Chapter 22 : Lieing Sometimes Hurts More Then The Truth

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*smiler 🙄 is typing...*

Smiler 🙄: shelli please just let me explain.
Smiler 🙄: I never told you a lie.
Smiler 🙄: i was always me I just got scared.
Smiler 🙄: the account was just a way for me to be me without having a social status.
Smiler 🙄: I never expected for this to happen.
Smiler 🙄: I didn't expect to find someone who actually got me and enjoyed talking to me without knowing who I was.
Smiler 🙄: you made me feel human and God knows its been a while since I felt like that.
Smiler 🙄: that girl that did that well she's my ex and I've not been the same since and now everything's just flipped upside down.
Smiler 🙄: I should have told you who i was and I knew that from the start but it just felt so good just being me and It was selfish of me to think that you would just be OK with that.
Smiler 🙄: I always planned to I just never knew how.
Smiler 🙄: im so so sorry for lying to you.
Smiler 🙄: your my best friend.
Smiler 🙄: please don't shut me out.
Smiler 🙄: don't leave me.
         *Rainbow 🌈 has blocked you*

My internet Best Friend // Brooklyn Wyatt GibsonWhere stories live. Discover now