Chapter 7

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This is what I picture Anna to look like except just pretend that she has green eyes. 

Calum's POV

Last night was perfect and I still can't believe she even said yes to an actual date. I mean I shouldn't have been so surprised we hang out all the time. For example, right now. It's Sunday night before school starts again, and me and Anna are currently cuddling and watching a movie. We ditched our friends again to hang out, oops we will probably have to explain that somehow tomorrow. I can feel Anna's breathing starting to slow, then I realize I can't let her fall asleep. 

"Hey Ann, don't fall asleep on me. We got to talk about how we are gonna hide our uh relationship...during school," I say. I mean I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend yet, but we still have to hide the connection or something. She stretches her arms out and sits up. 

"Alright, I'm up."

"So what are we gonna do," I say. She looks at me with a shocked expression and says, 

"What you expect me to come up with the plan, you basically kept me from falling asleep because you wanted to discuss it not me," she huffs. 

"I'm sorry but I just don't know where to start I thought we could figure it out together. I wish I could've let you fall asleep but we really need to talk about this first, then if you are that tired you can sleep here."

"I can't sleep here but I could take a nap because it's only," she looks at her phone, "7 'o clock, I'll leave at 10," she says. "How about we just act like we used to before we went on our date yesterday."

"I mean I guess," I shrug. 

"Well, what is there to hide right now. We went on one date, we held hands, we kissed, there's not much to hide."

Ouch, that hurt. I mean I would love to be a couple more than anything right now. But like who becomes an official couple after one date. She's got my mind racing even though it shouldn't be. 

"I know, but it just sucks because I want to hold your hand, I want to kiss you, I don't wanna hi-..."

She cuts me off. "Alright I think I know what your getting at. You know exactly how we're supposed to act during school and with our friends. The problem is is that you don't want too," she smirks up at me. 

"I know you've been here for a couple hours now, but can this be our second date.."

"Wait, this isn't a date??" she fake gasps.

"Oh shut up," I nudge her in the ribs, "so what's your answer gonna be."

She looks me directly in the eyes and says, "Yes." 

I swiftly lean in and give her a quick peck on the lips. She gasps at the contact and says, "Hey I wasn't ready." 

"Yeah, well that was kind of the point," I laugh. 

By this time the movie is over so I turn on Friends, mainly because I want to hear her laugh. She rests her head back on my chest, as she does that I put my arm around her and gently draw random shapes on her back. Since I turned friends on I got to listen to her laugh for about 2 episodes before she fell asleep. It's 8:30 and I wonder how she already fell asleep, and I have to wake her up again unless she wakes up before 10. I get why she doesn't plan on staying but it would make it easier if she did. 

1. I wouldn't have to wake her up.
2. She could just wear another one of my shirts (but that defeats the purpose of hiding us).

My thoughts are interrupted with a text message from:

Best Friends // Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now