At the Mikaelson's

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 *Elijah’s POV*

I always hated seeing her in pain. She always has those flashbacks running over and over again through her mind. I have to keep her away from those thoughts. I want to see her happy again with her beautiful smile. Kendra doesn’t know this but back then when she was crying in her sleep and had nightmares, I used to always sneak in her room and get in her head. I only got in there to make everything alright, to make her happy. A little after from what happened back then when her parents got killed thanks to my brother, I started to realize some things but I quite wasn’t sure what it was, until the day we left.

“Do you have a place to stay?” I said as I pulled away.

“No.” She slowly shook my head.

“Would you like to come stay with me?” I offered her to stay at the mansion.

“I’d love to.” She put on a smile. Making me return the smile.

She has the sweetest smile I’ve ever seen, along with her beautiful eyes. She looks as perfect as the first day I ever laid eyes on her. I’m glad she agreed to come stay at the mansion. I just hope Klaus and Rebekah be nice to her and I guess she’s also going to meet my other brother, Kol.

“Shall we get going?”

“Yes, yes we should.” She nodded her head.

I lead her to my car and we drove off to the Mansion. During the way over there, I kept on eyeing her over and over again, I just couldn’t help myself, and she’s so beautiful. But I know that she only sees me as a friend, a good friend.

“We’re here.” I pulled over and turned off the car.

We both got off the car and I saw her jaws dropped and eyes widened as she checked out the whole place. “Whoa, this is huge.”

I chuckled. “I suppose it is, wait until you see the inside of it.” I winked at her and made her way in. Apparently no one was home, and it seems that they’ll all going to have a big surprise for when they see Kendra, since it has been nearly two centuries by the way.

I gave her a tour around the house and showed her room which is right next to mines, just so I could have her close to me.

“Would you like some vodka?” I grabbed two liquor glass cups and added some ice.

“Sure.” I poured both cups and handed her one. “Thanks.”

“Anytime.” I smiled.

I took a sip of my drink then saw her take a sip of hers and right as I was about to say something, I heard Klaus, Rebekah, and Kol walking in.

“Well. Well. Well, look who do we have here?” Rebekah teased.

“Who’s this?” Kol asked in confusion.

“She’s my friend Kendra from about over a century ago. Kendra, this is my brother Kol.” I explained.

“Oh, Well nice meeting you.” He smiled at Kendra. I saw him held her hand and kiss it.

“Nice meeting you two.” She put on a shy smile.

This really got me jealous. I see that Kol has some interest at her. I hope he backs off before I decide to do what Klaus once did to Rebekah and the rest of the family, just thrive a stake through his heart them keep him in his coffin and not letting him out until I have my whole jealousy thing over. Or whenever Kendra and I end up happily together, then maybe just then, I could show her off.

*Kendra’s POV*

 It’s nice meeting another Mikaelson in the family.  I know that they have another brother which is Finn and Henrik I remembered Elijah telling me about another brother who’d died as a human by a werewolf. He’d told me the story about how they ended up originally made as vampires. He also told me that His mother’s an original witch and his father’s also a Vampire, but not any kind a vampire, but also a vampire hunter.

“How have you been, love?” Klaus put on a smile.

After all these years I still hate him and I still want to kill him, but I won’t. I’m letting him live for Elijah. I just hope I could keep my temper down around him.

“I’ve been fine, just done some traveling and plotting my revenge on what in the world should I do to you.” I bluffed.

“Me? Well what have I ever done to you?” Klaus played innocent.

“Stop acting stupid. Well there’s the fact that it’s your fault my parents are dead, That I’ve turned, and that you guys ditched me.” I said my top three reasons why he should be dead by now and yet lives for my one and only reason, Elijah.

“Well love, what goes around, comes around.” He turned around and headed upstairs along with Rebekah and Kol.

“I’m going to my room.” I walked upstairs and headed to my new room in my new home and in my hometown.

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