Leaked part 2

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*Still Rebekah's POV*

I put on an evil grin knowing I have Bonnie by my side. My plan will work, I’m going to teach my brother a lesson and make him compel Kendra back into loving Elijah and once she’s back, she’ll be pretty pissed off at Klaus and I’m not going to stop her from beating him up.

“I’m going to talk to Nik and if he denies something or tries doing anything, just walk up and use your witch power and give him pain.” I explain to her the plan.

“Got it, just one question. If Klaus ever threatens me for doing this, would you keep him away from me and not let me hurt him?” Bonnie asks me

“Yes, now let’s go teach him a lesson.” I said unsure if I’ll keep my word later on, but on the moment, she can trust me, but who knows I most likely change my mind later on but she doesn’t know that and I’m planning on letting it stay that way.

“Alright, let’s do this.” Bonnie nods her head.

I could tell she seems a little nervous on doing this, then again when isn’t she, she fears me and my brothers and she should be because we could be your best friend if we wanted to but at the same time we could be your worst nightmare but mostly your nightmare.

We head looking for Klaus and signaled Bonnie to back away a little as I found him in a room with Kendra. “Brother, can I have a word with you for just a minute?” I ask him.

“What is it, sister?” he says letting Kendra go to her room.

I waited until she was away from hearing distance so I could privately speak to Klaus. Once she was out of sights, I turned to Klaus who was waiting for me to say something.

”So tell me Klaus, how exactly did you and Kendra went from fighting all the time and hating each other one day and go all lovey dovey the next? Las I heard, she was dating Elijah.” I ask him.

Klaus cocks his head a little. “seems underneath all the hatred she has towards me, she couldn’t resist but think about me all the time and realizing she loves me, I know I love her.” He says.

“oh really? So you didn’t compel her into loving you making Elijah lose his love?” I crossed my arms.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He lies.

“I know you compelled her.” I say as Bonnie walked in and make pain shoot through Klaus’s head causing him to scream.

“Stop it!” He hollered but Bonnie kept on going.

“not until you admit it brother.” I cocked my brow.

“fine, I did, I compelled her into loving me.” Klaus admitted.

“That’s a good boy.” I say. I turned to bonnie and she stopped. I looked back at Klaus still a little mad at him. “Are you going to tell Elijah what you’ve done?” I asked him.

“No, and neither are you or anyone else.” He says.

I sighed rolling my eyes and turned to Bonnie making her know what to do. “This is ridiculous.” I sighed letting Bonnie go before Nick decides to threaten Bonnie or something.

I walk upstairs and knowing exactly what to do. Unlike Kol, I’m not afraid of Klaus I don’t care if he threatens me, kills me and lock me up… I don’t care, I’m not afraid of the big bad Klaus. If he does end up doing it then, I don’t care what I’m doing is going to be worth it.

I knock at his door. “Elijah, can I come in?” I opened the door anyways and found him asleep with dry tears down his cheeks.

Poor brother, he is truly hurt. Too much pain that he cried himself to sleep and it seems he trashed his whole room.

I take a seat on the side of the bed and watch him sleep. I didn’t have to get into his head just to know that he’s dreaming about her in his happy place. The only thing is that I have no idea if I should wake him up from his dream and tell him what Klaus did or not.

I just don’t want him to hurt anymore, he doesn’t deserve the pain he’s receiving, the only one that deserves it is Nick. Nobody else deserves the pain, nobody. Not even I thought about compelling such a thing back when I found out Stefan didn’t love me but Elena.

I know that if I don’t tell Elijah soon, then Klaus might lock me away without telling Elijah the truth. There is no way I’m letting Nick get away with it again like the time we ditched Kendra and lied to Elijah just so he won’t got back to look for her. I’m going to tell Elijah everything whether Klaus likes it or not.

“Elijah.” I whisper in his ear and shake him a bit.

Elijah opens his eyes and sat up. “What is it sister?”

“There is something you have to know.” I took a deep breath and was ready to tell him everything.

Together at Last (Elijah Mikaelson love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora