Chapter 28

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Show me you love me

Winters P.O.V.

After that whole incident with the rouges and Phenix then me throwing up a lot, Joshua hasn't left my side and when he's away, the girls are with me.

Sometimes I have to fake falling asleep just for them to leave me alone. Don't get me wrong, I love them all with all my heart but I do need my space.

My mom comes over almost everyday with my dad and Ryan who has finally gotten control over his shifting and who also has stopped challenging everyone well everyone besides Killian.

"Flower, it's time to go" Joshua says rubbing on my back. It's the day before the wedding/ceremony and we are not supposed to see each other before so I'm going back home with the girls while the boys stay here.

"But I don't want to go" I said into the pillow. I honestly didn't want to be away from him but our moms wanted us to do this the traditional way. "I don't want you to go either but I was already threatened once by your mom and then by mine so come on" he said lifting me up so that I'm sitting on his lap.

"Fine but I'm taking your shirt, shorts, and socks" I said folding my arms, he laughs and nods his head. "Anything you want my love" He says with a passionate kiss.

"Let's go!" Rox says bursting into our room. I didn't even hear her come in. "I just have to get my bag" I say hopping off of Josh. "It's already in your car" he says coming up behind me kissing my neck as I put my hair up. Turning around I wrap my arms around his neck and look up at him. He then taps my side twice as a sign for me to jump up. Which I do and wrap my legs around his waist as he grabs my butt.

"I'll see you tomorrow" I say with a peck to his lips. "I'll see you tomorrow"

"In the blink of an eye"

"I'll be by your side" he finishes and we share a kiss. This is something we say when we're going to be apart for a while.

I give him another kiss then he sits me on my feet. "Let me walk you out" he says grabbing my hand.

Soon as we make it outside I see the guys kissing their girls and my brothers pulling up. "Alright boys. Be good" I say to them all. They just wave me off and walk into the house as we pull off.

Looking over at Rox, I see her rubbing on her stomach and groaning. "You better not go into labor in my damn truck" I say rubbing on her stomach. "No idiot. Embry just loves to kick me in the ribs"

"How did Damien act when they first started kicking" Cloe asked from the back seat. "Girl he freaked out. He thought something was wrong. He went and got mama Nichole and everything" she says which made us all laugh.

"Didn't he feel it when mama Nichole was pregnant with Chris, Jack or Luke. Hell even Sybil?" I ask. "Nope. He said it looked weird to him so he stayed away. But he loves to feel it now, they mostly do it when they hear his voice" she says rubbing her stomach with a smile while all the girls awwed.

Pulling up to the pack house I see the rest of the girls and my mom and dad. "Ready for your big day?" My dad said hugging me. "Yes, ready to get it over with" I said laughing a little.

"Your dress is beautiful by the way mí amore" He says kissing my forehead. "Thank you"

"Let's go inside and eat. I know your hungry" he said smirking at me which had me a little confused.

Walking into the house and into the kitchen where the house cook made burgers and fries which is my favorite but the smell caused my stomach to turn.

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