Evil Klaus

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 *Elijah’s POV*

I gently closed the door from Kendra’s room, then I headed straight towards Klaus’s room.. I opened the door and found him talking to Kol. “NICK!!!” I exclaimed.

“Elijah, we were just speaking about…”

“Why Nick WHY!!!” I cut him off.

Since Kol didn’t want to get involved in the fight while having  no clue to what’s going on, he decided to leave the room.

“Why, what? What’s wrong with you?”

“Why did you lie to me the day that you told me Kendra ‘supposedly’ left and when father stopped by?” I angrily started grabbing him by the collar.

I really do want to beat him up. He lied to me he told me that Kendra left us, just like he lied about killing mom. He said dad killed her but it was really him. Who knows how many more lies he’s told.

“Tsk. Tsk. Tsk, Kendra told you that.” He shook his head with an evil smile. “Who are you going to believe me your brother, or some former witch?”

“Don’t insult her.” I took a deep breath trying to keep my temper  “You wanted her dead?” I shook my head.

“Just think of it as... saving your life.” He raised a brow.

“You son of a…” I trailed off.

I threw him out of the room making him fall down stairs.  I jumped of the stair case and punched Klaus in the face. He didn’t do anything to fight back, all he did was laugh. I couldn’t help but stop hitting him.

“What’s so funny?” I seemed confused.

“I know what’s going on here.” I let him get up.

“You have feelings for her, don’t you?” He smiled.

I saw the bruises on him and the small cuts I left him, heal. I stood there frozen and faced the ground. He’s right, I do have feelings for her I love her. Since the day I thought she left us, I was completely sure that I loved her and I never stopped either. After all these year, all I did was wonder where could she be or if she’s alright.

“What’s with all the noise?” Rebekah and Kol rushed down the stairs.

Klaus still had his eyes on me with an evil grin and waiting for me to say the answer.

“Just stay away from her, she’s off limits.” I finally say and started walking upstairs. I could hear Klaus doing an evil laugh.

I headed to my room and shut the door. I laid down on my bed. I started tracing my lips and formed them into a smile. I couldn’t stop thinking of Kendra. I can’t stop but think of the kiss I gave her. It was hard enough for me to focus, because if I wasn’t, then she’d known that I have feelings for her and I might lose her. I had to make her believe the kiss was only just so she could she I never left her.

It was an amazing kiss, it felt like my life’s been complete. I want it to happen again, I want to kiss her again but I don’t know how. I want her to know how I feel about her but then again, I’m afraid to lose her, lose her for good. I must find a way, I must know if she has feelings for me… but how.


I started laughing hysterically; it almost seems as if I’m insane. Rebekah and Kol started looking at me weird. They don’t know exactly why I’m laughing. I’m laughing because it turns out that Kendra and Elijah like each other but they don’t know, and I want it to stay that way. I want them to keep dying to know if they love one another, it’ll bring me pleasure.

“What so funny, Nick?” Rebekah spoke.

“Yeah, what’s with you?” Kol seemed lost.

Well apparently Elijah found out we lied to him long time ago when we left Kenrda.”

“Well there goes the answer to the other question which was up with all the noise and the fighting.” Rebekah shrugged.

“So…” Kol trail off.

“It turns out that he likes her and I know she like him back, but they don’t know and I want it to stay that way.”

“Evil and typical Klaus, I always had my suspensions on those two.” Rebekah rolled her eyes and started heading back upstairs.

“That’s a shame, I really did want to sleep with her, she’s fine.”

“Then do so brother.” I said and headed up to my room, I need to catch up on my beauty sleep.

Oh my dearest brother Elijah, how clueless you are... I’m sure I'am going to have fun with you two. Even better since I could also compel your precious Kendra, I could make her Kol’s or I could make her mines, but she will never be yours brother, I get what I want and I always find a way to get it for me.

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