I grasp slightly and tug at the thing, feeling around for switches or places of weakness, but to no avail. I glare at the group hoping they can't see the fear that sits in my stomach. I've never felt so trapped and scared. I've never had the problem of not being able to escape because I had my powers, but without them, I couldn't fight them off and I definitely couldn't run.

"We don't want to hurt you, kid," Luke promises. They all nod silently, but I don't stop glaring.

"Yeah! We want you to join our team!" A boy with red hair exclaims. The white of their masks narrow as they look at him accusingly. "What? It's true!" he defends quickly.

"I don't like this collar thing," I mutter quietly, still tugging at it.

"Aw, it's okay, cutie," the literal redhead soothes. I realize there's a little red blinking dot on all of their necks and figure it must be what's making all of their voices sound distorted. My hand reaches towards my neck and finds a bead-like dot just to the right of my adam's apple.

Luke clears his throat and adds, "He's not wrong, Kid." He looks me in the eyes sincerely, but I turn my eyes towards the others in the room. "We do want you to join the Elementalists."

"Wait, isn't that that group of powered teenagers who fight local crime around the city? That's you guys?" I ask recalling the time he'd mentioned them after he mentioned the thing about the water hand.

"Yep," a girl with steely silver hair responds.

In my mind, I begin to sort them by their appearances and what I know of the group, for example, the girl who spoke last had no powers but was good in combat and held knives laced with different types of poison or the girl that left the room had a type of charmspeak like mine.

That left for the woman with the deep purple hair to be the shapeshifter and Argent to be the other, as well as the boy with deep blue hair to be the shadow bender and the boy with the light blue to be the light bender. Of course, the fire bender had fire-like red and orange hair which meant that Luke was the speedster. I'd brushed up a little on the group when Luke had mentioned them several times, and now it was weird to think that he was referencing himself and his teammates.

"Will you tell me your names? I should know if I'm joining the group, right? " I inquire curiously.

"Will we? Eventually, maybe, but not right now. We don't even know who you are except for Luke," the woman with purple hair argues matter-of-fact.

"Suit yourself, Twilight Sparkle. But you all look like a band of bronies," I snark crossing my legs and laying my hands on my knees. I don't push further because without them knowing who I am it's not like I can say anything.

They all chuckle as Pippy comes back into the room carrying a mirror. She holds it up to me and I see the most appalling thing ever. Bright green Joker hair appears in place of my black hair.

"Are you- Why green?" I whine blinking hard at my reflection. "This isn't permanent right? I'm not going anywhere looking like this!"

"It's permanent," Luke says grimacing.

"It's not. Please tell me that you're joking," I say seriously distressed, looking around the room for some proof he's lying. It looked bad. Like bad, bad.

"No, he's not serious, he's just being a dick," Killer Frost's lookalike promises punching him in the arm.

My hair turns a lighter shade of green before my eyes and I blink curiously.


"It's an illusion. I can make things appear certain ways for others and for myself," she says creating a rose between her fingertips out of thin air. She drops the rose and it turns to dust before it hits the ground. So not so powerless.

Gone With The Tides - (Percy Jackson/Avengers Story) [boyxboy]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt