. She sighed and dropped her hand from her sleeve. He took note of her reaction. She was quick to go for her dagger but quick to asses that he wasn't a threat. Clever. She sat down on the floor to take out her things. She had taken her picture of Jenny with her. She smiled and took it out of it's frame. Sebastian looked at the picture wondering what was so special about it. "Who's that?" She looked up to meet Sebastian's eyes. "Her name was Jenny. She was one of the maids at the Kelvin Manor. She taught me basic things like reading and writing, she taught me how to cook too. A few hobbies I picked up from her aswell. She was real kind to me when I got lonely. I had saved the money the Baron gave me for allowance from helping clean up and gave it to her when I left for the circus so she could return home incase anything were to happen." She opened one of her books and stuck it in there. She put it in the bottom dewar on the dresser to be forgotten until another picture was to be added. It was quiet until "Cieeeel!" Noire jumped. "Who's that?" Sebastian sighed, annoyed. "That is the young master's fiancée. Lady Elizabeth Midford." She got up. "Ciel never said anything about a fiancée." She muttered to herself. She shrugged, maybe he just didn't think she would be making an appearance any time soon. "Off to meet the crazy girl!" Noire cheered and ran off to find her. She ran around until she heard Ciel and Elizabeth talking behind doors. She walked over to them, she peeked through them to see a blonde haired green eyed girl hugging Ciel. Noire's eyes widened. She was so pretty. She started chewing on her sleeve afraid to go in. Then Elizabeth noticed a blue eye staring at her. "Oh who is she?!" Noire's eyes widened and she walked in. "I'm Noire." She resumed chewing on her sleeve, fiddling and chewing was a nervous habit of hers. "Oh she's so cute! I'm Lizzy!" Noire continued chewing on her sleeve and looked at her, blushing at the complement. "Thank you." She didn't want to seem nervous, but she was. At least they were closer to her age. Ciel was dumbstruck, he had just found an escape from Lizzy. Noire looked to Ciel and noticed that he had a smirk on his face. Two could play at that game. "Why don't you two go outside?" Lizzy squealed and ran over to Noire. "Why don't you join us Ciel? The more the merrier!" She put on her best innocent act she could so Lizzy would insist he come outside and be tortured. Lizzy picked her up and spun her around. She set her back down and Noire fell to the floor dizzy from being spun. The room was spinning and she didn't like it one bit. Ciel still had a smirk on his face. "I have work to do, why don't you two just go outside and play with the flowers?" Noire got up and stared him down. She walked over to him and grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the room grabbing Lizzy along the way. "C'mon! We don't have all day! You need a break every once in awhile!" She ran with the two in tow with a Cheshire grin on her face only Ciel could see. She was laughing like a madman on the inside at her success, that is until she ran into Sebastian coming down the stairs. "Noire, would you let the young master go? He has work to to." She growled subconsciously. Of course he's there to save the day. She knew what cards to play. "But isn't it proper etiquette to spend time with your fiancée? Lizzy said it was a good idea for Ciel to come along. We're just going out to the garden." She would win this one way or another. Ciel looked at her horrified, she knew how to play the cards and she was playing them well. Sebastian sighed. "You have a point, I will allow it." She cheered. "Yes!" She ran off but turned her head back and gave him a smirk that clearly said I win. He chuckled, she knew what she was doing and she used Lizzy to her advantage.

Forever NoireOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora