Sweet Nightmare

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 *Elijah’s POV*

I was in the woods where there’s a  there was a big camp fire along with Elena, Stefan, Damon, and their little group of friends. I have no idea what was I doing here at this uninterested party. They were all just hanging out and drinking.

I started wondering around and decided to stop by and say hi to Elena and the Salvatore brothers, but before I could, I found Kendra smiling assuming right at me.

“Come over here.” She waved.

I smiled right back and started heading her way until I say Klaus walk pass me and headed her way. My smile faded away as I saw the both of them hugging one another and kissing. I saw them together. I wanted to kill Nick and lock him up in his coffin from the jealousy I’m feeling, but then again I also felt heartbroken I made myself look like a fool, I thought she was talking to me and it turned out it was my brother, the one who always steals the ones I want.

I saw Klaus facing me and put on an evil grin across his face. I saw him walking towards me still with his evil grin on. “She’ll never be yours.” Klaus whispered and started off with his evil laughter. Kendra headed our way and wrapped herself around Klaus. Without even looking at me, she was making out with him.

“I’ll never be yours, never.” She faced me.

“Told you.” He smiled and saw the both of them walking away.

I woke up around three in the morning. I felt relief it was all a dream, I don’t ever want to even think that Klaus would steal her away from me. I told him to stay away and that she’s off limits. I just don’t want her to get hurt, I want her to be safe with me.

“What’s the matter brother had a bad dream?” I saw Klaus leaning against the door with his arms crossed.

He sounded as if he’s up to something but I don’t know what. Then again knowing Klaus, I know exactly what he did. What other explanation would be that he’s right here in my room. He got in my head.

“My head is no place for you Klaus.” I arched a brow.

“I could always make room.” He cocked his head.

“Of course you can.” I sounded sarcastically.

“Well, you know me and now I shall leave you alone and fantasize about Kendra which I bet you do a lot.

I didn’t say a word; I just let him think whatever he wants. I don’t really want to fight with him right now he’s always looking for trouble. I saw him walking away, hoping to his room and rest. But what if he doesn’t, what if he’ll do something to Kendra.

*Kendra’s POV*

There they were, the whole town’s burning my house all because they found out that my father’s a witch. I cried as I saw them burning down my home with my parents in it, but then I saw somebody walk out of the house carrying two bodies hanging from each shoulder. As I got a closer look from him, it turned out to be Elijah carrying my parents to safety, he saved their lives.

“They’ll be fine.” He said as he laid the down next to me near a tree.

“Thank you Elijah, for saving them.” I smiled.

“Anything for you.” He cupped his hands on my cheeks then leaned down to kiss me.

It came unexpected, I’m surprised by the kiss because it came out of nowhere and Elijah and I are nothingmore but just friends. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck. When we pulled away and saw him, it wasn’t Elijah anymore, it was Klaus. I gasped and took a step back.

“What’s the matter love?”


*Elijah’s POV*

What in the world am I still doing here thinking if Klaus really has gone to bed or not. I think I need to go check up on Kendra. I need to make sure she’s okay. I need to make sure Klaus doesn’t get in her head either, if he does he’s a dead man.

I got up my bed and headed straight to Kendra’s room. There I found just as suspected, Klaus in her head, her head is off limits. I could only go into her head because all I do is take the pain from her nightmares away while Klaus who knows what he does. I just wanted to kick him out of her head and fight him, but I can’t I might wake Kendra up, so I’ll find another way to do so, I’m getting in her head and fight Klaus in there. I took a seat on an empty space in her bed. I kiss her forehead and then went inside her head.

I found Klaus making out with her just like he did in my dream, but instead it was back in the past where Kendra’s worst nightmare from her parents started. The only difference is that I saw her parents lying down by a tree next to them. I saw Kendra gasp as she pulled away from the kiss.

“What’s the matter love?” I heard him say. I saw her backing away from him. “Oh don’t be like that love, I won’t bite… that hard.” I saw him taking a step closer to her.

I started walking their was and held her in my arms. “Can’t you see she’s not interested?” I tell him, hugging her tighter.

“Well isn’t this lovely, I was just claiming my reward for saving her parent’s life.”

“I’m not giving you nothing Klaus, just leave me alone.” Kendra faced him then sank her head in my chest.

“Very well then.” He kneeled down next to her parent’s bodies and ripped both hearts out at once.

“No!!!” I heard Kendra crying. Not even in dreams I don’t want her to be that way.

I left her go and started charging towards Klaus. “Why did you do that?” I demanded.

“Because she wasn’t going to give me anything.” He said calmly.

“Not that, why did you get in her head?!?!” I said it in a loud whisper, but made sure Kendra wasn’t hearing anything.

“To keep me entertained.” He cocked his head.

I ripped his heart out then he was gone. I headed back with Kendra and gave her another hug then made my way out her head.

I opened my eyes and saw Klaus making his way out. I didn’t even bother stop him, I just let him go. I looked down at Kendra and saw her still sound asleep. I pulled her hair behind her ear and I couldn’t help myself but to kiss her soft pink lips. Then I made my way out and decided to rest for about an hour or two.

Together at Last (Elijah Mikaelson love story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora