The millennium Flute.

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"Yikes! "Igma panicked as he dodged an attack of the beast. Right now, the ex guard was fighting of the beasts that were trying to claw at him.

Syrus was inside his coat holding his new master for protection.

(For you to know, Igma's clothings is like Mahad's but he has no head gear but has a long golden cape. )

Syrus was chipping in total fear. Not for himself but for his new master.

"Don't worry Syrus! I will protect you! "Igma promised not taking his eyes of the beasts.

He knew his sword wouldn't do any good. But he couldn't just dodge like....   "ACK!! "

He got smacked to a wall. He became unconscious.

Syrus quickly came out of his coat as began to pat his master mentally begging him to wake up.

The shadow beasts slowly walked towards then. Syrus then gave them a harsh glare and began to screech! The frequency was so high it blasted them away.

Igma groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. They then widened when they saw Syrus glowing. And from the looks of it..... It was as if he was placing it's energy on him.

"S..... Syrus?! What's wrong?! What's going on?! "

The light got so much, he groaned as he covered his eyes.

Suddenly it stopped. Igma looked around and faced Syrus. "Hey, what was that for..     Huh?! "

Right on his right hand was a flute. A golden flute........ A millennium flute!

Igma gasped. It was magnificent. A new item.

He faced Syrus. "Thank you! "

Before Syrus could do anything, he was swapped away by the beasts. Hitting a wall.

"SYRUS!! "

Igma ran to it. Lucky, he was okay. Igma glared at the beasts.

"That does it! You will regret the time you showed your face here!! "

Then he began to play the flute. Igma was also a good flutist. Every night, he always played the flute for his sister before she went to sleep.

Musical notes 🎶 Of gold began to form surrounding the beasts and chains them. The monsters roars in sheer anger trying to escape.

Igma smirked but it wasn't over yet.

Syrus chips and gains his Master's attention. Igma looked down and saw a musical notes forming a tune.

Curiously, he followed the tune.

Suddenly, Syrus began to glow. Igma gasped as he moved back seeing what was happening to his dragon.

When the light cleared,

Oh boy.......    

Syrus! He was huge! Bigger that Seto's blue eyes white dragon!

So does this mean? He has his own inner monster?!

Igma smirked at the thought. Facing his foes.

"Syrus! Let's do this! My yellow eyes, silver dragon! Attack with silver nemesis! "

Syrus roars shook the tomb as a silver orb formed in its mouth then it blasted them away into smitterins.

Everything went back to normal.....

"Igma?! " 

The said male turns to see the council, the Pharaoh, his sisters and Mana looking way passed shocked. They must have seen the fight.

Maybe, it won't be back to normal after all.

"Goodness me! "Isis exclaimed.

Right now, they were at the library. Igma told them everything. About the fight, the monsters, including Syrus and the flute.

Atem glanced at the now small baby dragon with interest. Seto was eyeing the flute.

"So your saying that that dragon..... "

"Syrus, his name is Syrus."

Seto rolls his eyes. "Syrus gave you that flute?"

Igma nods as he petted his new friend.

"Yup! This beautiful little thing gave it to me. I could just kiss you! "Igma cooed holding Syrus into the air.

They faced Mana who wasn't too happy about the dragon getting all of his attention.

Luciana chuckles. "Well congrats big brother. You have your own millennium item. You should be glad. "

Igma grinned. Luna stood up. "Hey big brother, can I hold him? "

"Sure but be careful. He's a new born. "

He gives Syrus to her and since Luna was a gentle girl, Syrus became very comfortable around her.

They awwed at the sight. "Aww, Luna ,he likes you. Say by don't you take care of him for me. Since his a baby and I know you just love babies. "

Luna's eyes sparkled. "Yeah! "

Igma stood up with a grin. Facing mana, he saw she wasn't happy.

A bit worried...  "Hey, mana, it's okay. Just because I have Syrus doesn't mean I don't love you. You jealous little thing. "

Mana faced a shocked look. "Since when was I..... OK I was jealous. "

They laughed while Igma pulled her close.

Atem then held Luciana in his arms.

Mahad noticed. "I see you two have settled yourselves. "

"Yes. My queen finally learnt her lesson and she promises not to misbehave again. "

Luciana rolled her eyes the playfully kisses him. Atem was too powerless to refuse and he kiss her back.......

"Hey! Get a room! There is a kid here! "
They quickly separated. "Oh sorry. "
In the deep parts of the desert, Bakura was in his hideout, sitting on his throne surrounded by the wealth of stolen treasures.

He was glaring at nothing. He was planing on weaken the girl by giving her nightmares but it seems she managed to overcome it.

"That little pest.... "

But come to think of it. That little pest is a mega beauty. She was innocent, pure and powerful.

Then a thought of to  him. Why go against him when he can get her to join him.

Soon ,one of his workers came along. "My lord, the plan has being set out. Should I give the man the command?"

Bakura stood up from his throne. Turning away from the man. "That won't be needed. Right now, I think I know of what we can do. "

The man was confused. "Like what my lord?"

The white haired man smirked. "Oh don't you worry. I just know what to do. "

Look out Luciana, for you are to become my queen.

Phew. I'm done. I hope you like it?!

Yugioh Pharaoh Atem X Oc Reader .The Egyptian goddess.   Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant