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Third pov

"Ky...we shouldn't be doing this right now..."

"Says who?It's not against the laws and you honestly seem to be enjoying this."

Kayana turned her head to the side,half embarrassed.Her puprle locks were held above her head by the 5th progenitor's hand,exposing her bruised neck.

"I can't even with you.Just go ahead...but d-d-ah~"

"What?Don't be rough?" He inquired,licking his lips,not at all trying to hide his lust for her blood.

"Y-yeah..gosh look at that bite." She muttered,cringing a bit at how he tore her flesh so carelessly.Had the sadist forgotten she could still feel pain?No,he probally did that on purpose,in fact he did do it in purpose

Ky rolled his eyes and took her hands,pinning them down behind her head.He pressed his chest to hers and went back to the wound,disregarding her weak pleads for him to let go.

"I like it~And I love the taste of what's coming out of that hole."


"It's no joke hun~,Mind giving me more?"

"Oh my G-Fucking dammit Ky...Stop ripping my skin apart like that!"

"Shh,I know you like it rough.Yeah,just like that,want me to suck it hard and run my mouth slowly~"

"WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING,KY.You just asked for a sip,why are y-y-

He cut her off with a bloody kiss,smudging her own blood on her lips with his.She didn't even bother to put up a struggle,it's not like she didn't enjoy it,but it has to stop at one point in time,Perhaps because her demon were an Incubus,which made things extremely difficult for her to handle,but she had to try,though one part of her mind liked the idea of them being alone,secluded amd away from prying eyes where they could basically do anything they want.

"Geeze,I'm a vampire and I still find you oddly irresistable and attractive.What is it?What do you have that they don't,hmm?I just feel
like r-

"Aight romeo.We can do this in a room but not a fricken car,k.So back up because I'm sleepy as hell and right now isn't the time for your shenanigans."

He didn't listen though.Instead he smiled sweetly,but his words were laced with venom.

"Dear Kayana-chan,have you really forgotten?I think by now you should have realsied how badly your self image has been depicted.Let me teach you a thing or two about our race.We have no emotions.We are immortal and have been alive for thousands and hundreds of years.We've seen many things and experienced many things.I understand you have that demon of yours but keep yourself in check.In order to have the counsil's respect you need to gain it and as much as I enjoy our flirty moments you'll never gain that respect if you wake up in a different man's bed every morning."

This just made her angry,but she knew he was telling the truth. Whether it was for your own good or not wasn't clear,but it was for a reason.

"I know you have to adjust to our lifestyle but you have to do it faster.This world is unforgiving and if you fail to act accordingly I can assure you.You will not last."

"If I were someone else in this position.It doesn't take much effort for me to kill you.You're at my mercy.Your weakness is lust,is it not?"

Kayana who had not spoken this whole time didn't know how to react
Confused as to why he was telling her things such as this,she just nodded.

"You're going to have to fix that.We have many plans ahead and you really will die if you keep going at this rate.Do you really think people in this world are going to drop dead for a one night stand with a beautiful girl?Power,sex and money is what people crave,That is how it has always been.That is what drives those humans to their own destruction,to their own demise. I must admit,I did fall for your charms,that demon if your's is quite effeftive but I have to keep my position.I'm afraid we can't have this being done all the time,perhaps focus on getting your ranks and respect up for now while you're still a young one?"
Ky got up and stared outside,eyes now showing boredom and disinterest.

She rolled her eyes and sighed

"HEH,it would be so much easier if I were not put to live with a bunch of phsycos with op (over powered)/gorgeousness,and I'm ugly tho,I don't even know why anyone would look at this face and say 'WOw lOok aT hoW cuTe shE is."

Ky hummed.

"Well correction.You are gorgeous .I just don't think the majority of us are looking to be slept with right now."

"Yeah genius.You made that pretty clear with your long ass speech just now.Yet,you seem to entertain my a advances...." She grumbled,feeling disgusted with her own actions and mortified.
'I took some Ls today bois....'


As the car kept going,Kayana imagined what the school would be like and what would happen there.Whilst she didn't like the idea of slaughtering innocent people,she had a plan to kill the men incharge of the experimentation.

Children are literally mindless and easy to manipulate.They listen to everything and believe it without a second though,because that's the way they were taught .In school you are taught to listen to your elders because they know right and what's best yet Kayana couldn't disagree more.

She lives in a world full of humans ,vampires, seraphs and other things.She understood how poeple really think.Even in a world full of antagonists and 'villains'. Who really was the cruelist of them all?Who really fucked things up in the first place.Who made the world like this to begin with?


Those silly adults who taught her nonsensical shit.

Of course Ferid was an exception.His cruelty was...just remakable..but he was also really sweet and cute when he was ready to be,but that was all just a facade. The facade...she unfortunately fell in love with. The cruel male that made her feel unfamiliar emotions,that male who pulled many strings,tugged at many and broke many.

There was already a feeling that it was unavoidable to let all the children live.Some or maybe even all would have to die by her hands.

She knew it had to be done but would at least let those who are not already used by the magic weilders stay in the vampire city.

Children were fragile and hate sudden change.Human beings should know that yet,even after the catastrophe and losing so many,they chose greed over need.They need to keep the children safe to secure the future and rebuild the world,yet they choose to use them as ginuea pigs for power.HOW DUMB

However,it was their choice and soon they would suffer the consequences at her hands.

"There is no more hope for this world." She commented.

"There was never any to begin with."


(Editing)The Light And The Darkness. Seraph Of The End X Reader Fanfiction  Where stories live. Discover now