10: The 5th update: I'll keep on making those new mistakes

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I have been quite as I promised, and didn't respond for a while because I wanted to quit the drama; however, it loves me. Thus, I want to make brief comments:

When I decided to write this blog, everyone around my circle knew my Jane Doe name, supported me and respected my anonymous identity. However, some now are accusing me of lying because of my fake name, and the others are labeling me with names and bias their opinions because they saw that the blogger is handsome ( I have mentioned that he's looking decent though), so please, all I am asking for is a minute from your time to talk logically.

If I wrote in my real name, wouldn't it be publicity and an invasion of someone's privacy? Wouldn't it make the people that I use in the narration hate me? And if I used a plot twist in speaking about my life, wouldn't it be a fraud? It will be so funny to call it a personal blog yet nothing real in it. This place is my comfort zone whenever I get a tough time, I write. It's a kind of therapy.

So, I am not gonna victimize myself or appeal your emotions, because every letter I wrote and every alphabet I punctuated was real! I swear on my friendship with Ben that it was. (Ben is the only one who loves shout outs among 'em)

And all of the above makes me announce that I'll keep on updating. Yes, my readers' count is decreasing; yes, some of the fellow bloggers are against me; And yes, I have to shut the hell up and do something useful like studying? But I'll keep on writing, sharing my hypocritical perspectives and making those new mistakes...

Be ready 'cause more awesomeness will be on the way!

Yee-hao! (old town road mood)

Fake Skylar Blue ;)


Here we are, at the lunch, setting peacefully while munching our not-so-delicious pizza until Ben decided to scream randomly "I wanna be a ninja turtle!" to cut the tension that consuming the table.

Usually, our lunch period is the time when we gossip about every one and discuss the useless stuff that we are interested in. That until some Harris Dickinson -cough, Derrick, cough- decided to hail us with his presence in. His purpose was to spend some time with his dude, Ben; although he didn't speak a word to Ben ever since he joined.

I decided to ignore the weird confession of Ben and stare at my phone, trying to track the release date of the newest '5 Seconds Of Summer's' album and checking when will I have the next rehearsal with the 'Out Of Key' band that I am in.

Lau was glaring at the idiot of a Leonard, plus her stupid of a boyfriend, Angy was somehow setting me and Derrick up by gazing periodically between us, and Wajiha, she always sets in another group's table so she stuck to that option. That, however, didn't mean that she didn't brought a virtual popcorn to witness the upcoming drama.

"Why though" clueless Derrick replied to him trying to keep up the conversation.

" Well, they are Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and I am a teenager" Ben replied with the duh tone as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Kinda logical. But if I was the cast chooser, You would be Mikey" 

"B-but I wanted to be a Leonardo" Ben pouts like a child who got his candy stolen.

"Sorry bro, but Leonardo is the strongest, and you don't have muscles like mine; plus, my last name is Leonard so..." Mr. Arrogant replied while waggling his eyebrows and showing his biceps in a rather pathetic way to gain my attention, making me scoff and look back at my phone.

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