Oberyn quickly stood up, the two of them exchanging hits before the Mountain suddenly cut Oberyn's spear in half. Oberyn fell onto the ground and Annalys became anxious. He quickly stood back up, swiftly moving around the area before he lifted up his spear and began to fight with the Mountain once more.

The Mountain ended up grabbing Oberyn, throwing him several feet away before he started to walk toward him. Oberyn blocked the Mountain's hits, just before he stabbed him in the gut with his spear.

He began to walk away as he ripped his spear out of the Mountain's gut, clearly filled with fury, "You raped her! You murdered her!" he shouted angrily and as the Mountain charged at him, Oberyn stabbed him in the back of his legs.

The Mountain fell to his knees, clearly weakened, "You killed her children!" Oberyn growled, beginning to charge at the Mountain.

The Mountain attempted to fight back, but Oberyn ended up stabbing him right in the chest with his spear, causing Annalys' eyes to widen in shock.

Oberyn pulled his weapon out of the Mountain and started walking around his body, "Wait. Are you dying? No, no, no. You can't die yet. You haven't confessed. Say it. Say her name. Elia Martell," Oberyn demanded, "You raped her. You killed her children. Elia Martell," He paused, pointing up to where Tywin Lannister sat, "Who gave you the order? Who gave you the order?! Say her name! You raped her! You murdered her! You killed her children. Say it. Say her name. Say it!"

Annalys practically jumped in fright as the Mountain tripped Oberyn and grabbed him in his massive hands. He punched out his teeth before getting on top of Oberyn, beginning to squeeze his head, "Elia Martell," The Mountain spoke up in a calm tone, "I killed her children. Then I raped her. Then I smashed her head in like this!"

Annalys immediately heard Ellaria scream hysterically and she looked forward to see Oberyn's head smashed with his insides all around him. Annalys closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as a single tear fell down her cheek, not even for her own sake, but for Tyrion's.

Annalys opened her eyes, turning her head to watch as Tywin stood up, "The gods have made their will known," He spoke up loudly, "Tyrion Lannister, in the name of King Tommen of the House Baratheon, First of His Name, you are hereby sentenced to death."


Days later, Annalys moped around the castle, all hope that was formerly inside of her now lost. She was walking down the hallway when she heard Tywin and Cersei arguing. She stopped in front of the room they were arguing in, finding herself eavesdropping, "Do you think you'll be the first person dragged into a sept to be married against her will?" Tywin asked Cersei with an attitude, but it was clear her mother was not going to step down.

"When you marched into the throne room to tell me we'd won the Battle at Blackwater, do you remember?!" Cersei practically screamed at Tyrion and Annalys immediately could hear the way her voice cracked, "I was sitting on the Iron Throne with Tommen. I was about to give him essence of nightshade, that's how far I was willing to go when I thought someone awful had come to take my son away. Someone awful is coming to take him away."

"No," Tywin argued in a stern tone.

"Joffrey is dead. Myrcella's been sold like livestock. And now you want to ship me off wherever, leave my daughter to marry Loras Tyrell and let you steal my boy, my last boy?" Cersei asked her father in disbelief, "Margaery will dig her claws in and you will dig your claws in and you will fight over him like beasts until you rip him apart. Annalys has already been through enough hell and now you want to marry her off to the Tyrell boy? I will burn our house to the ground before I let that happen."

"And how will you do that?" Tywin questioned his daughter, clearly skeptical.

"I'll tell everyone the truth," Cersei responded and Annalys' eyes widened when she realized what her mother was talking about.

"And what truth would that be?" Tywin asked, not understanding what she meant.

"You don't know, do you?" Cersei asked before letting out a small humorless laugh, "You never believed it. How is that possible?" She repeated, only to begin to piece everything together on her own, "What am I saying, of course, it's possible. How can someone so consumed by the idea of his family have any conception of what his actual family was doing? We were right there in front of you and you didn't see us. One look in the past twenty years, one real look and you would've known."

"Known what?" Tywin asked and Annalys could almost picture the frown on his face at that moment.

"Everything they say is true. About Jaime and me," Cersei informed her father, who was quick to argue.

"No, no, no, no, no," Tywin argued, not wanting to believe what Cersei was saying.

"Your legacy is a lie." Cersei continued on, finding no shame in what her father was saying.

"I don't believe you." Tywin continued to argue with Cersei.

"Yes, you do," Cersei responded in a stern tone, "Why do you think Annalys is so close to Jaime?" She mentioned her daughter, causing Annalys to tense up, "You've always made comments about their strong bond, claiming it to be beyond inappropriate. The reason is because she knows. She knows Jaime is her father. She knew this entire time. How is it that she knew the secret by her sixth name day, yet you still haven't figured it out?" Cersei asked him before heading toward the door.

Before she could see Annalys, the blonde princess was quick to walk the other way, not wanting to be caught eavesdropping.


  A few hours later, Annalys made her way down the hallway, searching for Jaime. She soon found him alone and rushed toward him. Jaime frowned when he saw that Annalys was crying and gave her a concerned look, "Annalys, what is it?" He asked the group in concern.

Annalys continued to cry on cue, grabbing Jaime's hand, "Jaime, please. I'm begging you," She pleaded, forcing herself to cry to convince him, "You need to help me get out of this place. I can't marry Loras Tyrell. I refuse to. I would rather die than marry me. You need to help me leave Kings Landing. Both me and Tyrion. You know it's the right thing to do. Please." She begged him, tears streaming down her face.

Jaime stared down at Annalys in shock, his mouth gaped open. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to help Tyrion and Annalys escape, but he feared what would happen if they were caught.

After a moment, Jaime sighed, nodding his head as he placed his hands on the girl's shoulders while speaking to her, "I'll help you, alright? Meet me at Tyrion's cell tonight. I will meet you there with a plan to escape, alright?"

Annalys smiled sadly, nodding her head. Jaime smiled slightly at her, wiping the girl's tears with his hand before he gestured her to go in fear of someone questioning them on what was going on.

Annalys turned on her heel, beginning to walk away with her face immediately going back to normal as if she were never crying.

Her mother was right, no matter how much Annalys tried to deny it. Jaime was, in fact, the stupidest Lannister. He had been played by Annalys and he didn't even realize it. It was clear at that moment, Annalys may have gained many of Jaime's strengths and traits, but she most definitely got her intelligence and cleverness from Tyrion and her skills at manipulation from her mother.

Cersei used sex to get what she wanted. Annalys used sex when necessary, but she almost always used tears and playing the victim to get what she wanted. It worked on almost anyone, especially Cersei and Jaime.


Only one more chapter of act 3 (season 4) then off to act 4 (season five)!

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