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"Where's he going?" Ingrid whispered as Ulric stood.

"I've no idea." Ulric shrugged and helped her stand, "Is your hip still hurting?"

"Yes, but—" was all she managed to say before he picked her up and cradled her against his chest. She bit back a smile, "I believe that's number six."

Ulric handed her the amulet and headed outside, "From now on, it only counts if I pick you up and throw you over my shoulder in true caveman fashion."

"You cannot change the rules as we go along."

"I'm not changing them," he said with a devilish wink.

She laughed.

"I'm clarifying the particulars, so there's no question about what counts toward the tally in the future."

"Oh, I see," She giggled, poking him in his shoulder. "If this doesn't count towards the tally, what does it count as?"

"As...me being your gallant and romantic husband," Ulric grinned wide, not missing a step as he navigated the icy path to Magnus waiting just outside the barn.

Ingrid chuckled and rested her head against his shoulder, "I'm glad you're my husband." She sighed, a sound of blissful contentment, as she clasped her arms around him.

Ulric's heart drummed a mad dance of joy mixed with desolation. How many more moments such as these would they be able to share? he wondered in growing dismay. How was he going to let her go when his time was up?

It was doubtful he'd have much say in the matter, but he decided to put in a request to whichever of the Gods were listening—that if it were at all possible, and if it wouldn't cause her any undue heartache, he wanted to leave this life wrapped in her arms with her kiss fresh on his lips.

He kissed her forehead and breathed, "As am I."

Only once they stood by Magnus did Ulric allow Ingrid's feet to touch the ground, and even then, he did so reluctantly.

"I never thought I'd see anyone gaze at you with such love and adoration, Ulric, especially looking as you do," Magnus murmured. "It's enough to make a person nauseous, but I suppose such behavior is to be expected when dealing with the newly married. Thank the gods that it usually doesn't last long."

Ingrid's smile wavered and then slipped away. Clutching Ulric's hand, she stood on tiptoe and kissed his jaw with trembling lips.

Ulric swallowed past the lump of emotion in his throat, half tempted to cart her over to Toots and race like the devil back somewhere they could spend the next two days alone. Knowing such a thing wasn't possible, he squeezed her hand and prayed for strength.

"Normally, I would caution a woman to prepare herself for what you're about to witness; however, you just married a Berserker, so...ready?" Magnus asked with a wide grin, his hand on the door handle.

Ulric glanced at Ingrid and, at her nod, motioned for Magnus to open the door. "What's his name?"

"He wouldn't say, but I've got a feeling once he sees you, he'll soon change his mind."

"Why is that?"

Magnus gawked. "Have you seen yourself lately? You're terrifying. I'm liable to suffer nightmares for days, if not months, to come."

Ulric raised a self-conscious hand to his stubbly yet undeniably bald head and asked Ingrid, "I'm not that bad looking, am I?"

She shook her head.

"She's blinded by love, so her opinion is skewed and can't be trusted." Magnus rested a hand on Ulric's shoulder and pulled him to a stop, "I mean what I'm about to say in the kindest of terms—"

Reckless Protector: Isaacson Trilogy Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now