Chapter 3

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So technically it's a new day so I'm posting this chapter. 

Calum's POV

I was the last one to go to bed and the first one to wake up, which kind of sucks because Anna is still asleep on my chest. I really don't want to move because she looks so peaceful but I'm starving. I gently take her head and place it onto the pillow behind me. 

"Shit," I whisper once I see her moving to get comfortable. 

Once I see that she is back to her peaceful sleep I go into the kitchen to make pancakes for everyone. Yes, I do know where everything is because her house is like my house. All six of us basically know each others houses like the back of our hands. We feel at home in one another's houses so me randomly making pancakes is normal. 

As I'm pouring the batter onto the pan I hear someone yell,

"Ewww you slobbered on me." 

I'm glad Anna didn't drool on me, but if she did I would've thought it was cute. 

"Shhh quit yelling Michael," Luke grumbles. 

"Get over it Clifford, you drool too," Gracie retorts. 

I should've known Michael would've been the one to yell ew, I'm shocked he even let Gracie sleep on him. Next thing I know it my thoughts are put on hold when I see Anna walking into the kitchen rubbing her eyes. 

"Good mornin' sleepy head," I say flipping a pancake. 

"Why are you making pancakes at 11:30," she says. 

"What am I not allowed to make pancakes for my friends?" I say. 

"I guess," she shrugs, as the corner of her lips pull up into a smirk. 

I've made about 10 pancakes now, "Oooh PANCAKES!!" Michael screams. 

Next thing I know, the other two boys are running in here. They grab some plates and a couple pancakes each and go sit at the table. Gracie strolls in looking like she wants to kill Michael for screaming in her face this morning. She grabs the last pancake and sits next to Ash. 

"Hey you guys took all the pancakes," Anna whines. 

"Well you were in here before all of them and didn't grab any Ann I say that's your fault," I state.

"That's just rude Calum," she says while crossing her arms. 

"Here ya go, now go sit and eat your pancakes I made ya," I laugh handing her a plate. 

"Fine," she says. 

I quickly make me a couple pancakes then join the rest of my friends at the table. I look around they are all chatting, smiling,and laughing while I take my seat next to Anna. God she has an adorable smile, and the cutest and most contagious laugh. I catch myself staring once she looks at me. I quickly take a bit of my food and she goes back to talking with Gracie. 

"So Cal, what time do you plan on taking us home," shouts Mikey. 

"Do you always have to scream?" questions Gracie. 

"YES I DO," he retorts. 

"Michael quit annoying the poor girl. I will take you home whenever you want me too, I thought I would just do a nice thing and feed you all breakfast since I was up first," then mumble under my breath, "and the last to go to bed."

Ashton looks up from his food, "Dude pancakes amazing good job. Also, you can take us home after we finish eating or...i don't know."

"Well hate to burst your bubble but Calum is staying to help me clean up because he is the one who cooked breakfast." Anna states.

Best Friends // Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now