Chapter 6: Beach Kidnapping

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It was a month later... Still trying to help Ella feel better since she lost her mother. It was yet another sunny day, so Ben and the group decided to go to the Beach. Well, Rook went off to do something else.

"Hurry Up!!!" Gwen got angry waiting. "Dude, chill... I'm coming." Kevin replied while driving his car out from the garage. "The Beach is open all day!" Ben added.

"I know! But do you remember what happened the last time we went to... I mean tried to go to the beach? Some alien ambassador appeared. We need to hurry up!" Gwen got even angrier.

"Okay, okay... Get in the car," Kevin told everyone. Gwen sat in the front while Ben and Ella sat on the back. The beach was quite far away, so Ben and Ella fell asleep on the way while Kevin and Gwen chatted (and argue a bit).


"Here we are at the Beach!" Kevin announced, the beach was full of other people.

"I'd say we go swimming first!" Gwen suggested. "No! I'd say, we go find a place to do some sunbathing first." Kevin disagreed. The two keep on arguing...

"I thought Kevin is Gwen's boyfriend," Ella said to Ben while listening to the argument. "Yea, he is, but... they always argue about little things. It's alright, who doesn't argue, they'll be alright after a while." Ben replied.

After a while, Ella thought she should step in, "How about, we go get some ice cream first?"

"I'll listen to her," Gwen and Kevin both agreed. Ben was mentally facepalming.

Two hours later, the group all got tired and lie on the beach relaxing.

"Maybe today really is a nice day. No aliens to interrupt." Gwen said happily, "Wait, where did Ella go?"

"She wanted to check out the rockier side of the beach, alone..." Ben replied.

Ella's perspective

The Rocky side of the beach was much quieter and peaceful. The sun was equally as nice. With that being said, I couldn't feel any happiness as I was still deep in my sadness. I sat on one of the rocks enjoying the ice cream I bought, hopefully it could cheer me up. It was a calm afternoon, I lost track of time and the sun was getting closer and closer to the horizon. I lied down on another big piece of rock and fell asleep.

After a while, I did not know how long, I felt something cold knocking on my head, waking me up. I opened my eyes, my vision was blurry, but I could tell that it was an alien, a light blue alien, with a piece of note on his hand.

"Who, who... who are you?" That's what I said while trying to get up to a sitting position.

"I am Jetaime, your king's servant, I come to take you home!" the alien said.

"I don't know who you are, but I don't have a home, I have been sleeping on the sofa in Ben's house every night ever since... Nevermind! GO AWAY! " I yelled back at the alien.

"No, no, no... You have no idea where your actual home is. It's huge, much more beautiful, and it's where you deserve to be." the alien replied.

"Well, whatever you said, I'm not going to follow you!" I remember Mum telling me not to follow strangers, when... she... was still here...

What I didn't know was, I'm going with the alien anyway... "Then it seems like, you leave me no choice." the alien finished his sentence and the next thing I knew, I was knocked out cold and everything went black.

Narrator (Back with the group)

"What's taking Ella so long?" Ben suddenly realized, the sun was almost about to set.

"You think she got into trouble? Let's take a look around the beach." Gwen suggested and the others agreed, they packed up all their stuff then started walking across the beach, searching for the teenage girl.

There's not a single person that looked like Ella. Soon, they arrived at the rocky side. They didn't see a young girl, but what they found was an ice cream cup. Inside, there was still some melted ice cream left. "If there's one thing I know, she left before she had finished her ice cream," Kevin pointed out.

Ben got worried, he thought Ella might be too depressed and had fallen into the sea. "I'll go and check the sea," Ben said as he slammed his watch, changing into Ripjaws and dived into the sea. He swam left and right, up and down, but still would out a sign of Ella. Finally, he returned back to shore, "Not a sign," Ben sighed, "Perhaps we should report back with Grandpa Max."

Back at the Plumber Base

The group met up with Max as well as Rook

"What's the hurry, Ben?" Rook asked calmly.

"Grandpa! Rook! Major problem! Not long ago we lost Ella's Mum, now we lost Ella aswell!" Ben was first to yell, "Wewereatthebeachwhenshedisappearandwe..." Ben was talking like XLR8.

"Calm down, Ben" Max patted Ben on his back, "I'm sure we can find her back." Max checked the Plumber database to see if there are any weird spacecraft entering earth in the past 24 hours.

The group watched satellite footages for hours, viewing from different angles all around the Earth. They were about to give up until Ben thought of an idea.

"We should go back to the beach" Ben suggested.

"Okay?..." The others agreed but have no idea what was Ben up to.

Back at the rocky beach

"Almost forgot I have this alien!" Ben said as he transformed into Clockwork, "Why not just see how it happened?"

Clockwork activated its replay function project a replay of what happened in the past.

[Replay Events are written in Italic]

Ella's hologram showed up, along with an alien waking her up.

"I am Jetaime, your king's servant, I come to take you home!" the alien said.

"I don't know who you are, but I don't have a home, I have been sleeping on the sofa in Ben's house every night ever since... Nevermind! GO AWAY! "

"No, no, no... You have no idea where your actual home is. It's huge, much more beautiful, and it's where you deserve to be." the alien replied.

"Well, whatever you said, I'm not going to follow you!"

"Then it seems like, you leave me no choice."

The alien knocked Ella out with some magical powder, then carried her with his shoulders and walked away, heading towards the city of Bellwood.

"Come on! Let's follow them!" Gwen reminded the group. However, the Omnitrix started beeping.

Beep... Beep... Beep...

Ben's watch timed out and was transformed back to himself, "Stupid watch! This watch hates me, always fails me!" Ben was really frustrated.

"Now we'll never know where Ella went!" Ben was disappointed.

Suddenly the weather turned bad, the temperature dropped, it even started snowing.

"This is the middle of the summer!" Gwen said.

"This definitely isn't normal. I feel like something bad is coming." Kevin pointed out.

A bright light behind the group appeared, a person with a lab coat walked out of the space-time portal, "Something bad is coming or is it will has been coming, verb tenses are so confusing when travelling cross time."

"Professor Paradox?" The group was surprised.

(Remember the start of chapter 1?)

To be continued...

Ben 10 Ella's Secret (Ben x Ella)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt