Chapter 2: are you normal?

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         Chapter Two: Are you normal?
Song of the chapter: "Miss Taken" - Roadtrip

Sup*bitches* is typing...

You: and I don't care that I'm 16 she could almost be my mother...
Wyatt_is_me: wait your 16?
You: I see the way she looks at me with her pen and her paper I know she loves me like...
Wyatt_is_me: I think you've lost your mind mate
You: oh shhh it's just a song and I'm in a good mood so I thought I'd share it with your grumpy little ass 🙌
You: it's my good deed for the day Hun so suck it up!
Wyatt_is_me: and what if I don't? What you gonna do?
You: I'll come through your phone and virtually smak your face for turning down the good mood that I could have shared with anyone but still I chose you.
Wyatt_is_me: and you say I'm bad at making friends?
You: hey I have loads of Friends!
Wyatt_is_me: how many of them have you met in real life?
You: ...
You: that's not the point at least I can talk to people you scare them away with your grumpy attitude
Wyatt_is_me: yh well at least I live in the real world
You: yh well maybe you just need to escape the real world for a while.
You: how about we ask each other 3 questions and you have to answer truthfully?
Wyatt_is_me: sure you go first
You: oh so your a gentleman? Never thought you would be 😂 *shocked*
Wyatt_is_me: just ask your questions *rolls eyes*
You: is your name Wyatt or do you just use it for Instagram?
Wyatt_is_me: it's my middle name
You: will you ever tell me you first name?
Wyatt_is_me: maybe when I know you better but for now I'm just 'Wyatt'
You: ok fair enough so how old are you just Wyatt?
Wyatt_is_me: I'm 19 but I turn 20 in October
You: your turn ask me questions!
Wyatt_is_me: what's you actual name?
You: my name is Shelli
Wyatt_is_me: how old are you Shelli?
You: well I just turned 18 back in June so we're good it's not illegal to talk to each other!
Wyatt_is_me: and my last question is who sang that song you were 'singing' ?
You: the band that sang the song is called Roadtrip and they are my life!
Wyatt_is_me: never heard of them
You: well I'm sorry to tell you but you my friend have not lived because I am addicted to there new song Take This Home and because we're friends you need to listen to it!
You: like right now! ( On Spotify )
Wyatt_is_me: ... It's actually alright
You: I don't believe your actually listed to it I want proof
Wyatt_is_me: and how am I supposed to do that?
You: you have a brain think of something 🤔 well unless you don't then I have no idea how your alive...
Wyatt_is_me: sent you a video
Wyatt_is_me: do you believe me now?
You: thanks Hun means a lot x
Wyatt_is_me: no problem x
You: ha we made progress! x
Wyatt_is_me: yh we did...x

My internet Best Friend // Brooklyn Wyatt GibsonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora