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"Diabound!!! Attack with dark strike!!! "

The monster threw a dark energy orb at them.

Igma quickly began to play his flute making a golden shield.

Then he played a note making the odd to go back to the monster, destroying it.

Bakura couldn't believe his eyes. His monster..... His very best monster was destroyed!!!

"Good one Igma!! " Atem praised. Seto and Mahad agreed with him.

The thief king glared harshly. If looks could kill, they would be dead a long time ago.

"How dare you destroy my monster?! "
"How dare you assult the future queen..... Which happens to be my sister?! " Igma roared with rage.

Syrus began to pick up consciousness but he was still weak.

Bakura has had enough of the nonsense!! Suddenly, the ground began to shake with rage. The men gasped as black vines emerged from the ground and got a hold of them tight.

"What in the name of Ra?! "Atem exclaimed.

Bakura laughs as the men tries to move but couldn't.

Knowing that he didn't have enough energy to create a dark energy blast. He slowly brought out his dagger and sluggishly walks to the Pharaoh.

With a maniac smile. Atem gasped. He was going to stab him!

"Bakura! Don't you dare! "Seto shouts fearing for his cousin.

Igma too struggles but the grip was tight. Mahad too had a difficult time moving.

"Move all you want..... You can't escape my grip. " He raises his dagger over the helpless Pharaoh. "Say good night Atem! "

The dagger came down. "ATEM!"

Suddenly, a rock smacked him on the head causing him to drop the weapon in pain.

"Get Your Hands Of My Sister's Future Husband!! "

Luna! And she didn't look happy. Kasim too glared at the thief...... It was his fault his village was destroyed.

"How did you......?! "

With full speed, Kasim came running and leaped into the air, a landed a spinning back kick, throwing the thief of his feet. He landed with a large bang!

Hey, Luna showed him some moves and it was time to put it to use.

Luna's hands suddenly, began to glow and golden vines quickly held him tight.

"Kasim! Help them.! "

Kasim wasted no time and ran to help them. "Thank you...... Luciana.... Where is she?! "

"In meditation..... She said she needs to get her nesscary powers ready for this. Right now.... We have to hold him off. "

"Err a little help?! " Luna sqeauls as Bakura forcefully struggles to escape.

Igma blew his flute making more vines to hold him down.

Kasim, thanks to Luna learnt a little bit of magic himself. Did the same thing. There was no way he was going to let his girl do all the work herself.

Then, Bakura stopped moving with his face facing the ground.

"Is.... Has he given up? "

Atem and the others had a bad feeling about this. Bakura was not the type to give up so easily.

Something must be up.

Suddenly, purple enegery began to emerge out of his body. Igma now knowing what was wrong gasped. "HIT THE DECK!!! "

BLAM!! The enegery blasted everyone from their feets. The energy blast weaken them severely. They couldn't even move.

Bakura laughed as he felt renewed. "Oh my..... It's good to have dark powers. Isn't it. "he mocked.

Atem managed to struggle to a kneeling position.

Oh no you don't.

Suddenly, fire surrounds them. Luna paled. This fire was giving her bad memories of what killed her home.

Kasim too had that same panic. The place was getting hotter than before.

Bakura smirked from above. "Finally. I can claim my victory. "

The fire slowly began to enclose them. They could only stare with grief and pain. Since they couldnt  move, they could escape.

"For years, I have cooked up the plan into getting rid of you Atem. "

The smoke began to choke. The oxygen was slowly slipping away.

"Finally after all this years..... You are finally at my mercy.... "

They held their throats, coughing, desperate for air.

"Get ready to join the past kings Atem. For you will be meeting them soon!!"


Suddenly water came out of now where and quenched the fire. Bakura and the others turns to see the goddess of light. Daughter of Slifer himself and the first daughter of the Salum family........ Luciana.

She was like she had a transformation. Her clothings were longer.... Along with her hair which glittered with the golds on them. Her staff in her hand her ultimate power and infinitely. Yup she was given her real power.

Bakura..... Being clueless just laughed.

"Ready for round two...... Bring it on. "

She frowns and glances at her new family. With a click of the finger a barrier surrounded them.

Atem looked like he was trying to say something..... But she understood what he wanted to speak.

Please Be careful my love.

She nods. She was so going to keep her promise. Now it's time to face Bakura and grants him his judgement. Let's see what she had learnt from her 8 brothers.

Watch out. Part 3 on the way.

Yugioh Pharaoh Atem X Oc Reader .The Egyptian goddess.   Where stories live. Discover now