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         Atem walked to the library that night. After the reunion of the siblings, he went to meet two of the members of the palace council. Isis and Mahad.

It must be an important case if both of them needed to see him.

On reaching his destination, the guards wasted no time to bow and open the door for the Pharaoh.

There he noticed Isis talking to Mahad in a serious tone.

Did she have one of her visions? If so it must be important.

Mahad seem to notice the arrival of the king and they all faced him.

Surprisingly, Seto was there too.

"I was given words that you needed to see me? "

Isis spoke first.

"Yes, my Pharaoh. What I want to tell you holds of great importance. And it's compulsory you take part of this. "

Atem then stood with authority. "Very well. You may speak. "

She faces Mahad who faces Seto. They all nodded then faced Atem.

"It's about your new slave Luciana. "

Atem pov

Luciana? It was about her?

I became confused.

"What about her? Is she a doer of evil? "

Isis shook her head.

"No but there is something important you must know of her. "

"And that is.......?"

"She is not fully human. "

My eyes were widen. Not fully human? What in the name of Ra.....?!

"What Isis is trying to say is that Luciana is part human, part goddess. "

I was taken back.

"Part human, part goddess?!  Are you sure of this Isis? "

"Yes my Pharaoh. I got a vision as soon as she entered the palace. Her soul holds of great power and well being. "

I was dumbfounded. Why didnt my millennium puzzle pick up her energy?

I would have known if it did.

"Pharaoh, her energy was blocked. Showing she doesn't know of who she truly is or what power she is capable of. "Mahad answered as if he could read my mind.

Seto frowned."So what is the plan now? We can't just let that girl be roaming around. And I had a good feeling Bakura knows of this. "

I flinched a bit. It's true, if he finds out, he would stop at nothing to get her to the dark side and when that happens, we are talking about a bad welcoming of terror to my kingdom.

Then I came up with a plan. "I say we let the girl be. In due time, we will tell her and maybe help her with her powers. "

"You can't be serious Pharaoh!"Seto exclaimed. "We have to tell her now. It's the only way to know if she will misuse it or not and if she does,we can simply take it from her, which means by sealing her soul in stone. "

I glared at him.

"By the gods, no Seto!  I may know the girl for just two hours but I know she has a pure and innocent mind. And besides, the poor girl just got reunited with her long lost brother who happens to be one of my guards and lost her home on the same day. If we tell her now, only Ra will know of how she will react.

She will be desoluted. She even almost collapsed when she found her brother Seto! Can't you at least have a heart, at least just once?! "

Seto looked down.

"And sealing her soul in stone? are you starting to take after your father's foot steps?  She is a human not an animal!!"

Seto faced me with extreme shock. " No!!  I would never do that! I am not like my father and I will never be! He disgraced the throne and I don't want to do the same. "

I sighed, pleased with his answer. The idea or even the thought of sealing her soul in stone made me rage.

Seto couldn't stand for it when my uncle wanted that same thing to Kisara because she was the holder of blue eyes white dragon spirit. Then why would he suggest a thing like that to me about Luciana?

Simple, because she is not Kisara.

"So my Pharaoh, why should we do? " Mahad asked.

I sighed and and walked to the window nearby. The night is beautiful and Ra's moon shoned brightly with pride.

I looked down and saw Igma, Luna and Luciana outside. Happy. Happy to be with each other again.

I smiled at the sight and the thought of the opposite would leave a crack in my heart.

I never wanted to see her sad, not now, not ever.

I faced the council. " We will watch her and make sure she enjoys her life here. Nobody must speak of this to anyone including her siblings. When the time comes, she will know of who she really is. "

Phew. Major drama alert. I hope you like it. I'm still doing my best.

Yugioh Pharaoh Atem X Oc Reader .The Egyptian goddess.   Where stories live. Discover now