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Crisp wind pelted snow and ice against Ulric's bare head and face as he leaned low over Toots' back and kicked him to a faster gallop.

He had no specific destination in mind, as long as it was far enough away from Ingrid that he'd be able to think of his next course of action. Ultimately, he directed Toots toward the cave nestled in the gorge he and his brothers had found and declared theirs when he was fourteen.

It was one of the few places he had ever truly been able to be himself. The dark mysteries of the cave never judged him and found him wanting. He wasn't even sure if having a kinship with a space was possible, but if so, the cave was more than just a hole in the gulch. It spoke to him and soothed the disquiet not even Gunnar was aware rested deep within Ulric's heart.

He often wondered if it was because he was the first to discover it. The thrill and reverence of that day sprang to life as the memory unfolded before his eyes.

They were hunting for antlers and arrowheads, anything they could trade Mr. Foley for a few pieces of candy. Ulric crawled on hands and knees around a massive, tall boulder, sifting his hands through loose dirt for buried treasure, and came face to face with the hidden entrance to the cave.

Chills raced up and down his spine, and he slowly stood. He usually avoided confined spaces, but something about this cave compelled him to enter the silent darkness. He glanced over his shoulder. Gunnar and Esmund were still distracted in their searches. He opened his mouth to call out to them but, for reasons unknown, decided against it.

Holding his breath, he entered the narrow entrance and ran his hand along the length of the left stone wall. His stomach twisted and churned with panic. What was he doing? Were the walls closing in? Was the passageway growing more and more narrow the further in he went?

He ought to turn back before it was too late. Gunnar and Esmund didn't know he was in there; what if they left without him and he became trapped inside?

Clenching his jaw, Ulric stopped and closed his eyes. He was letting his fear take hold. How would he ever be like Father if he couldn't even walk into a dark cave? He could see ahead, couldn't he? So, what was he so afraid of? Stone wouldn't move and close in upon him without making some sound, would it?

He shook his head. No. He could do this.

Ulric took a deep breath, squared his shoulders, and continued walking. However, all noble intentions to be brave vanished when the wall he'd been following the past several feet suddenly fell away beneath his hand. A strangled scream tore from his throat before he could bite it back.

"Ulric," Gunnar called from outside, "You in there?"

"Of course, he's not," Esmund whined, "he'd never go in—"

"Yes," Ulric squeaked out. He had to say something before Esmund pointed out his most embarrassing weakness. He cleared his throat and tried to keep his voice steady as he said, "I'm in here."

A few minutes of silence passed before Gunnar and Esmund started walking down the entrance toward Ulric. The closer they came, the easier Ulric breathed until Gunnar stood at his right and Esmund came up on Ulric's left.

Esmund rubbed his arms and took a step closer to Ulric. "It's cold in here; let's go back outside."

Ulric shook his head and pretended to be brave. "Let's look around first. There might be something in here worth more than a peppermint stick."

"I'll build you a fire if you'd like, Esmund," Gunnar whispered.

"He's just scared," Ulric grumbled, "because he can't see as well in the dark as we can." He licked his lips and took another hesitant step into the vast emptiness ahead.

Reckless Protector: Isaacson Trilogy Book ThreeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin