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The two words were full of unspoken anguish, bringing a terrible ache to Ulric's heart. There was no need to gain further clarification on the matter for now.

Perhaps it was time to discuss what had brought them out to the barn in the first place. Ulric crossed the distance between them with slow, measured steps. "What of the medallions the members of your group keep in their possession?"

Anthony met Ulric's gaze. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Right..." Ulric turned to Magnus, "Did you find one on him?"

"Indeed, I did." Magnus nodded and retrieved the medallion from a pocket in his trousers. "Strange, I didn't notice this before..." He frowned as he studied it before handing it to Ulric.

Compared to the skilled detail on the one Erasmus had given him, the wolf on Anthony's was a rough representation of the animal, and it wasn't the only noticeable variation between the two. The runes that bordered the entire circumference of Anthony's were unlike those he remembered seeing on his own.

Ulric went to Ingrid and took his medallion in hand. Not only were they dissimilar in appearance, one was noticeably more burdensome than the other.

They were made of different metals, although they both carried a patina that spoke of use and age. Why would his, the heavier of the two, be more finely and expertly crafted than that of the other? Was there a significance, or did he only want there to be?

Suddenly, Anthony began laughing.

Ulric turned to him and glared, "What's so funny?"

"I don't believe it." Anthony shook his head and locked eyes on Ingrid, "You survived."

"Survived what?" Magnus said with a look of puzzlement toward Ulric.

"The Clover Hill Massacre," Ulric murmured without looking at Anthony. He stepped in front of Ingrid, blocking Anthony's view. "Were you a part of it?"

Anthony met Ulric's gaze with a smug grin, "Wouldn't you like to know."

Ulric growled and took a threatening step forward. "I'll take that as a yes."

"You should have stayed hidden," Anthony said in a singsong voice, leaning to his left as far as the chains allowed him to try to lay his eyes on Ingrid. "You're dead. As soon as he discovers you're alive, he will send someone to rectify that."

Ulric crossed his arms over his chest, "They'll be killed, just like the others."

"Others?" Anthony's eyes snapped to Ulric. "What others?"

"They encountered five of your fellow idiot rebels on the way here," Magnus murmured with a lofty arch to his brow and a smile. "Ulric made sure things progressed differently than they had planned."

There was a brief silence, and then Anthony laughed, "You don't see it, do you?"

Magnus and Ulric shared a puzzled look before Magnus said, "See what?"

A sick smile curved his lips as he said with twisted glee, "You're both already dead...you just don't know it yet."

Ulric planted a fist in Anthony's face and then another for good measure, grunting in pleasure when Anthony spit out a mouthful of blood. He wanted to kill him—would have too if there weren't so many questions he still needed to be answered.

Taking a step back, Ulric strove for calm and held up the amulet, "Are these to identify you as part of your club for when you attack innocent towns?"

"Innocent?" Anthony spat, trying to wipe his bloody mouth against his shoulder. "We only kill those who continue to take everything from us, including our dignity."

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