21. The Formula Of Success

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That night after the show, Vanessa and Audrey were called by Monica into her private dressing room.

Vanessa noticed on their way that people were giving them ugly stares.

"Come." Monica held the door open and locked it behind them. "You saw the show, Vanessa?"

"I did, ma'am, it was-"

"My name is not ma'am. Your sister took a long time learning that. Hopefully you won't because I feel like we'll be seeing a lot more of each other."

And she couldn't have been more right.

Vanessa half smiled.

"So to the matter at hand," Monica cleared her throat and picked up a cigarette, "uh, do you mind?"

Vanessa did. Cigarettes was all Luke smoked. Its smell reminded her of the times he had held her close.

"Of course not." Audrey replied. Vanessa followed her and shook her head.

"So," Monica inhaled. "I know you two have your doubts and suspicions and uncertainties.." She said in a sing-song voice.

"I just don't think we're fit, to be honest." Audrey said.

Monica chuckled. "Maybe not individually but as a unit? You sisters fit like a jigsaw puzzle, honey. Your weakness is exactly her strength."

"But I'm not practiced enough." Audrey said.

"And you told me I have to work on my voice too." Vanessa spoke for the first time.

"With all sincerity, I personally think Audrey's got a better voice." Monica said with a twinkle in her hazel eyes, which were set on the elder sibling. "Her control of breath is really good for someone who's out of practice. Might be a natural talent."

Audrey smiled but then looked at Vanessa. "What we both expected was for her to-"

"She's got better practice. You've got better voice. She's ready for live singing, you're for performances because you've been doing that for months almost every single night. Am I the only one who is seeing the Yin and Yang situation here?"

"How do you know that for sure? You've heard us separately." Vanessa said and then immediately her eyes widened as she realised what Monica could possibly reply to that.

"You're right. Well. Why don't you two sing something right now?"

"No, no, no." Audrey chuckled. "Vanessa, though.. she'd be pleased to sing something for you."

"Vanessa, listen to me." Monica said gently. "Right now, in the market, you come into the crowd that sings good. There are millions in the whole world who sing good, really good, just like yourself but they don't get a record deal in their hands, do they?"

Vanessa shook her head.

"The problem is, what you offer, many do too. There's nothing setting you apart. That doesn't mean you're not good. You are good, amazing. But there are many like you."

"I understand."

"Your sister and you.." Monica smiled. "Now that's different!"

The sisters shared a contemplating look.

"Cherry on top is that Audrey just needs practice. She's got the voice, the potential. It's just deep under all that layers of dance." Monica wiggled her fingers in Audrey's direction and giggled a bit.

"You two will bring something that's not already there in the market. A sister duo would intrigue the audience. You've both got good looks, and Aiden has always said Audrey that he has seen something vibrant in her. Your talent, Vanessa, has potential. It just needs attention which will be hard to get alone. You'll be lost in the competition. Wouldn't that be an unpleasant waste?"

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