Chapter 3 ~ Scoldings and Diagon Alley

Start from the beginning

~ Timeskip ~
~ Y/n's P.O.V ~

Mum finally came back after half an hour.

"Uh, mum, what did you do?" I asked.

"Screamed at them until I went blue in the face." Mum answered.

"Sounds normal." I said.

The twins that I was feeling so desperate to meet chuckle.

"Well, we can go back to introducing Y/n to the Weasley family now." Anthony said.

I smiled and nodded.

"Y/n, this is Arthur, the man I work with." Anthony said.

I smiled and shook Arthur's hand.

"Hello Mr Weasley." I smiled.

"Oh please, call me Arthur, calling me Mr makes me feel old." Arthur said.

"Alright, Arthur." I replied.

"This is Molly, his wife." Anthony said.

I smiled and shook Molly's hand.

"Hello Mrs Weasley." I smiled.

"Call me Molly, dear, no need for formalities." Molly said.

I smiled and nodded.

"And these are their children." Anthony said.

I smiled and waved at them all as they waved back.

"The oldest one who still lives here is Percy, then it goes the twins, Fred and George, then it goes Ron, and then their youngest and only daughter, Ginny." Anthony said.

Ron's ears had started to point out like a house elf's and mum sighed. She pulled out her wand and did a spell, causing all effect of the lolly to disappear.

"Awwwww, I wanted to see what the end result looks like." I pouted.

Mum shot me a glare and I quickly straightened up.

"Sorry...." I said.

"Now apologise to Ron." Mum said.

I sighed and looked at Ron.

"Sorry, Ron...." I said.

Mum smiled and clapped her hands together.

"Shall we head to Diagon Alley now?" Mum asked.

"Yes!" I answered.

I'd never been to Diagon Alley. I'd been to Hogsmeade though, since mum worked at Madame Malkin's there. She took me to work once, Hogwarts students were all over Hogsmeade, every student that came in I'd talk to, ask them about what it's like at Hogwarts and they'd ask why I didn't go to Hogwarts because they were sure that I looked of age and I'd answer with, my mum's too scared to let me go.

"Wait, aren't you that girl from at Madame Malkin's last year?" One of the twins asked.

"The one that we pranked?" The other asked.

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