9: Blackmailing isn't a gentleman act!

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The following day, when I ascended the bus I was welcomed by him standing in the doorway waiting for me to get out completely.

"We need to talk" he stuttered the moment he saw me.

Angy started looking among the two of us in a creepy way that involved winking while saying " So umm.. I had to go to the student council. They need me"

"No!" I shouted making them both shift their heads toward me and stare as if I was a maniac "I mean.. I want you to stay during our conversation"

"Sorry but this is an emergency gathering. Mrs. Hudson will kill me if I got late... Bye" then she darted into the school's building faster the Usain Bolt in the Olympics.

Shall I damage her new headphones? 

"There's no student's council meeting" I rolled my eyes at her back.

"I know" he nodded while smirking, and I knew what to say exactly to wipe off that smug

"So which one am I gonna talk to? Dean or Derrick?" and that was my cue to chuckle at his face due to the shocked look and the paler shaky smile.

"Want to hear me out and talk?" he growled to stop me from my fit of laughter.

"I have a period after half an hour; also, it's your mother's and I wouldn't rather be late and my excuse to be her delightful son so please be brief" I crossed my arms and tapped the heels of my shoes to tell him that I'm on a hurry

"What I wrote in the blog was real" he sighed and looked into the ground shameful. A slight tinge of red was creeping into his face. I found it amusing but I didn't show it.

"So?" I asked impatiently waiting for him to be straight forward.

"I want to be somebody to you. I feel that you are the one. Sama, I want you to be my girlfriend. I am sorry for what I said but I really like you, please say something and don't stare at me like that" he stammered and the desperation can be sensed in his voice.

I hate to break someone's heart because I know how it felt but he needed a breeze of reality. "What we write in the blogs no matter how personal it is, we still fake a part of it. Thus no matter how real our updates were, we lied, you lied on my "Shyness and muteness" and I lied about my need of love. 

Derrick, Dean, or whatever your name is, We can't be an item, and if I ever needed love, I would go to my family and friends, so I think we should be back to normal. Me giving a hard time to your mother and you being the Harris Dickinson that all of the school drolling over.

Now you better move away from my way now because it's getting late and I need to grab a bunch of things from my locker before the lesson"

I heard him yelling from behind me "This isn't over. The player gets the girl in the end"

"Not when the girl has been through loads of things and built a wall made of steel that even Superman can't melt it" I muttered to myself while walking to reassure myself


"Why her classes are packed? We have to take four periods a week, why hers are twice a day and on two following days" I groaned to Wajiha who was whining as well. Lucky Laura was so carried away in taking notes

"Too many information for my brain to process. Please ask her to stop" 

"Ms. Irfan and Ms. Johnson! what's more important than my lecture that got you all chatty?" came the sweetest voice that I adore the most.

I wish I could say something like "How to forge someone's fingerprint using a gummy bear" Or "How to kill someone slowly without the detecting of an NMR" but, I wouldn't risk another outdoor punishment.  I want to snuggle to my duvets warmness and Netflix's movies in my free time, not extra chores.

"We were discussing how the SAN controls the heartbeats. Sama didn't understand it and asked me to explain it" Wajiha, I love you for saving me

"So Ms. Johnson, can you explain what you didn't get from the passage" Man, Not every time I should answer! I can't handle the same bad boy smirk from two persons. 

Deep breath...if you can't beat them, then join them "To be honest with you ma'am, Wajiha's explanation was a bit sloppy and I couldn't get what she's referring to. So, uhm, would you mind repeating it again?" good student's act always works; plus, the repetition would waste more time.

 Win-win situation alert!

"Fine, hope you pay more attention this time. The whole cardiac cycle starts at the SAN or as we, the normal people call the pacemaker. When the SAN sends an electric signal..."


I was looking at the board pretending to pay attention until I felt my desk vibrating because of my phone. I immediately opened it to find notifications blasting from 'Post!T' telling me the following:

'Sky_Blue17, Mystery changed his username to Derrick_Dean_Leonrd' 9:10 am

'Sky_Blue17, Derrick_Dean_Leonard posted a new update' 9:25 am

'Sky_Blue17, you have 5 new comments on the latest update' 9:35 am

'Sky_Blue17, a private message from Derrick_Dean_Leonard' 9:40 am

O-kay, let's see what Mr. Harris posted: 


I changed my username to reveal my identity to show you my pure intentions while talking to you. You're like my second family that's loved as much, and the family's function is to be there for their son, right? So I want to update you with what happened with her.

The gurl rejected me and shattered my heart without any justification, and turned out that she's a fellow blogger who lacked validity and accused me of things I didn't say to make her image look better. She even used a fake name irrelevant to conceal her real name otherwise me. 

She was like a demon in disguise, and I was a deer in the lights. She manipulated me and broke me, by her speech. She was aggressive and her words stabbed me.

I know this might seem like publicity of her, but I am a devastated man, who got carried away by love. Hope you all take my grief calmly and wish me a better move on. I can't handle two heartbreaks in a row.


Derrick D. Leonard

I guess my horrified look gave it all to Waj and Lau as I shoved the phone into their faces. Lau quickly pulled her phone and started typing a furious defending reply; Waj wanted to dart to his mom and yell at her about how to raise a sane child and the contras of having a sociopath as a son, and me, I wanted to use him as a punching bag. 

That manipulative blackmailing arrogant version of Harris Dickinson. He even emphasized Gurl and formatted it in italics to make me recognizable. He knew what he did perfectly, as most of the notifications were attacks by underage fans who probably stalked his insta account before commenting, also because the private message he sent was:

Derrick: Don't start a war that you can't win ;)

Sky: Trust me...

I will win it, Harris!

Narrows her eyes

And then I Mrs. Leonard's shouting flew us to the reality. "The three ladies who are in the back, detention!"

I guess I will need to hide to bodies in my backyard...

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