The Guests.

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Noire had come back out of her room, she immediately went to Arthur. "Ah Noire, I see you're feeling better." She smiled "Yes, I'm fine now. So Mista Arthur how has the party been?" He shrugged. "It's been okay." Takana opened the door and in walked Greg and Georg Von Siemens. "I'll be back. I have someone to greet." Noire walked off smirking. Ciel had a feeling it was Grey. She walked up to Grey and Georg. "Hello Grey." Grey looked to the voice and nearly jumped. "Oh. Hi there Miss Noire." It was oozing with fake pleasure. "Save it. We both know you don't like me. So I figured I would talk to you, maybe see if there's any chance of getting along?" He looked at her. "Fine. Let's go get some food." He noticed how her eyes lit up at the mention of food. They'd get along just fine.

Sebastian clapped his hands and asked everyone to go to the dining room in order in in which their name was called, knowing Noire wouldn't bother with order he just left hers off the list. She followed Earl Grey, they seemed to be conversing about food. Her eyes might as well be sparkling. "Oh! I'll have to try that some time." Earl Grey looked down to her. "You really haven't had much experience in the world of food have you?" She shook her head. "I got to taste a few when the Baron Kelvin took me and the others in, but it wasn't for long," He looked sympathetic. "They died because they didn't know what they were dealing with. They were overpowered and came unprepared. I have no regret, I admit I miss my brother at times, but I've got friends and family here who I would hate to see get hurt." He smiled and ruffled her hair. She started pouting as her cowlick decided to spring up. "And I finally got it to cooperate for once too.." She muttered making Grey laugh as they walked over to a group of other nobles. Her eyes widened in realization she'd have to meet them. She still had her sweater and started chewing on her sleeve again. Sebastian came over and reprimanded her getting a glare from said child. Earl Grey was nice enough to introduce her to the others. "How has your evening been Miss Addicott?" She smiled at Mr. Woodley. "It's been fine Mr. Woodley. Please, just call me Noire. I feel no need to call someone Miss or anything of the like unless that is their title given or it is requested of them." They all stared at her, for a child she knew a lot of words. "How old are you Noire?" Grey asked. She had gotten a cup of Chai tea from Takana to help her stay calm and was swirling it around in its cup. "I'll be turning 6 on the 21st." The only one who hadn't said a word was Ciel. "Ciel, you've been awfully quiet, is something wrong?" He shook his head. She shrugged and went back to sipping her tea. "I wonder.." She muttered to herself quietly while Mr. Woodley was boasting about his company. Sebastian came up behind her "You wonder what?" She nearly jumped out of her skin along with Grey. "Just wondering how anyone can boast so much and never get bored with making others feel uncomfortable about themselves. Not that I'm jealous, I don't care really, I just feel bad for poor Mr. Phelps over there and Arthur. Speaking of Arthur where did he go? I haven't seen him since I went to talk with Grey." He chuckled. "You should use their titles when addressing them, it is what a proper lady would do." She stared up at Sebastian. "One I'm not a Lady. Two Grey doesn't seem to mind. I've been showing them some respect. Grey seems to have gone from hating me to fawning over my lack of experience with food. Mr. Woodley seems nice enough for now. I'd rather shove a cloth down his throat with all the bragging he's doing but that's all." Lau walked up. "I should go back over there before Lau gets his head mentally chopped off by Ciel." She went back over there and listened to their conversation. Ran-Mao suddenly attached herself to Georg. Both she and Grey were snickering. She finally noticed that no one had noticed she wasn't wearing a fancy dress, or simply didn't care. She smiled. The benefits of youth.

Her attention was brought back to the conversation when Irene and Grimbsy walked over and thanked Ciel. Noire seemed to be the only one unfazed. Arthur was in the background trying to introduce himself. Everyone left to drink and Noire was relieved. She sighed. "I hate being proper.. I hate being nice.. Shove cloths down all their throats and get them to shut up about themselves for once.. I don't understand how Ciel does this." She muttered to herself. Not realizing Sebastian was behind her. He slapped her back making her straighten her back and yelp. "Stop complaining and go and socialize like a lady." He walked away. "Hmph." She looked around suddenly self conscious and blushing. "Now I understand Arthur." She looked over to see Ciel teasing him. She sighed and walked over to them, her low heeled boots clicking getting their attention. "I see you've met Arthur." She smiled at the two. "Yes. Mr. Wordsmith here is quite the author." She sweat dropped. "Not even going to ask." She listened bored by their conversation. She decided she'd shut been up for a minute. "Ciel?" He looked to her and smirked, she was clearly bored. "Yes?" She sighed. "I don't understand how you do this. Now I understand why you never go out. I'd never want to talk to anyone if they were all like this." Ciel smiled at her. Arthur took notice. "Yes, it's nice to have someone who's different now and then isn't it." Noire had a feeling she knew who he was talking about. "Mhm. Mr. Arthur here was the first I talked to, I would feel bad for leaving him but the idea of so many foods.. Sorry.. I've been spending too much of this evening with Grey. It's so boring. I don't understand how you can simply idle around all day chatting and gossiping about the latest function or ball. I only stayed up because I thought it would be interesting. The only interesting person I met was Arthur here." Sebastian walked over to them. "You seem bored." She looked at him. "I am. I'm almost appreciative of your attempts to make me sleep earlier." He chuckled and handed her a cup of tea. She was about to drink it until Irene starting yelling at Georg to stop harassing her. Noire put her cup down and calmly walked over hoping to diffuse the situation quickly. She tapped his shoulder. "Excuse me Mr. Siemens, would you please leave Ms. Irene alone?" He turned to face her. "Why you~! You can't tell me what to do!" He raised his hand to slap her but she pulled him down by his tie and stared at him dead in the eyes. "I asked you nicely Mr. Siemens. We would all appreciate it if you left her alone and went elsewhere if you're going to behave like a lunatic when intoxicated." He poured his drink on her in response. She let go and walked away to go take a bath. Lest to say everyone was left in shock. Even Sebastian. The room suddenly was in murmured of awe and wow.

She was grumbling to herself the whole way avoiding any conversation Bard tried to have with her. All of the servants were in awe.. Now they knew to never piss her off. She was trying to get the smell of alcohol out of her hair. "Stupid nobles and their stupid parties and their stupid intoxicated idiots." She had finally gotten the smell out of her hair, no doubt she'd probably have to ask Sebastian for help later. She heard a knock and the door when she was sitting on her bed sulking still in her towel. She quickly put her nightgown on and walked to the door and opened it only to find Georg on the other side of it. He grabbed her and pulled her out of her room. "Hey! What are you doing?!" Mey-Rin was down the hall and heard this. "Mr. Siemens!" She heard Noire yell at him. "Mr. Siemens your hurting my arm. Let me go!" She ran down the hall to find Noire being dragged by an intoxicated Georg Siemons. She knew she wouldn't be able to help pry him off so she fired a warning shot. He didn't stop, but it did get the attention of the boys who came running. They saw Noire digging her heels into the floor. "Mr. Siemons!" Bard barked at him. Noire was freaking out and they could tell. Finny and Mey-Rin ran to get Sebastian while Bard attempted to pry the man off of her. He was at least helping her arm. Both were strong but Siemons was stronger. Sebastian and the rest of the guests came down the hall to see a crying Noire trying to help Bard get her arm free from Mr. Siemons. His nails were digging into her skin and it was starting to bleed. Sebastian came over and pried him off. Noire sat down on the floor to look at her arm, what she saw scared her, she didn't understand why but he had felt the need to not only leave a massive bruise on her arm but dig into the skin as well. She gave him a death glare filled with so much hate that if she had been chanting he would have been dead. She turned her attention away to him to her probably soon to be infected arm if they didn't treat it. Bard helped her up and lead her to the kitchen to treat her wounds.

She was so exhausted after that she didn't care what they did with them. After thanking him after getting her wounds properly cleaned she went to Sebastian's room wanting to be as far away from that man as possible. She just plopped onto the bed and covered herself and went to sleep.

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