It's time to duel!

652 19 1

"ACK!!! " 

Luciana got smacked to a hill causing it to crash humongously.

Bakura laughed like a maniac like he was. His diabound was ready to release another attack.

She groans as she struggles to get up. She was badly bruised and her white gown stained with blood.

"I give you one last chance. Join me and together, we will be unstoppable! "
She growls. "Over my dead body! Bakura."

For a moment, Bakura has that rejected look on his face but he glares.

"Fine then! Then suffer!! Diabound! Attack that girl. "

The shadow monster shot another energy orb. Luciana gasped and jumped out of the way into the air.

Suddenly, Bakura appeared behind her with a smirk. She gasped in horror!

"What the......?! "

BLAM! She got kicked hard on the head. She screams as she came crashing down. Then she landed created a deep crater. She was unconscious.

The four men were on Syrus's back, flying to meet them. Suddenly, Igma gasped in sheer horror.

"Igma? What's wrong? "

"This.... This can't be good. "

Atem grins a bit. "What is it? "

"Luciana. I can't sence her energy! It's like she was wiped out! "

"WHAT?! "

"A.... Are you sure?! There must be some mistake! Are you absolutely sure?! Did you double check!? "

Atem's heart began to beat fast and furious.

Igma paused. "Wait! I'm getting a hint of her energy. But it's low. dangerously low. She's dying! "

Seto growls as he saw Atem pale drastically out of fear and worry.

He knew how Atem loved the girl even when she just an ordinary slave. And the thought of losing her with only leave him in shatters.

"Then we have to hurry! "

Igma grunts in agreement. "Syrus! Full speed ahead! We must save Lucina and Luna! "

Syrus let out an ear deafening roar and took off in full speed. Leaving everything in blur.

Kasim continued to untie his friend. When he was done, she got up. "Thanks! Now let's get out of here! "she shouts as the cave began to rumble. The children took of and managed to come out of the cave before the entrance was covered with rocks.

But there was a problem. "The cave..... It's surrounded with lava. " Kasim states as the hot molten magma boiled with extreme heat causing it to bubble.

"I have an idea. Good thing Mana thought me some freeze spells. " Luna states as she cracks her knuckles.

With concentration, she had glowed blue and one blast made the lave cold and frozen. "Let's hurry! It will last for 5 minutes. "

"Get on! " Kasim ordered as he got on his knees. Knowing what he meant, she climbs his back. "Hold on! " and Zoom! He took of with in human speed.

"Wait but what about my sister? "

"We can't be there. If Bakura sees us watching, he could use us as a weak point to her. She needs concentration in order to defeat that monster. I have a feeling your brother will be around we have to find him and hope he can find us...... "

"Look! It's Syrus! "Luna shouts as she points a familiar sliver dragon in the air.

"He came! "

Suddenly, Syrus began to decend."Syrus! What are you doing?! There is no time for rest and besides you don't get tired. " Igma growls.

"Big brother over here! "

Atem perked up. "That was Luna's voice! "

"Down there.! "Mahad points. They looked down to see Kasim and Luna waving to them.

Igma smiles but gasped. The ice, it was melting.

"Oh no! Hang on! "

The children gasped as the ice was melting fast. Kasim carries Luna up.

"Kasim! What are you doing?!"

"I can't let you get burnt. "

"But you will! "

"It's the least I can do. After the things you had done for me. This is something I want to do back to to say thank you. "

Luna softly gasped. Then Kasim groans softly as his feets were gotten hot.

"Kasim! "

Syrus dived in, with Atem ready to get a hold of them, then with one swipe of the arm, they were on Syrus's back.

Kasim's feets were burnt badly.

"Hold on Kasim. Luna can you help him? " Atem asked as he held the boy.

With a nod, she used a healing spell. It took a while but it was worth it when his feets went back to normal.

But he was unconscious. The pain was too much for the small boy.

Luna gently hugs her Friend. "Thank you. Thank you so much. "

The men smiled at the moment. And they could swore to see a small smile on his face.

Then Igma went to serious mood. "Now, time to find Luciana. "

Beware of part 3

Yugioh Pharaoh Atem X Oc Reader .The Egyptian goddess.   Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant