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Luciana was uneasy.

For the past few weeks, Bakura has been causing mayhem in some places in Egypt.

The case got so high that they had to cancel the wedding, much to Atem's dismay.

Igma too was uneasy. He knew what the sneaky thief was up to.

But he couldn't tell the others just yet. Because he wasn't 100 percent sure of it.

The council too became unsettled. Isis tried with all her power to find the true purpose of his doing but it all ends with a strong blur view.

Right now, Atem was in his throne room, along with the council.

He had begged Luciana to rest because she had being going out to help those who survived Bakura's attacks.

Atem couldn't stand it! His people were being killed and he can't do anything about it!

Well not for long!

"Council, I know you all know why I called you fort. "

They nodded.

"Yes my Pharaoh. Bakura is getting more ruthless by the day. " Mahad spoke as he folds his hands in fury.

Isis then came forward. "I tried to find the reason why he's doing this but all in vain. I'm sorry my Pharaoh. "

Atem sighed. "Don't be. You all know that he now has dark magic. Only Ra knows how he got it. "

Seto nods. "It's true and he has become more than a mere headache for us. He has gotten even more powerful."

"And more dangerous. But we have to do something. Or else my people will start to panic. Since we don't know where he will strike next. "Atem added.

"We can be able to stop him. But we don't know why he's doing this. If we can know the reason, we can find a way to defeat Bakura once and for all."

But the problem was that they didn't know.

Then they faced Igma who was being quiet. His face was in a deep frown as he gently caressed his arm sized dragon.


Due to Luna's care, Syrus grew rather fast and healthy.

"Igma? "Atem calls out. But he didn't answer. It was as if he was in a deep trance.

"Igma?! "Mahad called a bit louder but no answer.

Syrus then growls to get his attention back. Igma snapped out.

"Oh! I'm sorry. What were you saying? "

Atem glanced at him. It was pretty obvious that he took him to be a younger brother since he was a year older than him.

And seeing him space out like that was really disturbing.

"Igma, is something wrong? You have been quiet lately. "

Igma blushed in embarrassment. "Oh! No no! Everything is fine. I was just thinking of something My Phar.........i mean Atem. " Igma quickly corrected himself because he knew Atem will get offended is he called him that.

Syrus gave his master a look as if he could tell he was lying.

Mahad noticed and spoke. "Your dragon seems to think otherwise. "

Igma glares at Syrus who looked the other direction.

Atem then stood up. He then remembered that Igma had the ability of getting information through his dreams and also by thinking of the person he wants to know.

Yugioh Pharaoh Atem X Oc Reader .The Egyptian goddess.   Where stories live. Discover now