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Third pov

Finally,they were near their destination.The magic weilder school.The outside looked nothing like a school actually,it was hidden quite well.

Kayana parked the car a good distance away and exited along with Ky.There,they hid all evidence of their existance and she then took up a ragged looking pieces of cloth and changed into it.

She then took up some dirt and smeared it onto her clothes and body.

"Remember not to talk properly , okay,and try to act like an asshole..well you ,are but,more desperate asshole kind."

Ky rolled his eyes,and put a hand on his hips.


"Oh yeah.As for names...what was it again?"

"Amanda Jaden and Marco Jaden."

"Right....odd ass names.Thanks Urd."

They both walked the rest of tbe distance,and got more into character as they moved along.It didn't take long to find a four horsemen of John,so she asked her demon to possess one and make it look like it was chasing them.

It was hilarious,really.

The screams were horrid,and Kazu was having the time of his life wrecking everything in his path.He surely did enjoy causing mess and seeing his master and a vampire run around like a bunch of chickens,screaming like morons.


"Oh no I am so scared.!"

"Oi,Sound more scared dammit."

It was even more hilarious when a swarm of locust appeared out of nowhere and sent Kayana trippin all over the place,stubbing her toes,trying to shoe them away.
She was dearly afraid of insects.She hated them.


Ky really wanted to laugh because it was only following her...and well he did end up laughing.

"This really isn't funny,Marco!"

"Heh,that's what you think."

'Ugh...Kazu,I order you to kill them all.These crop infesting pests.'

'Wow.This is gonna be nasty.'

In the blink of an eyes he used the legs of the horsement to slash at all the insects,fucking nasty goo splattered all over the place,and Kayana vomitted.

It smelt like rotten beetle juice.

And that was a horrible smell.

Apparantly that act itself caused enough noise to bring alert to the magic school patrol unit,cause in less than a few seconds It was being shot down.Kazu removed himself and returned to her,in the form of a necklace.

He couldn't be seen.

She still managed to get her act together and put on the show of a life time.

"M-marco,a-are you okay?" Ky was on the ground,pretending to be unconscious.He didn't breathe very much,almost as if he weren't breathing as all.

Kayana's eyes teared up in fake panick and worry.

"Hey!Hey wake up!Hey!" It didn't help that her torn up dress was ripped even more...she bet Kazu did that on purpose.She was pretty sure every human could see her underwear because for whatever reason they kept staring at her instead of moving to help.

(Editing)The Light And The Darkness. Seraph Of The End X Reader Fanfiction  Where stories live. Discover now