It's Time To Duel!

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They continued to fly in the air, trying to find the goddess. Igma and Atem were the ones who worried mostly. Luna fell asleep due to much energy loss. Mahad and Seto had the children safely in their hands.

Suddenly, Syrus froze with shock. Causing his passagers to almost fall over.

"Syrus! What is it now?! "

Syrus continued to flap in the air not taking his eyes of something.

Seto being curious had to look down. "Luciana! "

Atem gasped as he looked down also. She....... She... Was hurt. She was unconscious! She was gone.........! Bakura did this.

Suddenly, his eyes are now full of rage. Along with Igma.

"Bakura!!!!! "

The said thief
looked up with a smirk. "Well if it isn't the Pharaoh. Nice for you to join the fun. I was about to finish her off. " he playfully teased.

Atem suddenly jumped from the dragon to the ground, landing safely on his feet.

"You will pay for this Bakura! "

Igma didn't want to be left out of the fight. He faced the others.
"Watch over them! "

"What?.... Wait!!.... "

Igma also jumped from the dragon.

"With this anger. His going to kill Bakura." said Mahad. Seto nodded as he watched them from above.

"Quick! Let's get Luciana out of there!! "
Syrus quickly and quietly dove in and with one swipe of the arm, Luciana was on Syrus.

"WHAT!!! "Bakura growls. They were taking his queen away!!

"I think The real problem is that you will have to deal with us! How dare you do this to my queen!? You killed my queen! " Atem shouts with tears and untold anger in his eyes.

"And my sister?! You....... You blood thirsty demon!!. "

Bakura growls at Atem. "for your information, you must mean my queen! Atem! I don't see why she would love a coward, a loser like you. "
Atem was red in rage. "luciana will never be your queen! She is mine and mine alone! "

"And I forbid to the gods I will never be your brother in law! You hurt my sister this much and you want to make her your queen!? Are you insane?!

Bakura laughed, his diabound was right next to him. "Luciana and I made a deal boy. "

"Yeah, a deal because you kidnapped Luna and made her come after you. Luring her here will be your biggest mistake you have ever made! I won't blame her. Because she always chooses her family first before anything else. You used my Luna as a bait. You monster."

Bakura suddenly growls. "I don't have time for your games. Give Luciana back to me! I took her down and it's time to collect my prize.! Her body"

Atem and Igma stood in a fighting stance. "You will have to deal with us first Bakura.! "

"So be it."

Mahad sets Syrus down a bit afar from the battlefield. Knowing that he will need Syrus's help.

Seto and Him then placed the three unconscious being on the ground. Syrus sending his master will need him, quickly took off to meet him.

"Luciana...... She losing energy. "

Seto sighed. "Yes I know, but what can we do, we need her to defeat that monster but look at her. What was she thinking?! We could have helped her! "

"You heard what Igma said. She chose her family first. She didn't want anyone else to get hurt. "

"Sister! " They turned to see Luna gasping at her sister's body. "W.. What happened?! "

Seto and Mahad looked down and faced the fight going on. Luna facing the fight clinched her hand to a fist.

"Th....... That thing! Did this to my sister?! " Tears fell from her eyes which was filled with full RAGE!! "I WILL GET THAT STUPID BEAST!! "

Mahad got hold of her before she could charge at the thief.


"Luna, please! It's dangerous to go there! You will get hurt! "

"I don't care! Bakura will pay for this!"

"What what can you Do? You can't out match him! His far more stronger than you! "

Luna sobs. "But... But Luciana.... Was the only mother..... Figure I had.... Now she is gone! " Luna increased in crying.

Kasim groans as he woke up. Seeing Luna cry, he gasped and sat up. "Luna? "

Luna crashes into his arms in tears. "She's gone..... She's gone! Kasim, she is gone. "

Kasim was confused. Who was gone? Then he spotted the lifeless body of Luciana. He gasped as tears formed at the end of his eyes.


Luciana pov.
Darkness was all I saw. I was floating in darkness. No light was seen anywhere.

What happened? Am I dead, am I asleep? What's going on in here?


I gasped.... "Father? ".


I looked around for the familiar red sky dragon. "Father! I'm here. "

Then red smoke began to form in front of me. Then slifer came into view.

"Daddy? " Slifer frowns.

Luciana, why are in this darkness? You are not supposed to be here yet. It's not yet your time to come home.

I gasped. I was dead?  No way.

"Ho... How?"

You were not fully prepared to fight Bakura. Yet you foolishly had to go after him.

"But.... But he had Luna and Kasim hostage! I couldn't let anything happen to them. I had to do it. " I defended.

Syrus just stared. He is hurt.

I was confused. Who?

The young Pharaoh, of Egypt.... Atem is hurt. Seeing you dead before his eyes was a great pain. Not only to him, to you brother as well.

I gasped. What were they doing here?!

I had to go back. They could get hurt! I had to help them..... But I'm no more.

I can help you my daughter.... But on one condition.

I looked at my father with hope in my eyes.

"Yes! Tell me! I will do anything! "

Stop doing things on your own. Let Atem help you. You and him are bound to be together but you not trusting him with your issues is putting him in despear. Let him in your life, so he will know that he means alot to you.

I looked down. It won't be easy. I mean I love him so much that I don't want him to get hurt for my sake. But my father is right. I have to let him in. I must let him know he has a huge place in my life.

"Yes father! I will do it! "

Suddenly I began to spin around as if inside a tornado! I gasped and cover my eyes when suddenly a light struck me.

Luna, Igma...... Atem.... Wait for me. I'm coming!

Yugioh Pharaoh Atem X Oc Reader .The Egyptian goddess.   Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu