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Ulric's chest swelled with pride and adoration. Not for the first time in the past several days, he was reminded that there was far more to her than the quiet and meek woman she at first appeared to be.

"Well, I'll be damned...she's not as timid as she looks, is she?" Magnus's eyes widened, and his mouth curled into a smile. He quietly observed the pair before stating with a shrug, "I've decided I won't refuse your request. Just wait here a moment, and I'll be right back."

He disappeared behind the curtain and emerged a few moments later, holding an envelope of material and a dagger. "Would the two of you face-"

Ulric and Ingrid turned and smiled wide as they faced one another.

"You either read my mind just now," Magnus quirked a brow as he unfolded the cloth, "or you've done this before, which is it, because if it's the latter, then this ceremony can't take place."

Ulric chuckled, "Neither. We were witness to my brother's wedding yesterday."

"In that case, I won't need to explain since you two already know a little of what to expect. Which is ideal since it means I'll be rid of you all the sooner." Magnus briefly looked at Ulric and Ingrid, then said, "Take each other by the right hand."

Ingrid slightly trembled as Ulric took her hand in his. When she met and held his gaze, her eyes shone brightly with an emotion that, before last night, used to terrify him with its intensity. Now that he understood what it meant, he was humbled and amazed at how it soothed the loneliness deep in his soul for the past fifteen years.

Magnus opened the cloth over their arms to reveal it was nearly identical to the one Erasmus used and said a series of old Norse words as he wrapped it around their hands up to their elbows.

He then took the dagger and placed it atop the cloth as he asked Ulric, "Do you choose to bind your heart to this woman and no other, promising to love, cherish, and protect her till the end of time?"

Ulric kept his eyes locked with Ingrid's, wanting there to be no question that he meant his answer. "Yes."

Ingrid clutched his hand tighter, her eyes glittering with tears.

Magnus smiled at Ingrid and said, "Do you accept this Berserker as your mate?"

"Yes," Ingrid nodded, never taking her gaze from Ulric.

The instant that single word fell from her lips, a heady and powerful surge of energy flowed through Ulric's entire body. It stole his breath and caused his soul to soar. There wasn't any imaginable force, on earth or in the heavens, that could tear them apart now.

Magnus continued, "And do you choose to bind your heart to this Berserker and no other, to love, honor, and cherish him till the end of time?"

"Yes," Ingrid replied without hesitation.

Magnus picked up the blade and murmured several more words as he ran it over the cloth, drawing forth blood from Ulric's elbow across to Ingrid's, leaving the material undamaged.

The blood then pooled over their joined hands as though pulled by an unseen force, where it formed into the Berserker symbol. When the symbol was complete, it sparked and ignited before disappearing altogether.

In the next instant, the entire cloth started to glow with great intensity and illuminated Ulric and Ingrid's faces. Suddenly, it disappeared, leaving swirling light streams around their joined hands.

Next, the light settled upon them, sinking into their skin with pleasant and comfortable warmth that steadily grew and hovered on the verge of pain, somehow continuing to glow from within.

Reckless Protector: Isaacson Trilogy Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now