"She's not in labour yet but we can't let her go because her waters have broken and we don't want any infection" The nurse informs us. We nod and go to join Ellie.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, stroking her hand. "Scared, she's actually coming" A tear rolls down her cheek, I frown. "Everything will be okay, you're going to do amazingly"

She smiles appreciatively and takes my hand.

After a few hours and nothing has happened we all debate on what to do. "I've a shift at work in an hour" I frown. "Well Ellie's dad should be here by now, he's finished his night shift" John checks his watch.

"Why don't you take Darcy home then to work and me and Issac will stay here, maybe get Ellie some water or the nurse said energy drinks?" She looks at Issac for conformation, he nods. "Are you okay with that?" I look at Ellie, she looks tired.

"Yes, go to work" She manages a smile. "Text me if anything happens and I'll catch the bus back" Me and John stand. She nods, "Where's my little girl?" Ellie's dad walks onto the ward with blankets and all sorts. "Dad" Ellie almost cries.

We leave them to it, escaping the ward. "I wonder when she'll go into labour" John mumbles, checking his watch again. "It could be anytime now" I shrug, I'll be so upset if I'm not here for the birth. I know me and Ellie haven't been the best since I found out about the lie but, I was the first one to know about this pregnancy.

We hit the cold breeze as we exit, I hug myself. "How you doing chicken?" John's expression is concerned, I don't think I'm the one he should be worried about. "Today isn't about me. I'm okay" I smile at him before sitting in the passenger seat.

"Just because today isn't about you doesn't mean you don't feel anything, I want to know how my little chicken is" He pinches my cheek, bringing another joyful smile to my face. "I'm okay, seriously. I feel like I'm walking in oblivion almost, like it hasn't hit me yet" I shake my head.

"I'm glad you're holding up, if it wasn't for how strong you're being Issac would be lost. No pressure or anything but we really do appreciate it" His smile glows down on me. "But I know what you mean, I might be a grandad and it hasn't sunk in" He starts the car, it purrs to life smooth and effortlessly.

"Maybe it will when we get the DNA results" I look out the window as we drive off, watching the cars pass. "I don't know if I want Issac to be the dad or not" He sighs. I'm shocked, John is being so open with me, I'm honoured but at the same time shocked. I thought he would be loving the thought of being a grandad.

"Oh?" I glance at him, he frowns. "Even though he's eighteen, he's still my little boy and I want him to get out there and make the most of his life. I think having a baby now will delay that and these are his most important years, these are the years to make the future happen" He offloads.

"I know, he has dreams" I take my eyes off him, diverting them to my lap. "But I think he's grown attached to the thought of being a dad" I frown, fiddling with my fingers.

"He has, you can tell" John mumbles, worry laced in his deep voice. "Even though me and Ellie have had many ups and downs, I still want the best for her. If Nathan is the dad I know he wouldn't help and she'd be on her own" My heart sinks, the thought saddens me.

"Issac would love the bones of that baby" John's voice is very still and quiet. We drive in silence for the rest of the journey to my house, which isn't long. When I arrive I jump out and head inside. I quickly shower - avoiding getting my hair wet - and shove on my work clothes. Trying to make myself as presentable as possible, I french plait my hair.

"Have a good shift" Mom calls from the living room. "Thank you, love you" I shut the front door behind me and I'm back in John's car. "That was quick" He chuckles.

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