Remembering Everything

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*Kendra's POV*

I look up at Klaus and gasp. My eyes were getting watery. I shake my head and rush up full vampire speed into my room and shut the door. I take a seat on my bed. Taking deep steady breaths, I tried clearing up my mind.

I remember. I remember everything and I'm more lost than ever before. What has he done to me? Why do I feel so confused? Why do my feelings seems so bleak? I remembered the time when he compelled me. When I was looking out for Elijah. He compelled me to love him and forget my feelings towards him. I remembered the times we spent together, the pictures... everything.

I also remembered what he'd told me before he compelled me back. After all these years, the truth had come out. Klaus loves me but I don't. I love Elijah. But my questions are; why did he kill my parents? If he loved me so much why did he ruined my life? Why did he abandon me? All I want from him are answers.

I pace back and forth in my room not knowing what to think. This doesn't make any sense to me at all. I look at myself in the mirror and see Klaus standing right behind me.

"Kendra please let me explain." Klaus pleads.

"Explain what? That you love me? There's nothing you need to explain to me about. I love Elijah and always will. I mean how could you do this to me? How could you do this to him, your own brother who's supposedly your favorite sibling?" I demanded.

I look at him demanding for an explanation but he stays quiet so I continue speaking. "If you really did love me, then you should have never compelled me into loving you. You should have never killed my parents, never acted like you hated me, and never would have let me turn. I wanted to stay being a witch. I wanted to grow old and die not live forever. All I want is you to get out of here, now." I say with tears streaming down my cheeks in pain and anger.

Klaus sighs without saying anything. "Very well love, as you wish." His eyes get watery and he walks out of my room. I slam the door shut and break into tears, all I want to be at this moment is to be alone without interruptions.

*Klaus's POV*

Well I made it so clear that she hates me more than ever. I don't think she'll ever forgive me. She wants me out of her life and that's what I'm going to do for her, everything seems so clear to me now.

I grab my pen and paper and write a note for her:

"My sweetest Kendra, I'm sorry for what I've done and I'm sorry about everything. Don't worry about me love, as I will fulfill your wish. I'm leaving and I'm never come back. Just live your life with Elijah and be happy. I never intended on hurting you, and I guess I did for what I did because I mostly shut off my humanity and become this cold hearted Original
that I am. I guess I was just afraid to love, to care, to cry, I feared so much about my humanity
because I guess I never wanted to get hurt like I am this very moment. Just know that I'm willing to do anything for you. Take care love.


I grab the note, soaked in my tears and head back down to my studio to grab the painting I did for her. I brought it up to her room as I found her asleep and with dry tears. I set the painting by her and left my note and I took one more quick look at her.

"Farewell love, I'll always love you." I whispered in her ear and kissed her forehead and left.

*Kendra's POV*

I woke up hearing Klaus. For a moment there, I thought he was actually in my room but, When I look around and no one in sight. I look to my right and found a painting which appeared to be of me and my parents and I'll admit it's beautiful. I notice a note next to it and start reading it. Pretty soon, without realizing it, my tears escaped out of my eyes. I read the note over and over, making sure I'm reading what it says.

What have I done? This is entirely my fault and Klaus is gone for good. I never wanted him to leave. I'm just so stupid for being so harsh on him. If I only I've never yelled at him. If I never told him what I did, then he should have been here with me and his siblings.

"Klaus?! Klaus?!" I call out to him as I storm out the room but there's no response, he's gone. "Klaus?! I call out again.

"What is it?" Rebekah Asks, getting out of his room and so does Khol and Rebekah.

"Have any of you seen Klaus?" I ask concerned.

They look at each other having not a single clue what's going on and what I'm talking about.

"No why?" Elijah asks.

"Because I found this." I hand him the note Klaus have given me before he left. "I just found it there in my room next to a painting he drew for me."

"He's gone." Elijah says, not believing he actually left.

"What?" Khol asks and looks over at the note then Rebekah takes it from him and reads it over and over.

"How could he do this? He left us." Rebekah says.

"He'd never done this before, I can't believe he's gone. I want my brother back." Khol says being as disappointed as We all are.

Elijah pulled me close to him as we all cried in each other's arms. No matter how many terrible things he's done, I still care for him as much as I care for everyone else. I consider him as family just like I consider Khol and Rebekah as one. I'm not only a Schmidt with a family bloodline of a witch, I was, no am. I am also a Mikaelson and we are family. We should be together forever until the end no matter what.

It's us against the world.

"Always and forever."

The End 

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