Getting Ditched

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“Bet you can’t catch me.” I smiled at Elijah as we were near the woods.

“Wanna bet I can?” He shot me a smile right back.

We started running through the woods beating Elijah. I turned back and saw he just disappeared from me. One minute he was there and the next he was gone. I came to a sudden stop wondering where he was.

What in the world??? Where has he gone? “Elijah?” I called out his name I walked a few steps ahead and slowly inspected around me to see if I could find him, but there was no sign of him anywhere at all. It was as if he was completely gone. “Elijah?” I called out to him, but still there was not a single sight of him.

“Looking for me?” I heard that familiar voice. I turned around and saw Elijah with a big smile on his face.

“Elijah, my god, you scared me to death.” I gasped.

I started backing up a little then tripped on a rock, causing me to fall into a bush. I saw myself burning and began to cry out in pain as I felt the flowers burn into my skin. I must have fallen on vervain. “Kendra!” Elijah, quickly picked me up and carried me bridal style. ”Are you okay?” He softly said.

I saw my skin going back to normal in a matter of seconds and started feeling normal again. “I’m Fine, tanks.” I gazed into his eyes for a long second but then decided to quickly snap out of it.

“Good.” He smirked. “You almost scared me right there.”

“That makes the two of us.” I slightly smiled.

As we arrived back to the house, we found Klaus and Rebekah feeding on a human. Klaus had the girl while Rebekah had the boy, their victims. I could smell the blood sinking deep into my lungs, making me crave for some. I walked towards the innocent boy who was probably compelled and started to feed on him.

I feel so guilty every single time I feed on an innocent human. I feel like a monster, sucking the life of the innocent. It felt so wrong but I it tastes so right. I can’t help myself when it comes to blood, I’m a bloodaholic.

Klaus pulled back from the human. “Want some, brother?” He wiped the blood off his mouth with his hands.

“I’m not hungry.” Elijah shook his head.

“Come on Elijah, I know you want to.” Klaus insisted.

“I’m not hungry.” He repeated himself then headed upstairs.

As I saw him walking away, I stopped feeding on the boy and wiped the blood off my face. I headed upstairs and decided to take a nice warm bath. When I was done I put on my night gown and went to bed and began having a nightmare about my parents.

*Elijah’s POV*

I woke up in the middle of the night hearing somebody moping. I got off my bed and started heading to Kendra’s room seeing her tossing around and crying in her sleep. I walked towards her and lay down next to her. I looked down at her and smoothly pet her nice blonde hair then I got inside her head.

“Mom. Dad! No don’t leave me!” She cried out as she saw her parents about to set themselves on fire and ignoring their daughter.

I thought of something quick to do and decided to make the fire torched they had in their hands disappear completely. I made her parents seem sane in the dream and made them not kill each other.

“Mom, Dad!” Kendra sighed in relief.

 She ran towards her parents and gave them a hug. It was quite touching. I know exactly how it feels to lose a parent and I don’t want her to feel the double of what I felt when I lost my mother. Seeming my job here was done, I took a quick look at the dream fantasy I created and decided it’s time to go before she catches me. So I got out her head.

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