Chapter 25: I'm Sorry

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*Shelli's P. O. V*

I'm sat in a cafe about 5 minutes away from jade's flat and my anxiety is flaring. The small bell above the door dings as he enters. He looks around a frown on his face till his eyes catch mine. A small smile appeared on his face before he makes his way over to me. He sits down opposite me and we just sit in silence for a while before he says.
"thank you for agreeing to meet me."
"if I'm honest I need this as much as you Brook I need the closure so I can move past this." I say. "tell me your side of things so I can just understand.
He looks at the table and sighs.
" about a year ago I dated mandy, the girl from the show. " I nodded." to be honest it was a good relationship it was way too rushed for it to ever be anything long lasting. Anyway I ended things with her because she bacame distant and I barley saw her so it was the best thing for me. She hated me for doing it saying I was selfish but by then I had figured she was only dating me for her 15 minutes of fame. "
" but you weren't exclusive to us roadies. No one knows who she is. " I say confused.
" mandys a dancer and because of her connections to me it got her more jobs so that's the main reason she was with me for so long. Anyway for months after the break up I wasn't myself. I put an act on for you guys because I didn't want you to think something was off. I distanced myself from the boys and a lot of my friends. " he took a sip of his drink before continuing." that's around the time maybe just about 6 months ago when I decided to make the Instagram account. Where I met you."
" but why did you make it? " I say.
" I wanted to have something that didn't tie me to the band. Don't get me wrong I love the boys and I love what I do but I hate how fake people can be with me just so they can gain attention. So I made the account just to feel more human and then I stumbled upon your account and thought I have nothing to lose so I messaged you not really expecting much until we got talking. Not going to lie it scared me a bit once I found out you like us. "he said chuckling.
" why would you be scared I wouldn't have care about your fame Brook you are just as normal as the next person you just have a high profile job. " I reply.
" I know it's just you get so used to being told lies that it becomes the same thing that you do. It takes me a while to trust but I trust you more then I do most. " he says.
" so you didn't tell me because you were scared? If I'm honest I surprised I never noticed the hints you had sent me. I re-read the chats an I realised how obvious it was that it was you I was just to blind to really notice. " I say smiling at him which he returned.
" yh I was wondering when you were just going to stop and realise the truth but I must be a good actor. " we laugh before returning to silence. Now that I know whats going on I don't know what to think.
" so mandy only did what she did to get back at you? How did she get all the chats? " this has been something I've thought a lot about.
" well thats the interesting part I found out that Jack and her were sleeping with each other for a while before we broke up and she blackmailed him to get all the chats so she wouldn't tell me the truth when really she told me anyway." I look at him shocked.
" I'm so sorry Brook. " I say taking hand.
" it's fine I'm over it im just really sorry for Lieing shelli I never set out to hurt you you've become one of my best friends. " I smile at him.
" I feel the same. " I say.
" ryes pissed at me as well you know?" he says with a small chuckle.
"whys he mad at you?" I say confused
"because you won't talk to him because of what I did." he says
"why is he so bothered I'm just some roadie." at that Brooklyn scoffs.
"no you arnt he likes you shell a blind person could see that and from the way you talk about him I know you do too so just talk to him." he says giving me those puppy eyes.
"ill talk to him when I next se him but I'm not sure when that's going to be." I say biting my lip.
"why don't you come back with me he's home at the moment so you can talk." He asks.
"you sure it won't make me look like a stalker?" I say with a knowing smile making him laugh.
"we both know you got to that level a while ago." he says dodging my attempts to hit him.
"Come on then let's go and put a smile on his face." Brook says getting up. I get up behind him and we talk all the way to the house. It feels so good to have him back.

My internet Best Friend // Brooklyn Wyatt GibsonWhere stories live. Discover now