Chapter 14

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The worst pain in the world is not being able to hold or talk to the one person that makes you feel alive.

Joshua's P.O.V.

I open my eyes and see a beautiful white wolf looking back at me.


Every time I see her I'm just more and more in love with her and amazed, she's the first White wolf I have ever seen and anyone else for that matter.

She looks me in the eyes and for a second I saw Winter looking back at me, she then gets off the bed and motions for me to follow and so I do.

She then shifts and now Winter is staring down at me with no emotion in her eyes.

I then bow at her feet as a sign of saying sorry.

An Alpha never bows to anyone except his Luna.

"Shift" she said emotionless but I do as told.

"Why are you here?" She asked. Still with no emotion and it is killing me. "I came to talk to you last night but you were asleep and you started having nightmares. I knew you would be pissed that I was in bed with you so I let Cole take over which is why I'm guessing Storm took over"

"That still doesn't explain why your here now?" She said crossing her arms over her chest. "I came to say I'm sorry. My mom talked to me last night and basically told me if I don't apologize then I won't be able to give you pups, and she basically told me how wrong and stupid I was and made me understand where your coming from. Flower, I'm sorry for not letting you help out with the pack, I don't think that your weak, I just don't want you to get hurt" she cocked her head to the side and raised her eyebrow at me.

"Have I not proven myself to you? I get that I have been weak before. I was once a strong girl before all of that shit happened to me. I was beaten and broken to the point I didn't even feel safe talking to my best friends about it. I have grown, and put myself back together again. I have scars that show where I've been, and what I've gone though and how I got where I am today. I've been through so much pain that I don't even feel it anymore. But I felt a pain in my heart every time you exclude me in everything. It hurts me so much that I can't walk into your arms and have you hold me right now. I let you in, I let you know the deepest and darkest parts of my life and you won't share the responsibility of OUR PACK! Which makes me think that you think I'm weak"

"No Flower I don't think your weak, I've seen how you handled the execution and how you walked out of that room with that mans blood all over you. I've seen how vonerable you've been and how strong you have gotten since you've moved in here" she looks me dead in the eyes and says nothing and it's starting to piss me off. "Wint-" she holds up her hand and pushes past me and walks into the bathroom.

"Leave" is all I hear her say. "Winter please talk to me" I say as I walk into the bathroom and she that she's changed and staring out of the window looking as beautiful as ever.

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