chapter 16: Brooklyn

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I stormed into Rye's room making him jump dropping his phone.
"What the hell Brooklyn?!" He shouts as he picks up his phone checking it's ok.
"Not so fun when it's you now is?" I ask which in turn get me a glare.
"If you don't have anything important you know where the door is." He muttered going back to his phone.
"Well this is important and I know your going to want to know this." I tell him.
"What makes you think I want to know what you want to tell me." He asks not looking up from his phone.
"God you two could be twins." I mutter making him look up.
"What" he says.
"Well Shelli just tweeted her and her friend are going to the old flat and I think we should all go." I say
"We could but what do we tell the boys they don't know about Shelli." He asked.
"I'll tell them but please this could be a practice before I 'meet' her in person." I beg.
"Well then I think you've got some explaining to do."

*End of flashback*

Shes just turned around and you could tell from this distance that she was shocked. It was also at this point that I noticed Rye stop and stare at her as she was doing to him. Suddenly she breaks out of her shock at runs towards us and I'm thinking she's going to jump Rye but she actually jumps on me making me lose balance and we both end up on the floor laughing. We get up with small introductions and we get to work on her blog. We had been working for about an hour when we took a break and rye and Shelli go over to the swings talking and laughing which made me smile.
"You really care about her don't you" jack asks.
"She's an amazing friend."is all I say.
"Then why not tell her the truth?" He asks again.
" I'm not ready to go through all that again. "I say
" But she not Mandy and it's obvious she cares about you look at how she reacted when she saw you." He told me
"You sound like Rye." I reply
"That's because it's true and we all see it." He says simply. Just think how she may feel when she finds out she's been lied to." And with that he walks away leaving me to battle with myself.

My internet Best Friend // Brooklyn Wyatt GibsonWhere stories live. Discover now