Noire, Those Scars.

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Noire was absolutely exhausted, but was doing her best to make it look like she was fine. She was sketching, trying to keep her mind focused, ignoring Jeremy. If she tried to do both she'd surely get a headache, she was getting too tired to think straight. Everyone got up and she just blindly followed making it seem like she was paying attention. They were inspecting Lord Siemons body. He seemed to be a violent drinker, and there was faint smell of the sea. Next was Mr. Phelps. He only had one external wound. He asked to see the room he died in. Earl Grey turned around and saw he and Noire were missing. He was trying to converse but she was too busy complaining about the stairs. They finally reached the room and it was concluded there were multiple killers. He said he needed to wait for nightfall, and the Earls cooperation. Next up was Sebastian. He uncovered his body and Noire was less than pleased. She grabbed Ciel's hand again, getting a reassuring squeeze from it. It was almost dinner time so after they concluded he was killed simply they went to the dining room. They waited while Jeremy went elsewhere. Noire was getting bored and went to the kitchen to see what they were going to do. She poked her head in when she heard that Mey-Rin had found a bottle of red liquid in Miss Irene's bag and maybe she was a vampire. "I highly doubt Miss Irene is a vampire." She walked and starting digging through her bag. "Hm. It's not in here. I put the bottle that Mey-Rin was talking about in my bag but it seems its not in there." Mey-Rin was shocked. "Noire! You don't just take stuff like that!" Noire dead panned. "I know, but I thought it might come in handy for later. Sheesh, at least I didn't do what Ran-Mao did." Mey-Rin thought about it. "True." The men were confused. Noire was trying her hardest not to laugh. "Mey-Rin do you want to explain or do you want me to?" Mey-Rin shook her head. "Ran-Mao was going through Miss Irene's things first, when I found the red liquid that's when we saw she had.. Let's just say something that'd be highly embarrassing for anyone to see on her head." Bard and Finny were blushing along with Mey-Rin. Noire was laughing at their faces when Jeremy spoke up. "Let's get to work on dinner." She was still snickering as she walked out.

She sat down at the dining table next to Grey. The food came out and Grey was the first to finish. She was still eating as Jeremy asked Ciel for his assistance. She nearly choked when he said for him to take off his clothes. She stared at him. He started explaining. You do know it's a snake right? It's one from the circus, meaning that it will know my scent, so I'm out of the question. He almost asked Noire when he heard that, so he asked Ran-Mao instead. They were lying in wait when it decided to attack. Jeremy started picking on Ciel and they started discussing the snake and how it got there. It all pointed to Mr. Woodley. They figured out that one corpse wasn't a corpse. It was like Romeo and Juliet. "So, it's like Romeo and Juliet. Just the man was a drunken fool instead of a lovesick idiot." Everyone laughed a little at this. Jeremy kept explaining. Worsmith went on about how he could've wanted to give everyone a good scare. They kept going on and Noire was ready to just sleep forever. She wasn't listening until they started trying to figure out where the poison container would be. "In the fire. I noticed it when we first found his body, but I didn't think anything of it. There was a small glass shard on the floor. You'd have to be either on the floor or be able to see from a lower angle than most. I was sitting on the floor, and saw it." Jeremy nodded. He started searching the hearth. Quickly finding the vial and putting back together.

~Time-skip brought to you by being annoyed with writing things over and over because I needed to check the manga.~

Noire was incredibly bored. She wanted to reveal Snake to Ciel already. Her time had finally come when Snake stood up from the crate saying that after Sebastian and Ciel had left they a disappeared. Noire walked foreword, he was on edge until he realized his snakes seemed to recognize her. She picked up Wordsworth and started stroking him, allowing him to wrap around her neck. Ciel was about to say something when she put her hand up stopping him. Wordsworth tightened a bit before slithering back to Snake. "Noire?" She smiled, so he remembered. "It's nice to see you again Snake." She ruffled his hair before going back over next to Sebastian. He put a hand on her shoulder, he noticed the effort she was putting in just staying awake. He went on to say they called him a friend, family. They were hiding something. She was doing her best not to cry. "They weren't as good as we thought they were, Snake. They kidnapped children in each place we went. That's why they came to the circus." Snake was upset. "Don't lie to me Noire." Noire was biting her lip. This was just as hard for her too. She was just as upset as Snake, there wasn't any resentment, anger, just sadness. Ciel held his hand out. "Come to my mansion." Her lip suddenly started bleeding, she hissed as it suddenly started to sting. She held her sleeve to her lip to stop it. Sebastian looked at her amused. Snake accepted the invitation. Noire would've smiled but moving her lip made it hurt more. She was willing to hurt her lip for one sentence. "What are we going to tell the others?" She winced as the stinging became more intense. Sebastian walked over and moved her sleeve away. She hadn't poked a small hole, she had cut her lip. He sighed, it would hurt a lot to tend to that. Both Ciel and Snake looked over to her worried. "Nothing serious, she just cut the inside of her lip." Her fangs were shortened but still there. She would've said something smart if it didn't hurt so much to move her lip. He would have to put her to sleep so it wouldn't hurt so much. Ciel and Snake walked out first and once they did he picked up Noire. She would've protested but she couldn't move her lip, her feet hurt, and she was tired. He knew she wouldn't be able to protest, and that she was probably exhausted. She hadn't slept last night either, so most likely as soon as she relaxed she'd be out cold. She huffed and let her head rest on his chest. Letting him know she didn't like it, but would accept it. She didn't notice how exhausted she was until now. Her eyelids were heavy and she let them close, instantly falling asleep. He smiled as she fell asleep in his arms, chuckling at her raspy breaths. She had been sick this entire time and hid it well. When they stepped outside she snuggled closer to his chest for warmth. He had forgotten she only had a thin shirt on and her overalls. He held her closer so she wouldn't get cold. They would have a lot of discussing to do about the other servants.

~To The Funeral~

Noire had been brought along, she was still a bit sick so she waited in the carriage. She had woken up and saw Lizzy clinging to Ciel crying. She smiled and went back to sleep after noticing the undertaker and quickly drawing his outline on another page. Lizzy and Ciel came back to the carriage and got in. Lizzy smiled at the sleeping figure of Noire. She pulled her over to lean on her and noticed her sleeve had come up a bit, there looked to be a scar. She rolled it up and gasped, gaining Ciel's attention. His eyes widened, she had been hiding scars. He wondered what else she was hiding, seeing as she only hid some of her past so it didn't concern him much. He was wondering if she had any other scars. Lizzy ran her fingers through Noire's hair and she snuggled closer. Both Lizzy and Ciel smiled. She looked to be the picture of innocence, but Lizzy knew what could be under that mask of innocence. Lizzy finally spoke up. "Ciel? What's Noire like?" He looked to her, a bit astonished she'd ask that. He smirked a bit. "She's mischievous, intelligent, I'd say outgoing around friends. She gets nervous around new people, but once she meets them or her curiosity is peaked she's all but willing to get to know them. I'd say the best trait of all is she's loyal. She makes allies and she sticks with them." Lizzy smiled, she knew how to move the pieces and how to get out of dodge, she's smart, manipulative if need be, mischievous, always bringing some form of cheer to the atmosphere, but can be deadly serious when it calls for it. She had a mask she hid things behind, not everything, just the more manipulative side of her. They had masks that were made to be strong, but once they find that one spot it all falls. She noticed her sketchpad, and picked it up and gasped and turned it so Ciel could see. It was the pieces of the board with their respective player, Sebastian a Knight, his piece glowing black, Takana a Bishop always wise, Finny, Mey-Rin and Bard made up a Rook, Lau and Ran-Mao made up the other Rook, Lizzy was the Queen, one side looked to be a bit less detailed than the other, showing she knew what lies behind the mask of cute. Undertaker another Knight, a scythe leaning up against it, then there was Noire herself, Another Bishop. The White King and Queen with the Double Charles in front of it as White Knights back to back. Then off to the side the fallen pieces, Two silhouettes of a man and woman in front of a King and Queen. A pawn that was Madam Red. It was amazing. They had arrived at the destination and Lizzy put the sketchpad down, accepting the assistance of Sebastian. Ciel got out and when Sebastian went to pick up Noire he noticed her drawing. It was amazing, each piece shown with a unique quality to each person that the piece represents. He picked Noire up and her sketchpad and walked inside. When he put her in their room he noticed the scars on her arm and frowned. She had kept them covered up. He had once seen her putting makeup over her right eye though. He got a cloth and wiped it off, revealing a big scar that ran from above her eyebrow to her cheek, it looked to be from a whip. He hated that anyone would do this to a child her age. He quickly changed her, noticing the scar from Betty and Beast when she hit her with the whip. She had so many scars.. it made him upset. When he laid down next to her he was surprised Noire wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. He smiled. She had been worried about him even with knowing he wasn't dead. He hugged her back, she let go and moved closer smiling. It was moments like this he wished would never end. Her book opened and sighed. "Satan's visiting her in her dreams again.." Noire woke up and smiled. "What has you so happy." She stared up at him. "He offered me to get rid of these scars.." She closed her eyes and smiled. "I said no, and he ended up confused. Saying normally someone would accept it. I told him I didn't want to because these scars make up who I am. Even though I hate where they came from I'm proud of them. I covered them up so no one would worry." Sebastian chuckled and smiled. "Go back to sleep. You still need to rest." She nodded and fell back asleep quickly. She would grow up to be a fine Tomb.

Short chapter was short. Annie-Chan was getting annoyed. Annie-Chan had to write things over because she needed to check the manga. In case you haven't noticed I'm Annie-Chan.

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