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*Still Klaus's POV*

I woke up the next day which still seemed pretty early. The sun almost seemed to be rising just in a few and I was ready to leave just to go out for a killing spree and make myself better and away from the thought as if Kendra and I ever had something.

I walked out my room and bumped into Kendra. "Up so soon love?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I want to see the sun rising before it's too late for the day." Kendra put on that beautiful smile of hers.

"Could I tag along?" I ask.

"Now why should I let you do that and why would you care? We both know very well that we hate each other's guts. Let me remind you the only reason you're alive is for Elijah." She spats at me and walks away from the house.

I sighed letting my tears fall knowing she doesn't remember a thing that had happened when I had her compelled.

When I had her compelled, I confessed her my love for her and admitted everything on why do I always seem so cruel and a cold hearted man I am. Everything that I've admitted to her was true and pure and now I wish she only knew on how I felt about her.

But regardless of what had happen, I just have to admit the fact that she hates my guts out because I'm the reason her parents are dead and my only true reason why she ended up becoming a vampire in the first place. Now I'm wondering how the Salvatore brothers do it since they are in love with the same woman just as I and Elijah are with Kendra.

I dashed out the house and just gone around town, seeing random people out and compelled as much humans as I wanted just to take them somewhere else to feed and kill them all and all just to blow off some steam to admit that Kendra and I will never be.

*Kendra's POV*

I look up at the sunrise near a lake by the woods, looking up at the horizon as the sun rose up. It seems so peaceful and relaxing with the only sounds I hear around me are the birds chirping and flying by the sky.

I'm trying to think and wonder since when did I have a drawing of me and Klaus, if just seems so weird. When I woke up in the morning and open one of my drawers, I found a drawing of us. I have no idea how it got there.

I sigh and pulled out my phone, gasping on what was as my background and screen screen saver was Klaus posing in some suit and the background was us so close together.

I couldn't understand how this could be I don't remember any of this. Then again to my guess, Klaus grabbed my phone and who knows when and changed my background and screen saver, That sneaky bastard. He probably even did it just to piss off Elijah and one thing he needs to know is that he will never separate us no matter what.

I got up and headed back to the mansion looking for Klaus because I wanted to have a word with him and explain to me about the pictures in my phone and a drawing of us I found but I couldn't find him anywhere.

"Morning Kendra." I felt some one wrap their arms around me and kissed my neck. I knew very well who it was too, it's Elijah.

"Morning Elijah." I turn around to face him, who was smiling at me.

I softly pressed my lips against his and kissed so passionately that it feels like if we've been apart for far too long though I know exactly that we were here right by each other's side all along.

He pushed my against the wall as we continued kissing, then I opened the door to his room and we fell on to the bed and from there, you know where it led.

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