106. The Company Doesn't Interfere

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Vanessa thought back to the events of last night as she watched Audrey making breakfast for them.

"I'm wondering if you remember that my graduation is next month." Vanessa said to Cedric.

"I remember. Of course."

"I kinda wanna go and attend the ceremony."

Cedric looked at her.

She continued, "it's been so long since I've met my classmates. And this is the last time I'll ever find them at one place."

"It'll be hard to get you there safely."

"They're my friends, they won't harm me."

"You got discharged from a hospital recently because someone poisoned you at a guarded event. Imagine what can happen at a public one."

"So I can never go anywhere?"

Cedric paused and then sighed. "I'll ask William to allow you."


He nodded. "Oh, by the way, what about your college plans?"

"I won't-"

"My friend's dad owns one really good university." He opened Vanessa's laptop that was nearby and typed something in. "I met him a few days back. They have good programs for people who can't attend classes. Many celebrities get special, personal attention to help them graduate. Here."

He passed the laptop to Vanessa who read the first few lines.

The beautiful private university offers 18 different majors and has partnerships with over a dozen international universities meaning they have a strong exchange program-

Suddenly Vanessa realised what was happening. 'He wants me to go to a college that's linked to him,' she thought, 'every thing about us is linked to him for easy access, monitoring, and alteration. Why are you increasing my doubts, Cedric? Are we dating just so you can control your asset?'

She stopped reading and replied, "I don't plan to go to college. Even Audrey had to drop out-"

"Because she was not in the right college and her job demanded her on road, without being a person of influence."

"Then I'd at least take a gap year. I'm sure it won't hamper much, being a person of influence and all."

"I think you should think carefully. It is your life journey. You shouldn't form conclusions so easily."

Vanessa got up and opened her first beer bottle of the night. "It's crazy how I'm accustomed to taking big decisions so fast that now I feel nothing."

"You have people to guide you, the correct people."

She smiled. "Yes, you and your company."

"My dad's."

"Yours. From what I've seen.. yours."

"What have you seen?"

"Your father wouldn't let you be such a control freak with his company, not to mention your authority is quite huge here."

"Control freak?"

"Vanessa!" Audrey yelled, bringing her back to the present. "Can you turn the stove off? I'm draining the pasta."

Vanessa quickly obliged.

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