Chapter 17

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Sorry I was supposed to post this yesterday but I went to go see Aladdin instead oops. This chapter is also unedited unlike the others so bare with me. 

I am not ready for this new era 

Things are going really well for Calum and Anna. They can officially act like a couple in public and at school around their friends. Which made them wish they just told them in the first place, but they can't go back and change the past now. Everything worked out in it's own way. 

Anna's POV

Friday, February 8th 6:45am

I wake up to my alarm. As I'm turning it off I see a text message from Calum. 

Cal <3 - happy 1 month babe :* 

He is the cutest, I swear. He cares so much, and he always makes sure everyone else is happy before himself. He makes sure I am happy, that our friends our happy, his sister, his parents, whoever before he even helps himself or do something for himself. That's why I had the idea to get him the bass for his birthday because I knew he would never get it himself. This is besides the point he's just the cutest ever even if he doesn't like being called cute. 

Me - right back at ya babe <3 

Me - you're still picking me up right? 

Cal <3 - did you srsly just ask me that? 

Me - nevermind see you at 7:30 

Cal <3 - indeed :))


Calum enters my house as I am walking down the stairs. 


"Aren't I always?" I answer him smirking. I meet him at the bottom of the stairs and he leans down to kiss me lightly. After we make our way to the car and eventually ended up at school, we walk in together hand in hand, as we spot our friends in our usual spot. 

"Hey the lovebirds finally made it," we hear Ashton yell from our meeting spot. 

As we finally get to the spot Calum says, "What do you mean finally, it's," checking his phone, "7:40 we are early." 

"Well if everyone is here before you, you're late," he retorts. 

"Okay bud, whatever you say," Calum chuckles. 

"So do we have any plans tonight?" Gracie asks everyone. They are all staring at us apparently waiting for an answer. 


"Hmm," he hums looking at me. 

"They want to know if we are hanging out with them tonight," I say leaning my head on his arm. 

"Umm, sure sounds like a good way to spend our one month." 

"A MONTH!" screams Michael. 

"Yes you idiot don't you remember them hiding it from us for awhile," Ashton informs him. 

"Right cause they were scared," he says mocking Cal and I.

"Oh shut up," I say shoving him off to the side. 

"Cal, you didn't have anything planned did you?" Gracie asks. 

"I mean nothing really planned, planned, but I was definitely going to spend the day with her at least," Calum says looking down at me. I respond to his comment by pecking him on the lips which causes a groan from Luke, "Get a room."

Best Friends // Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now