Chapter 5

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Calum's POV

I wake up with Anna's head on my chest for what feels like the 100th time this break, but what wakes me up is a call from Ashton. 

"Hello," I whisper. I would get up and talk out in the hallway but I don't wanna wake her by moving so I stay in bed. 

"Hey man, where you been and why are you whispering?" Ash says. 

"I've been at home just chillin, and because Anna is asleep that's why." I probably shouldn't of said that last part but it's too late now. 

"Well anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to get breakfast with the rest of us but now I don't have to call Anna so I'll see you two at Bob Evans at 10 bye Cal." he says, ending the call. 

This is gonna be torture I don't wanna wake her up she looks so peaceful. One thing I have decided is that I'm going to ask her out most likely after breakfast or whenever the rest of our friends aren't around. It's the Friday before winter break is officially over and I have to wake up my best friend who I have had a crush on forever. 

"Hey Ann, it's time to wake up" I say gently nudging her awake. 

She rubs her eyes and gets into a more comfortable position on her side of the bed as she says, "Five more minutes."

"Seriously, Ash called and said we HAD to be at Bob Evans in 45 minutes."

She shoots up and looks at me. "Calum why didn't you wake me up sooner, I don't have any clean clothes, I haven't showered and since we have to be there in 45 I basically have a half hour to get ready and..."

I cut her rambling short by saying, "Relax throw your hair up, put on your jeans from yesterday, and I'll give you a clean shirt and you can tuck it in like you did yesterday with MY shirt or you can just let it look big on you like the first time you wore it." I smile. 

"Oh Cal, you are a life saver" she jumps up hugging me tightly then goes off to the bathroom. I then rummage through my drawers looking for a shirt till I find the perfect one. It's my black Led Zeppelin shirt, I toss it to her as she walks in and say, "I want this one back."

She laughs and says, "Okay but I'm keeping the one I'm wearing now." 

I grab some clothes for myself and leave for the bathroom. I take a quick shower, throw my clothes on, and brush my teeth all in 15 minutes. By the time I knock on my bedroom door, it's 9:30. I hear a soft "you can come in" and I see Anna with her hair tied up and she's wearing my shirt that is too big on her and her jeans from yesterday smiling wide looking like she is ready to leave. She looks so good in my clothes.  

"Well I'm waiting are you ready yet?" she asks me. 

I shake off my dazed expression and reply, "As ready as I'll ever be." and with that I drive the both of us to Bob Evans. 


Ashton's POV

Gracie, Luke, Michael and I got to Bob Evans before Calum and Anna to discuss a certain topic. 

"Have you guys noticed anything different between Calum and Anna," I question my best friends. 

"No, they seem the same to me," Michael says in a bored tone. 

"Yeah no there is definitely something off between them because us four have hung out a lot over break without them. Do you think those two are just hanging out?" Gracie says. 

"No they probably don't want to leave their houses," Luke chimes in. 

"But Gracie, makes more sense Luke, but only because Calum said on the phone earlier 'Anna's asleep that's why', so maybe they just don't want to hang out with us anymore." I tell them. 

"No Ash that's not true, Anna wouldn't just leave me with the three of you if she did that would be just rude," Gracie said crossing her arms. 

"Ouch, that one hurt" Michael says, pretending to be offended by it. 

"Oh, guys their coming" Luke warns us. 

I wave them over and Anna says, "Your lucky I love you guys because I did NOT want to get up this morning." 

She's also wearing Cal's shirt so maybe their is something going on...

"Yeah the only thing that got her up this morning was me telling her how long she had to get ready. She even had to borrow my shirt this morning because she started freaking out since she had nothing to wear." Calum said. 

Ohh so maybe nothing is going on...well maybe...I guess we'll find out eventually, especially if they keep ditching us. 

"Alright so who's ready to order.." Luke trails off, that kid is always hungry. 

Once we order our food, we talk about the next time we're gonna hang out. 

"I think we need to hang out all day today." Gracie says, "I feel like I haven't seen Anna in forever." 

"What do you mean we saw each other a couple days ago," Anna says. 

"I don't know I just feel like I haven't seen you that's all." Gracie says sadly. I turn towards Gracie and give her a look that says don't blow our cover by acting suspicious. 

"So what do we plan on doing all day then," Anna asks. 

"We could go to one of those trampoline parks, I've always wanted to go to one," Michael practically screams. 

"YES that sounds like so much fun" Luke screams back. 

"Looks like we are going to Skyzone," I say just as our food gets here. 


Calum's POV

It's currently 8 pm and I'm driving me and Anna back to my place so she can drive back home tonight. Skyzone was a lot of fun today, except for the fact that Luke almost died like 10x's over because he is so clumsy. Anna already told me earlier that she wants to grab her clothes from my room before she drives back home. Which I thought was weird because the only clothes Anna brought over were her jeans (that she's already wearing) and MY t-shirt. 

Once I pulled into my driveway, we made our way up the stairs and into my bedroom. I watch her gather MY plain black t-shirt as she says, "Okay got my clothes, I'll see you later Cal." She's about to walk out my door that's when I grab her by the wrist and say,

"Wait! That's technically my shirt but Anna would you um like to- uh go out to dinner tomorrow night?" I ask her nervously. 

"Calum Hood are you asking me out on a date?"

"Maybe...only if you say yes, because if you don-" she cuts me off, and I nervously scratch the back of my neck. 

"I would be honored to go on a date with you," she says blushing a little bit. 

"I'll pick you up at 7 sharp" I smirk. 

"I'll be ready. Bye Cal.." and with that she left. 

I can't believe I just did that....


and i can't believe I just did that lol 

okay, so the next chapter is def their date night. i am so excited to finally get into their relationship most likely the next chapter after that will be a school chapter. 

uh ya that's all the notes i got for ya


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