Going out for coffee

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 *Kendra’s POV*

I just woke up from this weirdest dream, actually I’m not sure if it was supposed to be a nightmare or not, I couldn’t actually tell. All I know is that Klaus can’t even seem to be nice not even on my dreams he acts like some dude in charge of some mafia. Always doing something for others but yet there’s always a catch. Klaus is a real monster and an ass. Elijah on the other hand, he’s the same how he is in my dreams.

I got off bed and took a quick shower then quickly got dressed and did my makeup. When I was done, I got out the room and started heading down stairs until I felt somebody grab my arm.  I turned to see who it was and it was Elijah.

“Would you like to go out for some coffee?”

“Yeah, sure.” I smiled.

We headed out side and got in his car then we drove to Starbucks. We ordered our coffee and took a seat at one of the tables.

“How’s your coffee?” He asked as I took a sip from it.

“Good I guess… you should know since we did basically order the same thing.”

“True.” he smiled and took a sip from his coffee.

I smiled back at him but then it faded as I started remembering last night’s dream playing over and over in my head. It’s still weird that I saw Elijah kissing me which I really did enjoyed until I realized after the kiss I saw Klaus. One of the weird things of all is that I haven’t had nightmares about my parents dying in years they stopped back in the 1900’s, possibly earlier than that.

“Something the matter?” He noticed the expression on my face.

“I just had the nightmares again… it’s no big deal.” I stuttered.

“Are you sure you’re okay? Want to tell me what happened?” He asked.

“Yeah I’m fine. “ I forced a smirk on.

I didn’t want to tell him my dream. The fact that I dream he saved my parents then kissed me, but then he turned into Klaus, Klaus Killed my parents, Elijah killed him then afterwards he hugged me. I can’t tell him the part where I dram that we kissed, I just can’t he’s probably going to think I’m weird or something, so it’s better left f he has no clue.

“Can I tell you something?” he tossed his coffee away, making it in the trash can.

“Sure anything.”

“yesterday about the kiss…”

“Yeah I know…”

“You do?” He seemed confused.

“Yeah, I know that the kiss meant nothing and it was just so I could get in your head, right?”

“yeah, but I need to confess you something… but promise me that nothing will ever change between us no matter what.”

I looked at him confused having no idea where he’s going with this. I have no idea, did he do something wrong that I don’t know about or what?

“I promise…”

“I have feelings for you…” He struggled to say.

“What?” I wanted to make sure if I heard right.

“I love you and I was hoping if you wanted to be my girlfriend.” He held my hands.

With nothing to say and not believing on what I just heard, I just froze there feeling surprised. It just suddenly came unexpected and I have no idea he has feelings for me. I feel so relieved that he loves me back.

“Yes.” I finally nodded.

“Look, I know that… wait yes?” He seemed lost.

“I’d love to be your girlfriend.” I smirked.

I stood up and decided to do what I wanted to do I the longest and what I’ve fantasized. I sat on his laps and kissed him as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I could feel his arms wrapped around my waist.

*Klaus’s POV*

I looked around the house for Elijah and Kendra but I couldn’t find them at all. I knew Rebekah’s at school and Kol’s somewhere around here but Elijah and that vampire witch is gone, it’s like they both disappeared. It isn’t good, not good at all for me.

‘Where are they?’ I thought to myself out loud.

“Where’s who?” Kol walked into my room.

“Elijah and Kendra, have you seen them?” I urgently asked.

“Nope, I haven’t seen them at all today.” He shook his head.



“We can’t leave any of those two alone, if we do then they might tell each other that they have feeling for one another and we just can’t let that happen.” I explained feeling frustrated.

“I don’t think you should have anything to worry about, you said so yourself that they have no idea, right?”


“Then there you go, they won’t tell each other because they would be afraid to lose one another.” He smiled.

I hope Kol’s right, I just hope so. If he’s wrong then I swear somebody’s going to die, innocent people are going to die.

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