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The two opposite energys continued to bash at each other. No one showing signs of getting tired.

"Light of wisdom!! " "Dark magic attack!! "

Both energys clashed with each other causing the whole earth to rumble.

Igma was biting his fingers in fear as he watched his now strong sister fighting a great battle in the air. Luna and Kasim were on their kneels praying to the gods for help.

Mahad and Seto cliched their hands into fists hoping for the best. While Atem..... Atem was confident..... He knew his goodness was going to win. He had faith in her.... Just like how she has faith in him.

Bakura was getting tired of this.

It's time to end this fight! As if She could understand his body language.

"Oh no you don't!" he was going to summon his diabound again!

Then Luciana did the unexpected. "I summon My father, Slifer. The winged dragon god!!"


Red smoke filled the air and Slifer emerged from it. Standing Tall and glorious.

Bakura was stunned. F... Father?! Oops.... Well now he knows.

The others below watched amazed. She summoned her father.

Luciana smirked knowing she was not done yet.

"Oh, I'm not done yet. I summon Obelisk the tormentor and The Ra winged dragon!!! "

Thunder and lightning bolt filled as the remaining two gods came into view.

Atem was paled. Igma and Luna were now purple in shock. The others were frozen.

"Oh my goodness..... She called all three Egyptian gods at once. "Mahad spoke.

All the other could do was nod.

Bakura was going to get it now.

Slifer faces his daughter. "I see you now need my help. "

Obelisk faces the goddess in front of him.

"She is your daughter? She is remarkable. "

Ra smirked. "Hey, we are here to help her. Not get a date. Besides, she will be getting married soon"

Oh men. Your loss.

Slifer then glares at the thief. "You..... You who have caused a great deal to the land of my people. You shall receive your judgement today. "

Bakura paled. Oh no. Not that! Anything but that!

Luciana's began to glow. "By the power in me. My father and the gods of Egypt. I thereby sentence you to be banished...... To the shadow realm. "

The shadow realm?!

Then lights shoned from inside the gods. "No... No! This can't be!! "

The earth and heavens shook. "The gods glew with ultimate and unspeakle power!

Luciana felt their energy flowing through her veins and into her staff. With a victorious smile..... She points to the thief.

Bakura couldn't move. Something was holding him. Then he began to sink.

Looking down  he sees himself sinking inside a purple portal....... To the shadow realm... Itself.

"No.... No.. No. No. No. No.. NO!!! " his sank through. His staff disappears.

"WAIT TILL I RETURN!!!! " was his last shout.... Then his was gone..... Gone for good.

They cheered. He was finally gone. Luna, Igma, Syrus and Kasim jumped around with joy. He is finally gone.

Seto too was happy but he only showed it through a small smile. Mahad too was happy.

Atem.... Didn't react. He just stared at his queen who was at the mist of the most powerful gods in Egypt. His heart swelled with pride.

She was no longer the shy girl he met before... Now she was a god like the others.

Luciana smiles at how they cheered. She faces her father and other gods.

"Thank you..... Thank you so much for your help. "

Syrus smiled. "For you my dear.... I will be willing to help. I am proud of you. And I know your father, your mother.... Your brothers and your village will be proud of you..... Luciana. "

Luciana had sad but happy tears in her eyes.

Ra then faced Atem who never took his eyes off her. "You should get back. Your king is waiting for you. "

She looks down. Indeed he was looking at her. With joy and pride. "I will always be with you my daughter. Take care of Egypt for me. My dear. "

She waves to them as they slowly disappears into thin air.

Landing back on the ground, they siblings along with Kasim and Syrus crashed her into a hug.

"Big sister you did it! You kicked booty. "

"I'm so proud of you Luciana. I'm the luckiest brother in the world! "

"That was amazing. Luciana. So incredible!"

Mahad and Seto gave her words of gratitude. She smiles at them and nods.

Then she faces Atem. They made a strong eye contact, not leaving each others eyes.

Then, he slowly walks to her. The others gave him space and watched him as he walked.

Suddenly, they both hugged each other. "You did it..... You did it my love. You saved Egypt. I'm so proud of you my love. "

Luciana blinked away tears in her eyes. Bakura is now gone. Egypt is safe now and forever.

Atem faced Luciana who blushed at the eye contact.

Slowly leaning to her.... Their lips connected with so much love.

Igma and Mahad now remembering that there were children here quickly covered their eyes.

"Hey! "

"Your too young to see this. "

"But come on please?! "

"Nope! Don't even think about it! "

Kasim smiles as he held Luna's hand. Even with his eyes close. "It's OK. Luna. Who knows, we will experience it one day. "

Luna blushed. "Sure! "

Igma suddenly became overprotective again. "No way young lady! You are not having a boyfriend until you are at least 30!"

"What?! That's not fair!"

"Come. On. Why 30?!"

They continued to argue. But the two couples ignored everything around them.

All. They wanted now... Is to be in each others arms.

Phew, I'm done. I hope you all liked it. I sure hope you do.

Yugioh Pharaoh Atem X Oc Reader .The Egyptian goddess.   Where stories live. Discover now