The Plan Part 2

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I walked out of the room in search of everybody but I couldn’t find anybody at all, I think they all ditched me. I headed downstairs calling Elijah, Klaus, Rebekah, and Kendra but none of them. Oh well, they’ll have lots of explaining to do later, but for now I want some Jack Daniels. I went to go get a glass and served me some Jack Daniels.

I still wonder where everybody’s at,  if they’ve went somewher without me, then I  think I might do something to get back at them. But then again... what if they’re going to do something for me and it’s a surprise, though my birthday’s months away. I have to find out before jumping to conclusions I don’t want to be the only one feeling left out on something.

I finished up drinking my Jack Daniel’s and found Klaus with a big smile on his face. “What’s with you Nick?”

“Nothing Kol, couldn’t I just be happy for once?” Klaus smile widened.

“If you say so, where’s everybody else by the way?”

“Rebekah’s gone shopping with Kendra, while Elijah… Well let’s just say he’s resting.” He gave me a wink.

“What do you mean resting?” I seemed lost.

“I put him to rest.” He chuckled.

“Why would you do that?” I looked at him weird.

“Let’s just say he’s been… against me.” He grinned.

*Kendra’s POV*

Today has been one of the best days ever. Though I was completely against the whole compulsion thing to get free stuff, it was still kind of fun. On some of the people we didn’t needed to compel, we just flirtted our way with our charm.

We got in the car with our shopping bags in the trunk and drove back to the mansion. When we got there we grabbed our shopping bags out of the trunk and headed in. I went straight to my room and took out all the ‘free’ clothes I got and set it all in the closet then I went to Elijah’s room.

“Elijah.” I called to him and didn’t see him in his room I started looking around the mansion for him to see if he was there be he wasn’t.

I found Klaus and Kol talking to one another as I usually do. “Have any f you seen Elijah?” I asked.

“Have you checked everywhere?” Klaus asked.

“Yes and he’s nowhere in sight and his car’s here so… I don’t know what happened.” I started pacing back and forth.

“Then sorry love, but none of us seen him lately right Kol.” He faced Kol.

“Right.” Kol Nodded once in agreement.

“See love.” He gave me a smirk.

I decided to go in my room and wonder where he could be. Maybe I should try calling him. I took out my phone and dialed in his number. I heard the phone start ringing but there was no answer. I hung up and tried calling him again but still no answer.

Where could he be? Where something’s not right here, I know something’s wrong, I could somehow feel it. What if something happen to him, what if I lost him for good? I swear if he’s gone then there is no point for me to be here, no point for my existence. I have lost my parents in the fire and my home, I had to leave town so everyone would believe I was dead and now, I don’t want my reason of why I am here today to be gone.

I tear started escaping from my eye, hoping that I’m wrong. Hoping that he’s alright and nothing had happen to him. But still I have checked every inch of this house except for the basement. Wait the basement of course maybe he’s in the basement.

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