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We broke free from the kiss and looked at each other’s eyes. I slightly smiled and trace a hand on her cheek and ran my fingers through her beautiful blonde hair. I had the urges from kissing her again.  I gave her another kiss and smiled.

It’s hard to believe that this is actually happening, she likes me back. I knew this idea from taking her out for coffee and tell her how I really feel about her would be such a good idea. After the scandal Klaus pulled on last night, I knew it wasn’t a good idea if we stayed at the house where Klaus is.

After what happened last night, I stayed wide awake in my room planning on what was I going to do, I didn’t want to fall back asleep and let Klaus mess around with Kendra’s head again, he might have compelled her to do who knows what. I decided to take her here, away from Klaus and let her know how I feel before it was too late, before Klaus does any more damage than he already has by messing through our minds.

“I’m thirsty.” She whispered in my ear.

“Would you like to go hunt or go back to the mansion and get a bag of blood from the incubator?”  I said softly incase if somebody happens to hear anything.

“Go home.” She kissed my cheek.

We both got up and started walking to my car when we bumped into Damon. ”Well, well, well, what have we here?” Damon cocked his head.

“Hello Damon, how may we help you?” I pulled Kendra closer to me just in case if Damon dares hitting on her, since he is practically kind of is a ladies man after all.

“Oh, I see Kendra hooked up with and original, how sweet.” He sounded sarcastic.

“Yes Damon, we have. Now if you could excuse me, we were just heading home.” Kendra pointed out.

“Why head home so soon? Why not head to our place and have a chat, we got lot’s of catching up to do Ken.” Damon looked at Kendra.

“I guess that’s okay, only if Elijah agrees for us to go to your place.” She looked up at me then faced back to Damon.

“Whoa, hold on there, no original’s allowed, I don’t trust them.” He gave me an evil look.

“Really Damon, you don’t trust me? Haven’t you forgotten I basically saved Elena’s life on the night that Klaus was so close on killing her?” I crossed my arms.

“Nope, still don’t. All you originals are the same. How do I expect on trusting you when you’re Klaus’s and Barbie Klaus’s brother?” He shrugged.

“Damon, don’t speak to Elijah like that…”

“Just saying ken, watcha gonna do?” Damon said as he started walking away.

I knew I should have killed that Salvatore when I had the chance I don’t like Damon one bit, if only he was more like Stefan. If Damon keeps behaving this way, I say Stefan and Elena should lock him up in the cellar and teach him how to be polite and have good manners. I feel sorry for those who have to put up with him.

“Let’s go.” We got in the car and headed home.

When we got home, there was no sight of Klaus anywhere or Kol. I guess those two are having quality time together, or they both are just probably with the hybrids, giving them orders and keeping an eye out for Elena or something. Or maybe Klaus took Kol out on a killing spree, since Klaus sure does love to kill. He also love making more and more hybrids, if he keeps on making more and more of them then the whole werewolf species would be extinct.

We both headed to the kitchen and pulled out to drinking glass and set them on the counter. Then I took out a bag of blood and filled our glass up of blood. “Here you go.” I hand her a glass.

“Well thank you.”  He smiled and took a sip out of her blood.

“You’re welcome.” I returned the smile and started drinking my glass of blood.

“So where is everybody anyways?” She wonders as she finishes the cup of blood.

I finish drinking my blood and set the glass down on the counter. “Rebekah’s at school while Klaus and Kol are probably on a killing spree.” I guessed.

“Rebekah goes to school?” She seemed confused.

“Yes, just to keep an eye out on Elena.” I explained but it still seemed she was lost. “We’re keeping an eye out because we’re trying to prevent from anything bad happening to her, she needs to stay alive or else Klaus’s big army of Hybrids will all die and poor little Klaus won’t be ably to make more.” I continued explaining.

“Oh... Kay… Why does Klaus want an army of Hybrids?”

“Because he practically want’s to feel like a boss, he wants to feel like he's the most powerful species in the world and everyone to better listen to him or else he’ll have you and those around you destroyed.” I joked, but sadly it’s kind of true.

“That Klaus.” She rolled her eyes shaking her head.

“I know.” I agreed.

Together at Last (Elijah Mikaelson love story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu