The First Murder

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(Sorry for the short chapter! It just ended up that way! I usually become inspired and just keep writing. All the ideas come to me as I go. Some before, but usually end up being realized as I go. I didn't realize how short it was until after I first published it.)

Noire was woken to a scream and something thumping. She was far from pleased to hear that was what woke her up. She put her sweater on and ran to the source of the noise to see what was going on, stopping only when she saw all of the other guests. She started chewing on the sleeve of the sweater and walked over. They all seemed scared except Grey. "What happened?" Lau turned to her, moving out of the way so she could see. She stepped where he was and grimaced. "Well ain't that lovely.." She stepped into the room to allow Lau his spot back. "A-anyways we shouldn't move anything until The Yard arrives." Noire shook her head. Bard knew, keep the suspicion away from her and place it on someone else, that's the name of the game. "I can't say it nicer that this, Meat rots faster than you might think.. Even if we turn off the fire now time will be up before you know it if he stays there." Irene looked like she might faint. "It's as Bard says, I don't think any of you want to see a half rotted corpse. I don't think Miss Irene could handle it, so let's move him into the cellar." They all stared at her. She stared back. "But I'd think The Yard won't be here for a while seeing as there's quite the storm."
A big round of thunder sounded and Noire bit her sleeve to keep from jumping. "So we can't leave here either?!" Noire sweat dropped. "Why do you ask that now? It's fine, everyone was meant to stay over anyways." Mr. Woodley started yelling about how it wasn't fine and there was a murderer on the loose. Lau went on about being on a deserted island. "It also means that there's a good chance the killer is still inside the mansion." Noire didn't know who said that but she didn't care, as long as she was safe. "Now that you mention it.. If you think about it logically, wouldn't the killer be one of us?" Irene was deep in thought as the others were arguing why it was them. "Lady Diaz?" She went on to explain that it could be a locked room murder.. more like implying it though. "But wouldn't that leave footprints? It's pouring outside, it would leave muddy footprints unless you were to take off your shoes before coming in, and it's on the second floor. I imagine the windows were locked." She went over to it and pulled it, nearly falling due to her short height. "Definitely locked.." She went back to chewing on her sleeve. Sebastian proceeded to explain the all of the locks were from the original and all the keys were in a safe, the key being held by the head butler. "Fancy.." Noire muttered quietly. Sebastian explained that there was a latch attached to the door that could be locked from the inside. "This is a locked room murder.." Noire looked around the room. There wasn't any evidence of anything except the extra wood in the hearth. She narrowed her eyes ignoring the rest of the conversation until everyone started yelling it wasn't them snapped Noire out of her thoughts giving her a headache. "Shut up. Being as loud as you are if there was anyone else to wake up you would've already." She was getting a headache from their idiocy. Everyone decided that they would give an albi, everyone but her and Ciel had one. They all looked to them. "I was sleeping, I was woken up from the door being kicked open and the commotion outside during the time." It was acceptable seeing as she was still in her night wear and had only thrown on a sweater. Lau went on to say that he didn't need a reason after him saying he didn't have one. Finny started trying to stick up for Ciel. She smiled. They decided they would confine him. No one wanted to stay with him. Noire raised her hand. "I'll do it." She remembered something, but probably shouldn't say anything. Everyone looked to her. "But you might help him escape." She sweat dropped. She looked to Ciel. "No offense to Ciel.. but I'd let the murderer get me before helping him escape. I wouldn't know how to anyways. If we were chained together then neither of us would be able to do anything." They seemed to think before deciding. "No." She stared at Grey. "Fine then." She muttered quietly. Ciel looked slightly offended though, Sebastian was snickering behind him from the statement. They decided 'Mr. Wordsmith' would do it despite the protests of both Noire and himself. Sebastian was told to escort the guests to their rooms.
Noire followed close behind chewing on her sleeve. She waited outside of Ciel's room once they were finished. She put her hand near her dagger just in case. She was blind as a bat in the dark. He walked out and looked to where Noire was and saw her messing with her dagger. She finally noticed him and put it back in its place on her arm. "Come now Noire, let's get you to your room." She nodded and stretched. Trying to wake her foot up from sitting on the floor. She squeaked in surprise when Sebastian picked her up. "You do realize I can walk on my own right?" He looked to her. "Yes." She sighed in defeat and let her head rest on his chest. He started stroking her hair, it was amusing to watch her try and stay awake while knowing that she wouldn't be able to. He smiled when he felt her relax in his arms. Her breaths soft and steady. He noticed she was a bit warm, it could be from being in that room so long though, even she seemed to be uncomfortable with how warm it was in there. She slept next to him sometimes, and he was what she said like 'a human furnace' of course she knew he wasn't human, she just didn't have any better way to describe it. He thought about it, the young master was in there longer than she was, no one else was warm either. It seemed to be the beginning of a fever seeing how her breaths seem just fine, the only evidence being how warm she was. He would ask the servants to keep a close eye on her. When he went to tend to his master he told Mr. Wordsmith both he and Noire were in his hands now. He went back to Noire's room to check on her one last time before he went to do his duties. He went to her room and opened the door just slow enough so it would creak just a tiny bit, gaining her attention. He walked up to her and put his hand on her head. She was burning up. She opened her eyes and looked up. "Sebastian?" He could tell she was still half-asleep, awake enough to understand that he was here and remember what he said, but not enough to start thinking much about why he was here. "Just go back to sleep. It will all be okay." He started stroking her hair effectively sending her back to sleep. He kissed her forehead and brushed her hair out of her face. Finally leaving once he knew she was asleep. He went to tend to the hearth of one of the rooms, only to have someone come up behind him.

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